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Page 12 of 14 (Results 551 to 600 of 653) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Pentland, Lady M., Baroness Seventy years of Irish life: being anecdotes and reminiscences. Le Fanu, W. R. London 1914
Pentland, Lady, Baroness The light on Ireland / by Pamela Hinkson Hinkson, P. London 1935
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady The lighter side of Irish life. Birmingham, G.A. London 1911
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady Ireland in the new century. Plunkett, H. C. London 1904
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady Medicine in antient Erin: an historical sketch from Celtic to mediaeval times. Wellcome, H. S., Sir London 1909
Perth Cathedral Library Elements of philosophy, the first section concerning body. Hobbes, T. London 1656
Pigott, Baptista Sermons of Master John Calvin, upon the booke of Job. Calvin, J. London 1574
Pollard, Graham Workes. Marston, J. London 1633
Primatt, Humphrey An exposition of the New Testament, in three volumes Gill, John London 1747
Primatt, Humphrey Synopsis criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturae interpretum. Poole, Matthew London 1679
Primatt, Humphrey Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum. Scapula, Johann London 1639
Primatt, Humphrey Synopsis canonum S.S. apostolorum, et conciliorum oecumenicorum & provincialium, ab ecclesia Graeca receptorum : nec non conciliorum, decretorum & legum... Howel, Laurence London 1708
Primatt, Humphrey Britain, or, A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the ilands adjoyning, out of... Camden, William London 1610
Primatt, Humphrey Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, libri canonici priscae Iudaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti brevibusque scholiis... Tremellius, Immanuel London 1592-1593
Primatt, Humphrey Flores historiarum per Matthaeum Westmonasteriensem collecti. Praecipue de rebus Britannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad ... 1307 London 1570
Primatt, Humphrey Critica sacra in two parts : the first containing observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the... Leigh, Edward London 1650
Primatt, Humphrey A grammar of the Arabick language. Richardson, John London 1776
R(h)ait, David Analysis logica evangelii secundum Lucam: Una cum scholiis et observationibus locorum doctrinae. / Authore M. Johanne Piscatore, sacrarum literarum in... Piscator, J. London 1596
R(h)ait, Wm. Analysis logica evangelii secundum Lucam: Una cum scholiis et observationibus locorum doctrinae. / Authore M. Johanne Piscatore, sacrarum literarum in... Piscator, J. London 1596
Rait, D. Lexicon Graecolatinum. Crespin, J. London 1581
Rait, Gull. Lexicon Graecolatinum. Crespin, J. London 1581
Ramsay, William Suffragium collegiale theologorum Magnae Britanniae de quinque controversis remonstrantium articulis, iudicio synodico praevium. Carleton, G. London 1633
Read, Alex. The summe of the conference betweene John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and the faith of the Church.... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Read, Alex. Sacrae heptades, or Seaven problems concerning Antichrist. 1. Of his place. 2. Of his state. 3. Of his names. 4.... Salteren, G. London 1625
Read, Alex. Gravissimae quaestionis, de Christianarum ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usq[ue] aetatem, continua successione & statu,... Ussher, J. London 1613
Read, Alex. Paradisi in sole, paradisus terrestris. Parkinson, J. London 1629
Read, Alex. A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie ... which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Read, A. London 1638
Read, Alex. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. Moufet, T. London 1634
Read, Alexander Medulla s.s. Theologiae, ex sacris literis earumque interpretibus extracta ... In fine adjuncta est disputatio de fidei divinae veritate. Ames, W. London 1629
Read, Alexander Iter plantarum investigationis ergo susceptum a decem sociis, in agrum Cantianum. Anno Dom. 1629. Iulii. 13. ericetum Hamstedianum sive plantarum... Johnson, T. London 1629
Read, Alexander A short discoverie of the unobserved dangers of severall sorts of ignorant and unconsiderate practisers of physicke in England: profitable... Cotta, J. London 1612
Read, Alexander Iacobi Primirosii exercitationes, et animadversiones in librum, De motu cordis, et circulatione sanguinis. Primerosius, J. London 1630
Read, Alexander A discourse upon chirurgery. Fioravanti, L. London 1626
Read, Alexander Papatus Romanus: liber de origine, progressu, atque extinctione ipsius. De Dominis, M.A. London 1617
Read, Alexander A discourse of the preservation of the sight, of melancholike disease: of rheumes, and of old age. Du Laurens, A. London 1599
Read, Alexander The three bookes written in the Spanishe tonge. Monardes, N. London 1577
Read, Alexander Annotations upon the five Bookes of Moses, the Booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs or Canticles Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? London 1627
Read, Alexander Opuscula quaedam posthuma Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626 London 1629
Read, Alexander Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lords Prayer. 2nd ed. Baker, Richard London 1637
Read, Alexander The practice of pietie Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631. London 1627
Read, Alexander The workes of John Boys Doctor in Divinitie and Deane of Canterburie Boys, John, 1571-1625 London 1622
Read, Alexander Master Broughtons letters to and against the Archbishop of Canterbury Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612 London 1600
Read, Alexr. Somatographia anthropine or A description of the body of man. By artificiall figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing... Crooke, H. London 1616
Rhed, Alex. Marmora Arundelliana; sive Saxa Graece incisa ex venerandis priscae orientis gloriae ruderibus, auspiciis & impensis herois illustriss. thomae Comitis Arundelliae... Selden, J. London 1628
Robertson, Jacobus The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan gentleman. Cattan, C. London 1591
Robertsone, William A discourse of the abuses now in question in the churches of Christ, of their creeping in, growing up, and... Whetenhall, T. London 1606
Robertsone, William Synopsis Papismi: that is, a generall view of Papistrie: wherein the whole mysterie of iniguitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine... Willet, A. London 1600
Rogers, Hester An exposition of the creed. Pearson, John London 1723
Rogers, Hester Miscellanies Swift, Jonathan London 1731
Rolsone, William Moses and Jethro. Reading, J. London 1626