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Page 26 of 92 (Results 1251 to 1300 of 4564) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, Alexander Frederici Nauseae Episcopi Viennensis, invictissimi Caesaris &c. Ferdinanti a sacris studiis & Consiliis, in catholicum Catechismum libri quinque. Nausea, F. Antwerp 1551
Fraser, Alexander Algebrae compendiosa facili'sque descriptio, qua depromuntur magna arithmetices miracula. Scheubel, J. Paris 1552
Fraser, Alexander Enarrationes vetustissimorum theologorum, in Acta quidem Apostolorum & in omnes D. Pauli ac Catholicas epistolas ab Oecumenio : in Apocalysim... Henten, Johannes,1500?-1566. Paris 1545
Fraser, Alexander Algebrae compendiosa facili'sque descriptio, qua depromuntur magna arithmetices miracula. / Authore Ioanne Scheubelio Mathematicarum professore in academia Tubingensi Scheubel, Johann,1494-1570 Paris 1552
Fraser, Alexander De vera et falsa religione commentarius Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531 Zurich 1525
Fraser, Alexander C. Saducismus Triumphatus Glanvil, J. London 1681
Fraser, Alexander, of Philorth. Actes and monuments of these later and perilous dayes, touching matters of the Church. Foxe, J. London 1563
Fraser, Angus The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion. Smart, C. Washington 1888
Fraser, J.M. Horologiographia. The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials upon any plaine... Fale, T. London 1627
Fraser, Jac Traite de la generation et de la nourriture du foetus. Tauvay, Daniel Paris 1700
Fraser, Jac Experimenta circa res diversas naturales, speciation illas, quae ex Indiis adferuntur. Redi, Francesco Amsterdam 1675
Fraser, Jac Exercitationes de differentiis et nominibus animalium. Charleton, Walter Oxford 1677
Fraser, Jac Genealogiae inperatorum, regum, principum electorum, ducum, comitum, et dynastarum, qui circo Saxonico, Westphalico & Burgundico comprehenduntur. Henninges, Hieronymus Uelsen 1587
Fraser, Jac Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum et Anglicum copiosissimum. Minsheu, John London 1617
Fraser, Jac Petri Andreae Matthioli commentarii secundo aucti, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis de medica materia. Mattioli, Pietro Andrea Venice 1559
Fraser, Jac Ulyssis Aldrovandi philsophi et medici Bononiensis Ornithologiae. Tomus tertius et postremus. Aldrovandi, Ulisse Bologna 1603
Fraser, Jac The conclave of physicians. In two parts, detecting their intrigues frauds and plots against their patients. Harvey, Gideon London 1686
Fraser, Jac Clementis Alexandrini omnia quae quidem extant opera. Hervet, Gentian Florence 1551
Fraser, Jac Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis, in qua origo, pabulum, transformatio, nec non tempus, locus & proprietates erucarum. Merian, Maria Sibylla Amsterdam 1717
Fraser, Jac Works Greek and Latin. Homer Geneva 1606
Fraser, Jac Physiognomie and chiromancie, metoposcopie, the symmetrical proportions and signal moles of the body, fully handled. Saunders, Richard London 1653
Fraser, Jac Indiculus universalis Pomey, Francois Antoine London 1679
Fraser, Jac Essays on divers weighty and curious subjects. Parker, Samuel London 1702
Fraser, Jac Systeme de philosophie : contenant la logique, la metaphysique, la physique, et la morale. Regis, Pierre Sylvain Paris 1690
Fraser, Jac La philosophie des gens de cour. Gerard, Armand de Paris 1685
Fraser, Jac The history of philosophy in eight parts. Stanley, Thomas London 1656-60
Fraser, Jac L'art de penser : contenant, outre les regles communes, plusieurs observations nouvelles, propres a former le jugement. Arnauld, Antoine Paris 1668
Fraser, Jac A discourse wherein is examined what is particularly lawfull during the confusions and revolutions of government. Ascham, Anthony London 1648
Fraser, Jac Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jesus-Christ, Contrain-les d'entrer. Bayle, Pierre 1713
Fraser, Jac A dialogue of polygamy. Ochino, Bernardino London 1657
Fraser, Jac De la conversation. Mere, de, Antoine Gombaud Paris 1677
Fraser, Jac The history of the Chaldaick philosophy. Stanley, Thomas London 1662
Fraser, Jac A second vindication of the reasonableness of Christianity, &c. / By the author of the Reasonableness of Christianity, &c. Locke, John London 1697
Fraser, Jac Traitte des ceremonies supertitieuses des Juifs tant anciens que modernes. Spinoza, Benedictuse de Amsterdam 1678
Fraser, Jac Dissertationes posthumae sacrae et ecclesiasticae, quarum quaedam Gallica lingua. Marca, de, Piere Amsterdam 1669
Fraser, Jac An answer to Mr. Cressy's Epistle apologetical to a person of honour touching his vindication of Dr. Stillingfleet. Stillingfleet, Edward London 1675
Fraser, Jac The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh ... 1, of the extent of Christs death and satisfaction ... 2,... Ussher, James London 1657
Fraser, Jac Dissertations sur diverses matieres de religion et de philologie, contenues en plusieurs lettres ecrites par des personnes savantes de ce... Tilladet, de, Jean Paris 1712
Fraser, Jac Works. Hickeringill, Edmund London 1716
Fraser, Jac Critica sacra in two parts : the first containing observations on all the radices of primitive Hebrew words of the... Leigh, Edward London 1662
Fraser, Jac Aristarchus sacer, sive ad Nonni in Iohannem metaphrasin exercitationes ... Heinsius, Daniel Leiden 1627
Fraser, Jac Jacobi Lydii Syntagma sacrum de re militari : nec non De jure jurando dissertatio philologica. Duc, Isaac le Dordrecht 1698
Fraser, Jac Christianity not mysterious. Toland, John London 1696
Fraser, Jac Justi Lipsii de cruce libri tres cum notis. Bartholinus, Thomas Amsterdam 1670
Fraser, Jac Reflections on some assertions and opinions of Mr. Dodwell, contain'd in a book entituled An epistolary discourse proving that the... Whitby, Daniel London 1707
Fraser, Jac Apologia pro sanctissima virgine Maria ... adversus ... Antidicomarianitas, Collyridianos, et Christianocategoros. Rivet, Andre Leiden 1639
Fraser, Jac Precious faith considered in its nature, working and growth. Polhill, Edward London 1675
Fraser, Jac Elementaria traditio Christianorum fidei, aut Catechismus. Huic nunc appositus est Catechismus alius magis compendiarius, & Ecclesiasticarum precum formula. Berchet, Toussaint Hanau 1628
Fraser, Jac Confessio Fiadei in Conventu theologorum authoritate Parliamenti Anglicani indicto elaborata. Westminster Assembly Cambridge 1656
Fraser, Jac Apologia pro ecclesia Christiana hodierna non apostatica, opposita libello cui tit, ad legem et ad testimonium. Hoornbeeck, Johannes Amsterdam 1647