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Page 39 of 86 (Results 1901 to 1950 of 4263) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Gordon, Wm. Des. Erasmi Rot. operum tertius tomus epistolas complectens universas quotquot ipse autor unquam evulgavit, aut evulgatas voluit, quibus praeter novas... Erasmus, D. Basel 1540
Gordon, Wm. Le premier volume des grans decades de Tytus Livius. Livy. Paris 1530
Gordon, Wm. A relation of a journey begun An: Dom: 1619. Foure bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Aegypt,... Sandys, G. London 1615
Gordon, Wm. Luciferi Episcopi Calaritani opuscula. Lucifer, of Caligari. Paris 1568
Gordone, Franciscus Liber theoricae necnon practicae Alsahavarii. Abulcasim Augsburg 1519
Gordone, Franciscus Octavii Horatiani rerum medicarum lib. Quatuor. Horatianus, O. Strasbourg 1532
Gordone, Franciscus Dinus in chirurgia cum tractatu eiusdem de ponderibus & mensuris: necnon de emplastris & unguentis. Avicenna Venice 1543
Gordone, John M. Tul. Ciceronis pro M. Marcello oratio. Cicero, M.T. Paris 1552
Gordone, Robert Tithes examined, and proved to bee due to the clergie by a divine right. Whereby the contentious and prophane atheists,... Carleton, G. London 1606
Gordone, William Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami epitome. Ex novissima Chiliadum recognitione excerpta. Erasmus, D. Lyon 1550
Gordoun, Jacobi Enarrationes vetustissimorum theologorum, in Acta quidem Apostolorum & in omnes D. Pauli ac Catholicas epistolas ab Oecumenio: in Apocalysim vero,... Henten, J. Paris 1545
Gordoune, Besse Inventarium seu repertorium generale Gabrielis byel sup quattuor libros sententarium. Biel, G. Paris 1514
Gordoune, George Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami epitome. Ex novissima Chiliadum recognitione excerpta. Erasmus, D. Lyon 1550
Gourdoun, Franciscus Pharmacorvm omnivm, qvae in vsv potiss. Svnt, componendorvm ratio opera et stvdio collegii medici Norembergensis. Cordus, V. Nuremberg 1592
Gourgeo, J Epistolae diaphoron philosophon Mousouros, Markos Venice 1499
Grafton, Duke of. (Fitzroy, Augustus Henry) Cl. Claudiani opera quam diligentissime castigata... Claudiani. Venice 1523
Grahame, John, of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee I.G. De rebus auspiciis serenissimi, et potentissimi Caroli dei gratia Magnae Brittaniae regis, &c. Sub imperio illustrissimi Jacobi Montisrosarum Marchionis,... Wishart, G. Paris 1648
Grant, Alex Thomson Aetious Amidenou biblion iatrikon tomos a, toutesti biblia okto ta prota. Aetius. Venice 1534
Grant, Archibald A compleat body of distilling. Smith, George London 1725
Grant, Archibald A complete body of husbandry : collected from the practice and experience of the most considerable farmers in Britain. Bradley, R. London 1727
Grant, Archibald The complete farmer : or, A general dictionary of husbandry, in all its branches. Society of Gentlemen London 1769
Grant, Archibald The complete grazier : or, Farmer's and cattle breeders and dealer's assistant. Horne, Thomas Hartwell London 1839
Grant, Archibald The complete grazier : or, Gentleman and farmer's directory. Horne, Thomas Hartwell London 1776
Grant, Archibald Flora anglica. Hudson, William London 1762
Grant, Archibald An essay on ways and means for inclosing, fallowing, planting, &c. Scotland. Macintosh, William Edinburgh 1729
Grant, Archibald Farriery improv'd : or, A compleat treatise upon the art of farriery [vol. 1] Bracken, Henry London 1745
Grant, Archibald The complete grazier : or, Gentleman and farmer's directory. Horne, Thomas Hartwell London 1767
Grant, Archibald Essays relating to agriculture and rural affairs. Anderson, James Edinburgh 1775
Grant, Archibald Every man his own gardener : Being a new, and much more complete gardener's kalendar than any one hitherto published. Mawe, Thomas London 1773
Grant, Archibald The experimental husbandman and gardener : containing a new method of improving estates and gardens. Agricola, Georg Andreas London 1726
Grant, Archibald The farmer's instructor : or, The husbandman and gardener's useful and necessary companion. Trowell, Samuel London 1747
Grant, Archibald The farmer's letters to the people of England : containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman. Young, Arthur London 1768
Grant, Archibald Farriery improv'd : or, A compleat treatise upon the art of farriery [vol. 2] Bracken, Henry London 1743
Grant, Archibald A discourse on the cultivation of waste and barren lands (Flax & wool) Turbilly, Marquis de London 1762
Grant, Archibald The flax-husbandman and flax-dresser instructed : or, The best methods of flax-husbandry and flax-dressing explained, in several letters, / by... Dublin Society Glasgow 1756
Grant, Archibald The gardener's and planter's calendar : containing the method of raising timber-trees, fruit-trees, and quick, for hedges. Weston, Richard London 1773
Grant, Archibald The gardeners dictionary : containing the methods of cultivating and improving all sorts of trees, plants, and flowers. Miller, Philip London 1754
Grant, Archibald The gardeners kalendar : directing what works are necessary to be done every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens,... Miller, Philip London 1757
Grant, Archibald The gardener's new kalendar : divided according to the twelve months of the year. Hill, John London 1758
Grant, Archibald The gardener's pocket-calendar, containing the most approved methods of cultivating the useful and ornamental plants for the kitchen-garden, flower-garden, and... Ellis, Thomas London 1776
Grant, Archibald The gentleman's stable directory : or, Modern system of farriery. Taplin, William London 1793
Grant, Archibald Gardener's pocket-book; or, Country gentleman's recreation. Hill, John London 1751
Grant, Archibald Husbandry and trade improv'd : being a collection of many valuable materials relating to corn, cattle, coals, hops, wool, &c. Houghton, John London 1728
Grant, Archibald Ichnographia rustica : or, The nobleman, gentleman, and gardener's recreation. Switzer, Stephen London 1742
Grant, Archibald Ichnographia rustica : or, The nobleman, gentleman, and gardener's recreation. Switzer, Stephen London 1718
Grant, Archibald An introduction to botany : Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical... Lee, James London 1760
Grant, Archibald Of husbandry, in twelve books, and his book concerning trees. Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus London 1745
Grant, Archibald The ladies' companion to the flower-garden. Loudon, Jane London 1844
Grant, Archibald Miscellaneous dissertations on rural subjects. Forbes, Francis London 1775
Grant, Archibald Modern Eden : or, The gardener's universal guide. Rutter, John London 1769