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Page 10 of 14 (Results 451 to 500 of 653) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Hollis, Thomas Two treatises of government. Locke, John London 1764
Hollis, Thomas Plato redivivus; or, A dialogue concerning government. Neville, Henry London 1763
Hollis, Thomas The confessional. Blackburne, Francis London 1767
Hollis, Thomas The origin and structure of the Greek tongue, in a series of letters addressed to a young nobleman. Sharpe, Gregory London 1767
Hollis, Thomas Considerations on the present state of the controversy between the Protestants and Papists of Great Britain and Ireland. Blackburne, Francis London 1768
Hollis, Thomas Biographia Britannica; or, The lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the... London 1747-1766
Hollis, Thomas The doctrine of fluxions, not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its application and use in the several parts... Emerson, William London 1757
Hollis, Thomas The elements of optics. Emerson, William London 1768
Hollis, Thomas The elements of trigonometry. Emerson, William London 1764
Hollis, Thomas New experiments and observations on electricity. Franklin, Benjamin London 1754
Hollis, Thomas Experiments and observations on different kinds of air. Priestley, Joseph London 1775-77
Hollis, Thomas Tryals for high-treason, and other crimes : with proceedings on bills of attainder, and impeachments, for three hundred years past. Salmon, Thomas London 1720
Hollis, Thomas Reflections on the government of Indostan. Scrafton, Luke London 1770
Hollis, Thomas The works of Benjamin Hoadly. Hoadly, Benjamin London 1773
Hollis, Thomas Grammatica linguae anglicanae, cui praefigitur de loquela, sive de sanorum omnium loquilarium formatione : tractatus grammatico-physicus. Wallis, John London 1765
Hollis, Thomas Letters concerning toleration. Locke, John London 1765
Hollis, Thomas A collection of several tracts of the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Clarendon, E. H. London 1727
Howard of Effingham Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes, touching matters of the Church. Foxe, J. London 1563
Howe, Mary The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Brevaries of L. Florus, with a chronologie to the... Livy. London 1600
Hubert, Richard The history of Polybius... The first five bookes entire; with all the parcels of the subsequent bookes unto the eighteenth,... Polybius. London 1634
Hume, Patrick XCVI Sermons Andrewes, L. London 1629
Innes, Alex. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Innes, Alexander The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body ... Vicary, T. London 1633
Jack, A. A. Sketches of natural history. Howitt, Mary Botham London 184?
Jaffrey, Alex. The second Punick war between Hannibal, and the Romanes. Silius, Italicus. London 1661
Jamesone, Williame Trigonometry: or The doctrine of triangles. First written in Latine, by Bartholomew Pitiscus, and now translated into English, by Ra:... Pitiscus, B. London 1614
Jamesone, Williame A regiment for the sea. Bourne, William London 1576
Jamesonn, Williame A booke called the Treasure for traveilers, devided into five bookes or partes, contayning very necessary matters, for all sortes... Bourne, W. London 1578
Jamesonn, Williame Abraham Ortelius his epitome of the theater of the worlde. Ortelius, Abraham London 1603
Johnston, David The Byble, that is to say all the Holy Scripture: In whych are contayned the Olde and New Testamente truly... Becke, E. London 1549
Johnston, William A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. Wherein is exactly set downe the definiton, causes, accidents, prognostications, and cures... Lowe, P. London 1634
Johnston, WIlliam Mikrokosmographia. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies and figures thereto belonging. Collected and translated out... Crooke, H. London 1616
Johnston, William Medicinal experiments. Boyle, R. London 1693
Johnstone, J.F.Kellas The shepheards kalendar: newly augmented and collected. London 1656
Jonston, W. The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan gentleman. With the wheele of Pythagorus: a booke no less pleasant and recreative, then... Cattan, C. London 1608
Keith, John (of Inverurie) Lexicon manuale graeco-latinum, & latino-graecum. Schrevelius, C. London 1705
Keith, Robert Sermons. Lake, A. London 1629
Keith, Wm., 6th Earl Marischal Reformation legum ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate primum regis Henrici 8. inchoata, deine per regium Edovardum 6. provecta. Church of England. London 1661
Kennedy, John Mikrokosmographia. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies and figures thereto belonging. Collected and translated out... Crooke, H. London 1616
Kennedy, John The workes of Elnathan Parr. Parr, E. London 1632
Kent, Gregory De antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academiae libri duo, in quorum secundo de Oxoniensis quoque gymnasii antiquitate disseritur. Caius, J. London 1568
Kerchmerus, Jacobus De arte supputandi libri quattuor. Tunstall, Cuthbert London 1522
Kincaid, Caroli The historie of Guiccardin: conteining the warres of Italie and other parts, continued for manie yeares under sundrie kings and... Guicciardini, F. London 1618
Kincaid, J. The historie of Guiccardin: conteining the warres of Italie and other parts, continued for manie yeares under sundrie kings and... Guicciardini, F. London 1618
Knowler, Robert The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie,... Knolles, R. London 1638
Leghe, Z. (J.?) A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parva Lanfranci now first published in the English prynte. Lanfranco, of Milan. London 1565
Leslaeus, G. Analecta ecclesiasticarum exercitationum: collectore Richardo Montacutio. Montagu, R. London 1622
Lesley, William Thomae Bradwardini archiepiscopi olim Cantuariensis, de dausa Dei, contra Pelagium, et de virtute causarum, ad suos Mertonenses, libri tres: jussu... Bradwardine, T. London 1618
Letherland, J. The new attractive: containing a short discourse of thee Magnes of Loadstone, and amongst other his vertues, of a new... Norman, R. London 1585
Liddel, Duncan The historie of Guiccardin: containing the warres of Italie and other parts, continued for manie yeares under sundrie kings and... Guiccardini, F. London 1618