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Page 48 of 86 (Results 2351 to 2400 of 4263) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Irwing, Robert Naturalis historia. Pliny, the elder. Parma 1480
Irwing, Sml. Nicomachean ethics Latin Aristotle. Paris 1496-1500
Irwyng, Alexander Naturalis historia. Pliny, the elder. Parma 1480
Irwyng, M. Richard Naturalis historia. Pliny, the elder. Parma 1480
J., M. S. S. Rituum ecclesiasticorum sive sacrarum cerimoniarum SS. Romanae Ecclesiae, libri tres, non ante in Germania impressi. Catholic Church Cologne 1557
Jack, A. A. Sketches of natural history. Howitt, Mary Botham London 184?
Jack, Patrick De triplici vita. Ficino, Marsilio Paris 1494?
Jaffrey, Alex. The second Punick war between Hannibal, and the Romanes. Silius, Italicus. London 1661
James, A.J. Historia naturalis. Pliny, the elder. Venice 1535-40
Jameson, Alex. Precationes in singulos septimanae dies conscriptae. Habermann, J. Wittenberg 1585
Jameson, Gul. Lives. [Greek] Plutarch. Basel 1533
Jameson, Gulielmus Precationes in singulos septimanae dies conscriptae. Habermann, J. Wittenberg 1585
Jameson, Jo. Orationum Ingolstadiensium tomus primus quae continet materias theologicas, iuridicas, medicas et philosophicas. Rotmarus, V. Ingolstadt 1571
Jameson, John Les vies des evesques et papes de Rome, depuis la dispersion des disciples de Jesus Christ, jusques a Pie quatrieme... Bale, J. Lyon 1563
Jamesone, Williame Trigonometry: or The doctrine of triangles. First written in Latine, by Bartholomew Pitiscus, and now translated into English, by Ra:... Pitiscus, B. London 1614
Jamesone, Williame A regiment for the sea. Bourne, William London 1576
Jamesonn, Williame A booke called the Treasure for traveilers, devided into five bookes or partes, contayning very necessary matters, for all sortes... Bourne, W. London 1578
Jamesonn, Williame Abraham Ortelius his epitome of the theater of the worlde. Ortelius, Abraham London 1603
Janseinus, D., Brixiensis Ennarationes in epistolas S. Pauli. Theophylactus,of Ochrida, Archbishop of Ochrida,ca. 1050-ca. 1108. Rome 1477
Jefrus?, Alexander Les diuerses lecons de Pierre Messie. Mexia, P. Lyon 1584
Jhonston, T.M. Chronologia, hoc est, omnium temporum & annorum ab initio mundi, usque ad annum M.D.LIII. Computatio. Funck, J. Basel 1554
Jhonston, W. Theoricae novae planetarum. Peurbach, Georg von. Paris 1553
Jhonston, W. M. Vitruvii de architectura libri decem nuper maxima diligentia castigati utque excusi, additis, Iulii Frontini de aqueductibus libris propter materiae... Vitruvius. Florence 1522
Jhonstoun, George The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
John Rutherford Lectionum antiquarum libri XXX Rhodiginus, Lodovicus Caelius,1 Basel 1560
Johnestone, J. Synopsis historiarum et methods nova. Beurer, J.J. Hanover 1599
Johnestoun, Adam. In evangelium secundum Matthaeum, Marcum et Lucam commentarii ex ecclesiasticis scriptoribus collecti, novae glossae ordinariae specimen, do nec meliora dominus. Estienne, R. Paris 1553
Johnston Nicomachean ethics Latin Aristotle. Paris 1496-1500
Johnston, Arthur Arithmeticae practicae methodus facilis. Gemma, R. Antwerp 1547
Johnston, David The Byble, that is to say all the Holy Scripture: In whych are contayned the Olde and New Testamente truly... Becke, E. London 1549
Johnston, James De lamiis et phitonicis mulieribus. Molitoris, Ulricus. Strassburg 1489?
Johnston, James Interpretationes somniorum Danielis prophete Daniel,the prophet. Leipzig 1488?
Johnston, William Joan. Buteonis logistica, quae & arithmetica vulgo dicitur. Borrel, J. Lyon 1560
Johnston, William A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. Wherein is exactly set downe the definiton, causes, accidents, prognostications, and cures... Lowe, P. London 1634
Johnston, WIlliam Mikrokosmographia. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies and figures thereto belonging. Collected and translated out... Crooke, H. London 1616
Johnston, William De ratione & usu dierum criticorum ... Aliorum astrologorum. Boderius, T. Paris 1555
Johnston, William Medicinal experiments. Boyle, R. London 1693
Johnston, William Aetious Amidenou biblion iatrikon tomos a, toutesti biblia okto ta prota Aetius, Amidenus Venice 1534
Johnston, William Petri Andreae Matthioli commentarij in sex libros Pedacij Dioscoridis de medica materia Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500-1577 Venice 1570
Johnston, William Optica et catoptrica Greek & Latin 1557 Euclid Paris 1557
Johnston, William De historia stirpium commentarij insignes Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566 Lyon 1551
Johnston, William Exterarum fere omnium et praecipuarum gentium anni ratio, & cum Romano collatio Lalamant, Jean Geneva 1571
Johnston, William Geographia Latin 1525 Ptolemy, 2nd cent. Strasbourg 1525
Johnston, William Elucidatio fabricae vsusque astrolabii Stoeffler, Johann, 1452-1531 Oppenheim 1524
Johnston, Wm. Aetious Amidenou biblion iatrikon tomos a, toutesti biblia okto ta prota. Aetius, A. Venice 1534
Johnston, Wm. Henrici Cornelli Agrippae de occulta philosophia libri tres. Agrippa, H.C. Cologne 1533
Johnstone, J.F. Kellas Stratagematum satanae libri octo. Aconcio, I. Basel 1565
Johnstone, J.F.Kellas Georgii Buchanani Scoti Franciscanus et fratres: Elegiarum liber I: Silvarum liber I: Hendecasyllabon liber I: Epigrammaton libri III: Quibus iam... Buchanan, G. Heidelberg 1594-7
Johnstone, J.F.Kellas The catechisme, that is to say, ane commone and catholik instructioun of the Christin people in materis of our catholik... Hamilton, J. St Andrews 1552
Johnstone, J.F.Kellas The shepheards kalendar: newly augmented and collected. London 1656