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Page 3 of 90 (Results 101 to 150 of 4462) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Aberdeen, Ishbel, Lady Anecdotes of the Connaught circuit: From its foundation in 1604 to close upon the present time / by Oliver J.... Burke, O. J. Dublin 1885
Aberdeen, Ishbel, Lady Ireland from the Union to Catholic emancipation: a study of social, economic, and administrative conditions, 1800-1829. Chart, D. A. London 1910
Aberdeen, Ishbel, Lady Songs from Leinster. Letts, W. M. London 1913
Aberdeen, Ishbel, Lady The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Aberdeen, John Campbell Gordon, Earl of Archie Gordon: an album of recollections. Aberdeen and Temair, John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, Marquess of 1910
Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel The Irish song book, with original Irish airs. Graver, A. P. London 1905
Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel To-day and to-morrow in Ireland: essays on Irish subjects. Gwynn, S. L. Dublin 1903
Aberdeen, Marischal College Library Sketches from John O'Groat's in prose and verse. Calder, J. T. Wick 1842
Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral Tomus tertius continens Collectanea Venerablis Bede Presbyteri in Epistolas diui Pauli apostoli, ex operibus sanctissimi & doctissimi ecclesiae catholicae episcopi... Bede, the Venerable, Saint Paris 1522
Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral D. Ioannis Chrysosto opera: quae hactenus versa sunt omnia, ad Graecorum codicum collationem multis in locis emendata. Chrysostom, John, Saint Basel 1530
Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral Bartolus super prima Infortiati cum additionibus antea positis Additis etiam apostillis Andree Barba. Siculi et domini Andree de Pomate de... Bartolus, de Saxoferrato. Lyon 1511
Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral Bartolus super secunda parte Digesti novi cum additionibus Antea positis. Additis etiam apostillis Andree Barba. Sicule et dominis. Andree de... Bartolus, de Saxoferrato. Lyon 1511
Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral Prima lec. Dominci de Sancto Gemi. Super sexto li. Decre. Cum apostillis Erimii ... Doctoris mediolanensis... Bernardini ex capitaneis de... Dominicus, de Sancto Germiniano. Lyon 15--
Aberdeen, St. Machar's Cathedral Repertorium aureum Mincuccius, A. Lyon 1510
Aboyne, John Gordon, 3rd Earl. Titi Livii Potavini Romanae historiae principis libri omnes. Livy. Geneva 1609
Adam, James Orationum Ingolstadiensium tomus primus quae continet materias theologicas, iuridicas, medicas et philosophicas. Rotmarus, V. Ingolstadt 1571
Adams, Duke The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress among the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y Edinburgh 1761
Adams, Francis The Royal Pharmacopoea, galenical and chymical. Charas, M. London 1678
Adams, Francis De consolatione philosophiae Boethius. Leiden 1590
Adamson, John Diversi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Saravia editi. Saravia, H. London 1611
Adamson, John Opuscula diui Augustini. Augustine, St, Bishop of Hippo. Paris 1513
Adamsones Diversi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Saravia editi. Saravia, H. London 1611
Adamsonus, Joannes Medicae praedictionis methodus, hoc est, recta brevisque ratio coram aegris praeterita, praesentia, futuraque praedicenti, morbos scilicet, morborumque causas. Taurellus, N. Frankfurt 1581
Aidy, Andrew M. V. Martialis Epigrammatom libri 14 summa diligentia castigati. Martial. Paris 1540
Aird, Bethnal The course of conformitie, as it hath proceeded, is concluded, should be refused. Scott, W. Amsterdam 1622
Alani, Jacobi Questiones morales Magistris, Martinus de Paris 1490
Albenacius, Petrus Theoricae novae planetarum. Peurbach, Georg von. Paris 1553
Albertus, Bernardus Digestum infortiatum Justinian I, Emperor of the East Lyon 1512
Alexander, Lady Archie Gordon: an album of recollections. Aberdeen and Temair, John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, Marquess of 1910
Alexander, Mrs. Present state of husbandry in Scotland. Wight, A. Edinburgh 1778-84
Allardes, Alexander Concordantiae bibliorum Conradus, of Halberstadt, the younger Speyer 1485
Altemps, Johannes Angelus von Liber de Cena Domini. Pandosius, J.A. Rome 1534
Altenhovius, Henricus Rhetorises Elementa Melanchthon, Philipp. Lyon 1541
Amassius, Dominus Rosa anglica practica medicinae John, of Gaddesden Pavia 1492
Anderson, Alex The survay of London: containing, the originall, antiquitie, encrease and more modern estate of the sayd famous citie. As also,... Stow, J. London 1618
Anderson, Alex. Biblia latina. Venice 1484
Anderson, Alexander Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Erasmus, D. Basel 1524
Anderson, Alexander A tragoedie or dialoge of the unjuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the just abolishyng... Ochino, Bernardino. London 1549
Anderson, Alexander In hoc opere continentur totius philosophiae naturalis paraphrases: adiectis ad literam scholiis declaratae... Introductio in libros Physicorum. Paraphrasis octo Physicorum... Aristotle. Paris 1521
Anderson, Alexander Aristophanous... Komodai endeka. Aristophanes. Venice 1538
Anderson, Alexander Sermonum Dominicalium totius anni, tum de epistolis, tum de evangeliis. Pepin, G. Paris 1537
Anderson, Alexander Rodolphi Agricolae Phrisii, de inuentione dialectica libri tres: cum scholijs Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemij. Agricola, R. Paris 1529
Anderson, Alexander Friderici Nauseae Episcopi Viennensis, invictissimi Caesaris &c Ferdinanti a sacris studiis & Consiliis, in catholicum Catechismum libri quinque. Nausea, F Antwerp 1551
Anderson, Alexander Commentaria Iuculentissima vetusissimorum Graecorum Theologorum in omnes D Pauli epistolas ab Oecumenio exacte & magna cura ad compenidium collecta: interprete... Oecumenius, Bishop of Tricca. Paris 1547
Anderson, Alexander A confutation of a booke intituled An apologie of the Church of England. Harding, T. Antwerp 1565
Anderson, Alexander Homiliarium D.V Iohannis Eckii fidem catholicam atque adeo veritatem Euangelicam contra haereticos asserentis, super Euangelia de tempore a Pascha usque... Eck, J. Paris 1540
Anderson, Alexander In hoc opusculo contentae introductiones. Chichtove, J. Paris 1533
Anderson, Alexander Bedae Presbyteri de natura rerum et temporum ratione libri duo. Bede, the Venerable, Saint Basel 1529
Anderson, Alexander In hoc opusculo contentae introductiones. Clichtove, J. n.p. n.d.
Anderson, Alexander Concordantiae bibliorum Conradus, of Halberstadt, the younger Speyer 1485