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Page 87 of 92 (Results 4301 to 4350 of 4564) Results ordered by Title, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, Jac The true interest and political maxims of the Republick of Holland and West-Friesland. Court, Pieter de la London 1702
Fraser, James The true non-conformist McWard, Robert 1671
Vivens, Robert The trying out of the truth: begunn and prosequuted in certayn letters or passages between John Aynsworth and Henry Aynsworth;... Ainsworth, J. Amsterdam? 1615
Gunn, Neil M. The turn of the day Angus, Marion Edinburgh 1931
Fraser, Jac The two first books, of Philostratus, concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus, written originally in Greek, and now published in... Philostratus London 1680
Gunn, Neil The Viscount of Blarney and other plays Clarke, Austin Dublin 1944
Gunn, Neil M. The weaver's loom Davidson, A. M. Flansham 1932
Grant, Archibald The whole art of husbandry : or, The way of managing and improving the land. Mortimer, John London 1712
Fraser, James The whole art of the stage Aubignac, François-Hédelin London 1684
Common Library of Aberdeen The whole works of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doct. Barnes. Tyndale, W. London 1571-3
Gunn, Neil M. The wild Macraes Barke, James London 1934
Gunn, Neil M. The winter aisling David Morrison Wick 1971
Innes, Alex. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Bryan, Jacob. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Kennedy, John The workes of Elnathan Parr. Parr, E. London 1632
Read, Alexander The workes of John Boys Doctor in Divinitie and Deane of Canterburie Boys, John, 1571-1625 London 1622
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) The works of Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti. Conti, Armand de Bourbon. London 1711
Hollis, Thomas The works of Benjamin Hoadly. Hoadly, Benjamin London 1773
Millbank, Mr Hamilton The works of Dr Jonathan Swift. Swift, J. Edinburgh 1761-66
Hamilton, R. The works of Dr Jonathan Swift. Swift, J. Edinburgh 1761-66
Baird, George, of Auchmedden The works of John Weemse, of Lathocker. Weemes, J. London 1633
Robertson, R. The works of that great monarch, and glorius martyr, King Charles I. Charles I, King of England. Aberdeen 1766
Urquhart, Patrick The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Gervase Babington, late Bishop of Worcester, containing comfortable notes upon the... Babington, G. London 1637
Gunn, Neil M. The world his pillow Barke, James London 1933
Aberdeen and Temair, Ishbel Maria Gordon, Marchioness of The world's debt to the Irish / by James J. Walsh. Walsh, J. J. Boston 1926
Pentland, Lady Marjorie, Baroness The world's debt to the Irish. Walsh, J. J. Boston 1926
Willis, Richard The(a)trum orbi(s) terr(a)rum. Opus nunc tertio ab ipso auctore recognitum, ... castigatum, & ... novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius Antwerp 1584
Pemberton, Thomas The(a)trum orbi(s) terr(a)rum. Opus nunc tertio ab ipso auctore recognitum, ... castigatum, & ... novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius Antwerp 1584
Primatt, Humphry The(a)trum orbi(s) terr(a)rum. Opus nunc tertio ab ipso auctore recognitum,... Castigatum, & ... Novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius, A. Antwerp 1584
Rudd, Anthony The(a)trum orbi(s) terr(a)rum. Opus nunc tertio ab ipso auctore recognitum,... Castigatum, & ... Novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius, A. Antwerp 1584
Garden, Thos. Theasaurus linguae sanctae ex R. David Kimchi ... Sancte Pagnino Lucensi authore. Contractior & emendatior. Pagninus, S. Paris 1548
Liddel, Duncan Theatrum Galeni, hoc est, universae medicinae a ... Galeno traditae promptuarium, quo vel indicis loco in omnes Galeni libros ... Galen. Basel 1568
Crichton, James (Viscount Frendraught) Theatrum imperii Magnae Britanniae; exactam regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae et insularum adjacentium geographia[m] ob oculos ponens: una cum comitatibus, centuriis,... Speed, J. London 1616
Gordon, R. Theatrum Imperii Magnae Brittanniae; exactam regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et insularum adjacentium geographiam ob oculos ponens: una cum comitatibus, centuriis,... Speed, John London 1616
Gordon, Robert Theatrum orbis terrarum Blaeu, Willem Janszoon Amsterdam 1644-45
Scougal, Henry Theatrum orbis terrarum Abrahami Orteli. Ortelius, Abraham Antwerp 1612
Steinson, Sigismundus Theatrum orbis terrarum. Opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum, & quamplurimis novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius, A. Antwerp 1592
Crichton, James (Viscount Frendraught) Theatrum orbus terrarum. Opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum, & quamplurimis novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius, A. Antwerp 1592
Liddel, Duncan Themata de melancholia quae Praeside magnifico et clariss. viro, Francisco Parcovio Philosophiae & Medicinae Doctore, & in illustri Iulia facultatis... Parcovius, Franciscus Helmstedt 1596
Liddel, Duncan Themata Medica. De animae facvltatibvs, earvndemque fvnctionibvs Spachius, Israel Strasbourg 1591
Samon, Joh. Theodorae Bezae Vezelii, volumen tractationum theologicarum, in quibus pleraque religionis dogmata aduersus haereses nostris temporibus renouatas solide ex verbo Dei... Beze, T de. Geneva 1570
Liddel, Duncan Theodori Adamii I.V.D. Ad doctrinae oratoriae studiosos in Acad. Iulia programma Adamius, Theodorus Helmstedt 1598
Cornwall, Thomas Theodori Bezae Vezelli, volumen tractationum theologicarum, in quibus pleraque religionis dogmata aduersus haereses nostris temporibus renouatas solide ex verbo Dei... Beze, T de. Geneva 1570
Wyat, W. Theodori Bezae Vezelli, volumen tractationum theologicarum, in quibus pleraque religionis dogmata aduersus haereses nostris temporibus renouatas solide ex verbo Dei... Beze, T de. Geneva 1570
Rait, David Theodori Gazae grammaticae institutionis libri quatuor, Latine & regione ad verbum fere expositi. Gaza, T. Paris 1521
Rait, William Theodori Gazae grammaticae institutionis libri quatuor, Latine & regione ad verbum fere expositi. Gaza, T. Paris 1521
Vaus, John Theodori Gazae grammaticae institutionis libri quatuor, Latine & regione ad verbum fere expositi. Gaza, Theodore. Paris 1521
Dauid, Raitt. Theodori Gazae grammaticae institutionis libri quatuor, Latine & regione ad verbum fere expositi. Gaza, Theodore. Paris 1521
Read, Alexander Theodori Prisciani phaenomenon euporiston logicus gynaecea ad Salvinam. Priscianus, T. Basel 1532
Rhaedus, Thomas Theodorou grammatikes biblia. D. Peri menon ek ton autou. Georgiou tou Lekapenou peri suntaxeos rematon. Emmanouel moskhopoulou peri tes ten... Gaza, T. Venice 1525