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Page 3 of 10 (Results 101 to 150 of 469) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Common Library of Aberdeen Orations. Cicero, M.T. Lyon 1554
Common Library of Aberdeen D. Epiphanii contra octoaginta[sic] haereses opus, Panarium, siue Arcula, aut capsumedica appellatum, continens libros tres. Epiphanius, St., Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus. Basel 1560
Common Library of Aberdeen In hoc volumine contenta, Divi Gregorii primi in beatum Job moralis expositionis libri XXXV; Pastoralis cure liber unus in IIII... Gregory I, the Great, St., Pope Paris 1523
Common Library of Aberdeen Opus eruditissimum divi Irenaei in quinque libros digestum, in quibus confutat veterum haeresewn. Irenaeus, St., Bishop of Lyons Basel 1560
Common Library of Aberdeen Operum diui Hieronymi, commentarios in prophetas, quos maiores vocant, continet. Jerome, St. Basel 1524-6
Common Library of Aberdeen Epistole diui Pauli apostoli, cum commentariis preclarissimi viri Jacobi Fabri stapulen. Le Fevre d'Etaples, J. Paris 1517
Common Library of Aberdeen Nizolius, sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus post Mar. Nizolii, Basilii Zanchi et doctissimorum aliorum virorum ... Operas, postrema hac editione per Marcellum... Nizolius, M. Lyon 1581
Common Library of Aberdeen Origenis Adamentii Operum tomi duo priores cum tabulis & indice generali procime sequentibus. Origen Paris 1522
Common Library of Aberdeen Index Bibliorum Pellicanus, C. Zurich 1537
Common Library of Aberdeen Ludovici Caelii Rhodigini lectionum antiquarum libri XVI. Rhodiginus, Lodovicus Caelius Basel 1517
Common Library of Aberdeen Strabonis philosophi Geographicorum liber primus (-decimus septimus). Strabo Basel 1523
Common Library of Aberdeen Beati Theodoreti, Cyrensis Episcopi, theologi vetustissimi, opera, in duos tomos distincta, nunc iterum excusa et locupletata. Quorum omnium catalogum, et... Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus. Cologne 1573
Common Library of Aberdeen The whole works of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doct. Barnes. Tyndale, W. London 1571-3
Common Library of Aberdeen Defensio doctrinae veteris & apostolicae de sacrosancto Eucharistiae Sacramento, D. Petri Martyris Vermilii, Florentini, diuinarum literarum in schola Tigurina professoris,... Vermigli, P.M. Zurich 1559
Common Library of New Aberdeen Epistolae Jerome, Saint. Basel 1497
Common Library of New Aberdeen Assertionis Lutheranae confutatio iuxta verum ac originalem archetypum, nunc ad unguem diligentissime recognita per Ioannem Roffensem episcopum... Luther, M. Venice 1526
Common Library of New Aberdeen Opera diligenter repurgata. Latonus, J. Louvain 1550
Common Library of New Aberdeen Diui Prosperi Aquitanici opera accurata recognita. Prosper, of Aquitane, St Lyon 1539
Common Library of New Aberdeen Repertorium aureum. Mincuccius, A. Lyon n.d.
Common Library of New Aberdeen Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per... Tertullian, ca. 160-ca. 230 Paris 1545
Common Library of New Aberdeen Institutiones. Quintilian. Venice 1494
Common Library of New Aberdeen Biblia latina (cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guillelmi Britonis in omnes prologos S. Hieronymi et additionibus Pauli Burgensis... Nicholas,of Lyra Strassburg 1492
Common Library of New Aberdeen Decretales cum glossa Gregory IX, Pope Nuremberg 1496
Common Library of New Aberdeen Postilla super Psalterium Hugh,of Saint-Cher, Cardinal Nuremberg 1498
Common Library of New Aberdeen Historia romana Appianus,of Alexandria Venice 1477
Common Library of New Aberdeen De bellis civilibus Appianus,of Alexandria Venice 1477
Common Library of New Aberdeen Institutiones oratoriae Quintilian Venice 1494
Common Library of New Aberdeen Consilia Ubaldis, de, Baldus Milan 1493
Coryn, M Nicomachean ethics Aristotle Paris 1496-1500
Cranstoune, Alexander Hexapla in Genesin, that is, a sixfold commentarie upon Genesis: wherein sixe severall translations, that is, the Septuagint, and the... Willet, A. Cambridge 1605
Crychtonn, James, of Fintri Here after followeth the prymer in Engylshe [sic] and in latin sette out alonge: after the use of Sarum. Catholic Church Paris 1538
Davidson, C. J. Liber Regule pastoralis Gregorij Pape ad Iohanem Archiepiscopum Rauennensem Gregory I Cologne c. 1472
Davies, George An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Dey, Wm. The laws and acts of Parliament made by King James the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Queen Mary, King James... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1681
Dodsworth, J.E. The collection of the history of England. Daniel, S. London 1634
Drury, H Pausanias Pausanias. Venice 1516
Drury, Heber Pausianas Pausanias. Venice 1516
Drury, Henry Elements 1482. Euclid. Venice 1482
Drury, Henry (Collections Latin 1487). Horace. Milan 1487
Drury, Henry, Rev. Gabrielis Madeleneti Carminium libellus. (Joannis Madelenti... Praefatio. Gabrielis Madeleneti Elogium, P. Petito scriptore.) Madelenetus, G. Paris 1662
Dunlop, John Hexapla in Genesin, that is, a sixfold commentarie upon Genesis: wherein sixe severall translations, that is, the Septuagint, and the... Willet, A. Cambridge 1605
Edinburgh Theological Library Analysis logica in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas. Rollock, R. London 1602
Elphinstone, William Decisiones Romanae Rotae novae 1376-81, Mid- 15th century William Horborch Mid- 15th century
Erroll, 19th Earl of (Hay, William Harry) Io. Barclaii Argenis. Barclay, J. Leiden 1630
Faculty of Advocates (Scotland). Library Henr. Stephani dialogus de bene instituendis Graecae linguae studiis. Estienne, H. Geneva 1587
Ferrerius, Joannes Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland Boece, H. Edinburgh c. 1536-40
Fetherstone, Henry Catalogus librorum in diversis locis Italia emptorum, anno 1628, qui Londini in officina Fetherstoniana prostant venales. Fetherstone, H. London 1628
Fintray House Lib. An English and Swedish dictionary, wherein the generality of words and various significations are rendered into Swedish and Latin. Serenius, J, Bp. Harg and Stenbro 1757
Fintry House Library A dissertation on the numbers of mankind in antient and modern times: in which the superior populousness of antiquity is... Edinburgh 1753
Forbes A pastoral elegy to the memory of Miss Mary Urquhart, daughter to William Urquhart of Meldrum Esq: who died the... Douglas, F. Aberdeen 1758