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Page 40 of 86 (Results 1951 to 2000 of 4263) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Grant, Archibald The modern husbandman, for the month of June. Ellis, William London 1742
Grant, Archibald A new and complete system of practical husbandry : containing all that experience has proved to be most useful in... Mills, John London 1762-65
Grant, Archibald New and correct tables : shewing, both in Scots and sterling money, the price of any quantity of grain, &c. Thomson, John Edinburgh 1761
Grant, Archibald Observations on live stock, containing hints for choosing and improving the best breeds of the most useful kinds of domestic... Culley, George London 1786
Grant, Archibald Observations on modern gardening, illustrated by descriptions. Whately, Thomas London 1771
Grant, Archibald The planter's guide : or, Pleasure gardener's companion. Meader, James London 1779
Grant, Archibald Practical agriculture : or, A complete system of modern husbandry. Dickson, R. W. London 1805
Grant, Archibald A practical treatise of husbandry : wherein are contained, many useful and valuable experiments and observations in the new husbandry. Duhamel du Monceau London 1759
Grant, Archibald Present state of husbandry in Scotland : extracted from reports made to the commissioners of the annexed estates, and published... Wight, A. Edinburgh 1778-84
Grant, Archibald The principles of agriculture and vegetation. Home, Francis Edinburgh 1757
Grant, Archibald Rural oeconomy : or, Essays on the practical parts of husbandry. Young, Arthur London 1770
Grant, Archibald Select transactions of the Honourable Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland : directing the husbandry of... Honourable Society of Improvers Edinburgh 1743
Grant, Archibald A systematic arrangement of British plants : with an easy introduction to the study of botany. Withering, William London 1801
Grant, Archibald A treatise on cattle. Mills, John London 1776
Grant, Archibald A treatise on forest-trees. Boutcher, William Edinburgh 1775
Grant, Archibald A treatise on the diseases and management of sheep : with introductory remarks on the anatomical structure. Mackenzie, George Stuart Edinburgh 1809
Grant, Archibald The whole art of husbandry : or, The way of managing and improving the land. Mortimer, John London 1712
Grant, Archibald of Monymusk An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Grant, Dr. Gregory Several vols of Edinburgh medical theses c1750-90. 1750-90
Grant, Francis [Sir, Lord Cullen] The actis and constitutionis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be Kingis James the First, Second, Third,... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1566
Grant, I.C. Memoirs of Maximilien de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great. Sully, Maximilien de Bethune Edinburgh 1773
Grant, John Lyall [12 pamphlets relating to King's and Marischal Colleges] King's College. Aberdeen. Senatus. Aberdeen 1848-53
Grant, Sir A., of Monymusk The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successours Kinges of Scotland. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Grant, Sir Arch. A complete history of the most remarkable transactions at sea, from the earliest accounts of time to the conclusion of... Burchett, J. London 1720
Grant, Sir Archibald Chronicon rusticum-commerciale : or, Memoirs of wool, &c. Smith, John London 1747
Grant, Wm., Lord Prestongrange The actis and constitutionis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be Kingis James the First, Second, Third,... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1566
Graunt, Thomas MSS 7, 10, 219, 240, 244.
Gray, Charle Summa theologica. Antoninus, of Florence. Strassburg 1490
Gray, John A relation of a journey begun An: Dom: 1619. Foure bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Aegypt,... Sandys, G. London 1615
Gray, John The Byble, that is to saye, all the Holye Scripture: in whiche are contayned the Olde and New Testament ...... London 1551
Gray, Robert Cum additionibus do. Andree de Pomate de Basignana ... Bar. Super prima (secunda parte) ff. Infortiati cum apostillis antea positis.... Bartolus, de Saxoferrato. Lyon 1522
Gray, Robert Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones universales: ac etiam cum expositione Christophori de Honestis in Antidotarium eiusdem. Additiones Petri... Yuhanna ibn Masawayh Lyon 1519
Gray, Robert De medica materia libri sex. Dioscorides Florence 1518
Gray, Robert De triplici vita. Ficino, Marsilio Paris 1494?
Gray, Roberti Que in hoc volumine continentur. Antiqua Thegni Galeni translatio cum commento Haly Radoan. Nova eiusdem Galeni translatio cum expositione Jacobi... Jacobus, de Forlivio. Venice 1519
Gray, Vilhelmus De legibus Cicero, M.T. Paris 1552
Gray, William La mer des croniques et mirouer historial de France, jadiz composee en Latin lequel traicte de tous les faictz advenus... Gaguin, R. Paris 1518
Gray, William A chronicle of all the noble Emperours of the Romaines, from Iulius Caesar, orderly to Maximilian, that now governeth, with... Reynoldes, R. London 1571
Greayneville, Mary Sermons. Calvin, J. London 1579
Greenlaw, John Confutatio nouitiae fidei, (quam vocant specialem.) ... Adiunctus est et tractatus de cathedrae Petri perpetua protectione et firmitate ... /... Hessels, Joannes Louvain 1562
Gregor, Johannes Biblia sacrosancta Testamenti Veteris & Novi, e sacra Hebraeorum lingua Graecorumque fontibus, consultis simul orthodoxis interpretibus, religiosissime translata in sermonum... Juda, L. Zurich
Gregorie, James The herball or Generall historie of plantes Gerard, John. London 1636
Gregory Library Liber de potestate et sapientia dei Hermes,Trismegistus Venice 1493
Gregory, David Laurentii Vallae de linguae Latinae elegantia libri sex, iam novissime de integro bona fide emaculati. Valla, L. Paris 1535
Gregory, David A dictionarie in Spanish and English / first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale, gent. Now enl. And... Perceval, R. London 1599
Gregory, David Nuovo spicilegio volgare et latino. Venuti, F. Rome 1592
Gregory, David Isaias expositus a P. Gabriele Alvarez Oropesano e Societate Jesu interprete S. Scripturae in Aragonia provincia. Nunc primum prodit, trigemino... Alvarez, G. Lyon 1623
Gregory, David Synonyma. Ruland, M. Augsburg 1571
Gregory, John Enchiridion militis Christiani. Erasmus, D. Basel 1551
Gregory, John Lud. Carrionis emendationum et observationum. Carrio, L. Paris 1583