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Page 46 of 86 (Results 2251 to 2300 of 4263) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Henryson, Alexander Prima lec. Dominci de Sancto Gemi. Super sexto li. Decre. Cum apostillis Erimii ... Doctoris mediolanensis... Bernardini ex capitaneis de... Dominicus, de Sancto Germiniano. Lyon 15--
Henryson, J. Historiarum tribus tomis discretarum. Antoninus, of Florence. Lyon 1517
Henryson, Simon Chirurgia Guidonis de Cauliaco. Guido, de Cauliaco. Lyon 1537
Henryson, Thomas Tractatus super regulis iuris. Dinus, de Mugello. Paris 1500
Henrysoun, Simion Medicae praedictionis methodus, hoc est, recta brevisque ratio coram aegris praeterita, praesentia, futuraque praedicenti, morbos scilicet, morborumque causas. Taurellus, H. Frankfurt 1581
Hepburn, Alr. De materia medica libri sex. Dioscorides Florence 1518
Hepburn, F. (T?) Ferdinandi Mena methodus febrium omnium. Mena, F de. Antwerp 1568
Hepburn, Francis The bloody tribunal: or An antidote to Popery: being a review of the horrid cruelties of the inquisition, as practised... Marchant, J. Aberdeen 1770
Hepburn, James Quinta [-sexta] pars huius operis in se continens glossam ordinariam cum expositione literali & morali Reverendi patris Nicolai Lyrani. Nicolaus, of Lyra Lyon 1529
Hepburn, James Beautiful blossomes, gathered by John Byshop, from the best trees of all kyndes, diuine, philosophicall, astronomicall, cosmogrephical, historical & humane. Bishop, J. London 1577
Hepburn, M.A. Hieron. Zanchii de operibus Dei intra spacium sex dierum creatis opus: tres in partes distinctum. Zanchi, G. Neustadt an der Weinstrasse 1591
Hepburn, Robt., of Rickarton Beautiful blossomes, gathered by John Byshop, from the best trees of all kyndes, diuine, philosophicall, astronomicall, cosmogrephical, historical & humane. Bishop, J. London 1577
Heriot, Adam Divi Ambrosii episcopi Mediolanensis omnia opera accuratissime revisa: atque in tres partes nitidissime excusa. Eiusdam sanctissimi Ambrosii vita: a Paulino... Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan. Basel 1516
Heriot, Adam Biblia Latina (cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guillelmi Britonis in omnes prologos S. Hieronymii...). Nicolaus, of Lyra Venice 1481
Heriot, Adam In Mosis Genesim plenissimi commentarii, in quibus veterum & recentiorum sententiae diligenter expenduntur. ed. Musculus, W. Basel 1554
Heriot, Adam De scripturae sanotae authoritate, certitudine, firmitate & absoluta perfectione, deque episcoporum institutione & functione, contra superstitionis tyrannidisque Romanae antistites libri... Bullinger, H. Zurich 1544?
Heriot, Adam Melliflui devotique doctoris Sancti Bernardi abbatis Clarevallen Cisterciensis ordinis. Opus preclarum suos complectens sermones de tempre: de sanctis: et super... Bernard, of Clairvaux, St. Paris 1517
Heriot, Adam Sacrorum utriusque Testamenti librorum absolutissimus index, quas concordantias maiores vocant: tu vel maximas appelles, licet. Basel 1561
Heriot, Adam The institution of Christian religion... Calvin, J. London 1561
Heriot, Adam Tomus tertius continens Collectanea Venerablis Bede Presbyteri in Epistolas diui Pauli apostoli, ex operibus sanctissimi & doctissimi ecclesiae catholicae episcopi... Bede,the Venerable, Saint,673-735 Paris 1522
Heriot, Adam Eusebii Caesarie[n]sis Episcopi Chronico[n]: quod Hieronymus presbyter diuino eius ingenio Latinum facere curauit & usque in Vale[n]te[m] Caesarem Romano adiecit... Eusebius, Bishop of Emesa Paris 1518
Herrssell, Nicholas Lectiones decem. Prideaux, J. Oxford 1626
Hervie, Jacobus, de Boyndie. Martyrologium Venerablis Bedae presbyteri. Bede, the Venerable, St. Antwerp 1564
Hervie, Patrick, de Boyndie Martyrologium Venerablis Bedae presbyteri. Bede, the Venerable, St. Antwerp 1564
Herwye, Andreas, de Boyndie De historia stirpium commentarij insignes. Fuchs, L. Lyon 1551
Hester, Rogers The iliad of Homer Homer London 1720-1721
Hewyson, Andrew De triplici vita. Ficino, Marsilio Paris 1494?
Hierr, W.P. Common places of Christian Religion. Musculus, W. London 1578
Hilson, George Proof for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esquire, defender, in the reduction, the Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton, and Sir... Edinburgh 1766
Hoby, Edward Occasio arrepta, neglecta, huius commoda, illius incommoda David, Jan Antwerp 1605
Hodgson, Samuel De officiis. Cicero, M.T. Basel 1563
Holden, Hen. Svmma Conciliorvm et Pontificvm Catholic Church. Lyon 1568
Holland House Library Cl. Claudiani opera quam diligentissime castigata... Claudianus, C. Venice 1523
Holland House Library Silii Italici de bello punico secundo XVII libri nuper diligentissime castigati. Silius, Italicus. Venice 1523
Holland House Library In hoc volumine haec continentur ... Io. Baptistae Egnatii de caesaribus libri tres. Cipelli, G.B. Venice 1519
Hollis, Thomas The life of John Milton, ... with Amyntor, or A defence of Milton's life, ... and various notes now added. Toland, John London 1761
Hollis, Thomas Two treatises of government. Locke, John London 1764
Hollis, Thomas Plato redivivus; or, A dialogue concerning government. Neville, Henry London 1763
Hollis, Thomas The confessional. Blackburne, Francis London 1767
Hollis, Thomas The origin and structure of the Greek tongue, in a series of letters addressed to a young nobleman. Sharpe, Gregory London 1767
Hollis, Thomas Considerations on the present state of the controversy between the Protestants and Papists of Great Britain and Ireland. Blackburne, Francis London 1768
Hollis, Thomas Anecdotes of painting in England, with some account of the principal artists, and incidental notes on other arts. Walpole, Horace Strawberry Hill 1762
Hollis, Thomas Biographia Britannica; or, The lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the... London 1747-1766
Hollis, Thomas The doctrine of fluxions, not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its application and use in the several parts... Emerson, William London 1757
Hollis, Thomas The elements of optics. Emerson, William London 1768
Hollis, Thomas The elements of trigonometry. Emerson, William London 1764
Hollis, Thomas New experiments and observations on electricity. Franklin, Benjamin London 1754
Hollis, Thomas Experiments and observations on different kinds of air. Priestley, Joseph London 1775-77
Hollis, Thomas Tryals for high-treason, and other crimes : with proceedings on bills of attainder, and impeachments, for three hundred years past. Salmon, Thomas London 1720
Hollis, Thomas Reflections on the government of Indostan. Scrafton, Luke London 1770