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Page 11 of 14 (Results 501 to 550 of 653) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Lloyd, R. El Testamento Nuevo de nuestro Senor Iesu Christo. London 1596
Lumley Gildae ... de excidio & conquestu Britanniae, ac flebili castigatione ... Epistola ... Non solum a mendis plurimis vindicata, sed... Gildas. London 1568
Lumley (John, Lord) A treatise, wherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases, cured with medicines. Whereunto is... Bright, T. London 1615
M., W. A dictionarie in Spanish and English / first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale, gent. Now enl. And... Perceval, R. London 1599
Mackaile, Matt. Archacologiae philosophicae : sive Doctrina antiqua de rervm originibvs. Burnet, Thomas London 1692
Mackenzie, William Pharmacopoeia Londinensis : or, The London dispensatory. Further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of... Culpeper, Nicholas London 1661
Maddocke, Cha. The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Brevaries of L. Florus, with a chronologie to the... Livy. London 1600
Malton, George The popes funerall, containing an exact and pithy reply, to a pretended answere of a shamelesse and foolish libell, called,... Bell, T. London 1606
Manwaring, Henry Historia ecclesiastica 1577-76. Eusebius, Bsihop of Caesarea. London 1585
Mas, James The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Mason, David The Bible in Englishe, that is to saye, the contentes of al the holy Scripture, both of the Olde and... London 1562
Matt. Mackaile The theory of the earth : containing an account of the original of the earth and of all the general... Burnet, Thomas London 1684
Matt. Mackaile Telluris theoria sacra : orbis nostri originem et mutationes generales, quas aut mam subiit aut Burnet, Thomas London 1681 - 1689
Matt. Mackaile Telluris theoria sacra : orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales quas aut jam subiit aut olim subiturus est complectens Burnet, Thomas London 1689
Matt. Mackaile An answer to the late exceptions made by Mr Erasmus Warren against the theory of the earth Burnet, Thomas London 1690
Matt. Mackaile Some animadversions upon a book intituled The theory of the earth Croft, Herbert London 1685
Matt. Mackaile Geologia Warren, Erasmus London 1690
Maurice, William Opus novum ... de calamitate excidio, & conquestu Britanniae. Gildas. London? 1525?
McB, Y. Analysis logica in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas. / Authore Roberto Rolloco. Rollock, R. London 1602
Meldrum, Wm. The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Menzes, William The institution of Christian religion... Calvin, J. London 1561
Menzies, John Roma mendax : or, The falshood of Romes high pretences to infallibility and antiquity evicted. Menzies, John London 1675
Mercer, Jean Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus institutio. Oughtred, W. London 1631?
Merser, Thomas The general practise of physicke. Conteyning all inward and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities... Wirsung, C. London 1617
Merser, Thomas The herball, or generall historie of plantes. Gerard, J. London 1633
Middleton, Alexr. Ioannis Iuelli aduersus Thomam Hardingum, volumen alterum, in quo viginti septem quaestiones & scripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis... Jewel, J. London 1578
Miller, W.G. Joannis Seldeni mare clausum seu dominio maris libri duo. Selden, J. London 1636
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett) The lives and amours of the empresses, consorts to the first twelve Caesars of Rome. Serviez, Jacques Roergas London 1723
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett) The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe, D. London 1778
Montgomerie, Anna The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch London 1603
Montolieu, Lewis Rump: an exact collection of the choycest poems and songs relating to the late times, by the most eminent wits,... London 1662
Montrose, Marquis of Certaine sermons, first preached, and after published at several times ... And now gathered together. Gataker, T. London 1637
Morisone, H. Sermons. Clerke. R. London 1637
Mure, Wm. The petticoat: an heroi-comical poem. Chute, F. London 1729
Mure, Wm. The Dunciad, variorum, with the prolegomena of Scriblerus. Pope, A. London 1729
Newham, John XCVI sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1635
Ogilvy, Walter The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch. London 1603
Osborn, D. The collection of the history of England. Daniel, S. London 1634
Page, Gresham Institutio. Calvin, J. London 1576
Paterson, John Reformation legum ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate primum regis Henrici 8. inchoata, deine per regium Edovardum 6. provecta. Church of England. London 1661
Patirson, M.G. Commentarii Ioannis Calvini in quinque libros Mosis. Genesis seorsum: reliqui quatuor in forman harmoniae digesti. Calvin, J. London 1573
Pattersone, Robert The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Patton, John The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Pentland, Lady Irish ways. Barlow, J. London 1911
Pentland, Lady Ireland from the Union to Catholic emancipation: a study of social, economic, and administrative conditions, 1800-1829. Chart, D. A. London 1910
Pentland, Lady The Irish song book, with original Irish airs. Graver, A. P. London 1905
Pentland, Lady Songs from Leinster. Letts, W. M. London 1913
Pentland, Lady The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Pentland, Lady M. Home life in Ireland. Lynd, R. London 1909
Pentland, Lady M. Irish recollections. McCarthy, J. London 1911