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Page 85 of 92 (Results 4201 to 4250 of 4564) Results ordered by Title, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Aberdeen United Free Church College The new testament of higher Buddhism. Richard, T. Edinburgh 1910
Cairns, David The new testament of higher Buddhism. Richard, T. Edinburgh 1910
Middleton, Alex. The New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected... Reims 1582
Fort William College, Calcutta The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into the Persian language, By Lieutenant Colonel R.... Calcutta 1805
Macleod, Hugh The new universal geographical grammar illustrated with maps. Salmon, T. Edinburgh 1777
Fraser, James The Nonconformist's plea for peace, or an account of their judgment Baxter, Richard London 1679
Fraser, James The none-such Charles his character : extracted, out of divers originall transactions, dispatches and the notes of severall... Gerbier, Balthazar London 1651
Gunn, Neil M. The Northern lights and other poems Jacob, Violet London 1927
Strachan, Andrew The office and use of the morall law of God in the dayes of the Gospell, justified, and explained at... Hinde, W. London 1623
Rait, William The Old Testament Paris 1544-46
Fort William College, Calcutta The Oriental fabulist, or, Polyglot translations of Esop's and other ancient fables from the English language, into Hindoostanee, Persian, Arabic,... Aesop Calcutta 1803
Hollis, Thomas The origin and structure of the Greek tongue, in a series of letters addressed to a young nobleman. Sharpe, Gregory London 1767
Adams, Duke The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress among the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y Edinburgh 1761
Gordon, D.M. The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress among the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y. Edinburgh 1761
McKinnon, Thomas The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress among the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y. Edinburgh 1761
Burnett, Alexander The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress amongst the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y Edinburgh 1761
Ramsay, Sir Alexr, of Balmain, Bart. The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress amongst the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y. Edinburgh 1761
Sauchieburn Manse Library The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress amongst the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y. Edinburgh 1761
Gunn, Neil M. The passion-flower: poems and ballads Rivers, Gabriel Edinburgh 1935
Gunn, Neil The paying guest Blake, George London 1949
Cranstonne, W.(illiam, 1st), Lord The perpetuall government of Christs church: wherein are handled, the fatherly superioritie which God first established in the Patriarkes for... Bilson, T. London 1610
Rule, Gilbert The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate. Prynne, W. London 1627
Mure, Wm. The petticoat: an heroi-comical poem. Chute, F. London 1729
Montgomerie, Anna The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch London 1603
Ogilvy, Walter The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch. London 1603
Grant, Archibald The planter's guide : or, Pleasure gardener's companion. Meader, James London 1779
Gunn, Neil M. The player king Orr, Christine London 1931
Abercairny The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Tolmie-Masson, Donald The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Erskine, Elizabeth? The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Robertson, Christian The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Gunn, Neil The Ponnage Pool Cruickshank, Helen B. Edinburgh 1968
Aberdeen, Ishbel, Lady The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Pentland, Lady The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Weldon, Anthony W. The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Weldon, Tommy B. The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Weldon, Winifred The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Malton, George The popes funerall, containing an exact and pithy reply, to a pretended answere of a shamelesse and foolish libell, called,... Bell, T. London 1606
Read, Alexander The practice of pietie Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631. London 1627
Gunn, Neil M. The press and the public Blake, George London 1930
Grant, Archibald The principles of agriculture and vegetation. Home, Francis Edinburgh 1757
Sutherland, G. The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: asserted from the writings of St Cyprian... Sage, J. London 1695
Grant, Archibald The profitable planter : a treatise on the theory and practice of planting forest trees. Pontey, W. London 1809
Fraser, James The Protestant family-piece, or, a picture of popery : drawn from their own principles, exprest in the words of their... Lowe, Solomon London 1716
Read, Alexander The Protestants Apologie for the Roman Church Anderton, James, fl. 1624 Saint-Omer 1608
Read, Alexander The Protestants apologie for the Roman Church: devided into three severall tractes. Whereof the first concerneth the antiquity & continuance... Anderton, J. Saint-Omer 1608
Gunn, Neil M. The purple half-light Macbride, Anna and Macphee, John Stirling 1933
Beattie, James The pursuits of literature. Mathias, T.J. London
Fort William College, Calcutta The Ramayunu, a poem: in five volumes, Translated from the original Sangskrit, by Kirtee Bass. Krttibasa Serampore 1802
Fraser, James The reasons presented by the dissenting brethern against certain propositions concerning presbyteriall government Westminster Assembly(1643-1652) London 1648