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Page 82 of 92 (Results 4051 to 4100 of 4564) Results ordered by Title, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, Jac The conclave of physicians. In two parts, detecting their intrigues frauds and plots against their patients. Harvey, Gideon London 1686
Lee, John The Confession of Faith, together with the larger and shorter catechisms. Westminster Assembly. Glasgow 1675
Hollis, Thomas The confessional. Blackburne, Francis London 1767
Fraser, Jac The connexion : being choice collections of some principal matters in King James his reign : which may serve to... London 1681
Gunn, Neil M. The conquered Mitchison, Naomi London 1923
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The countrey farrier: teaching divers and sundry approved medicines, to cure all sorts of cattell, as horse, kine, sheepe, hogs... Poole, W. London 1648
Aird, Bethnal The course of conformitie, as it hath proceeded, is concluded, should be refused. Scott, W. Amsterdam 1622
Fraser, James The court and character of King James Weldon, Anthony London 1650
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh... Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Edinburgh 1727
Hollis, Thomas The doctrine of fluxions, not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its application and use in the several parts... Emerson, William London 1757
Mure, Wm. The Dunciad, variorum, with the prolegomena of Scriblerus. Pope, A. London 1729
Hollis, Thomas The elements of optics. Emerson, William London 1768
Hollis, Thomas The elements of trigonometry. Emerson, William London 1764
Hamilton, Robert The elements. Euclid. Edinburgh 1776
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The English farrier. London 1639
Aberdeen and Temair, Ishbel Maria Gordon, Marchioness of The English flower garden: style, position, and arrangement. Robinson, W. London 1883
Innes, Alexander The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body ... Vicary, T. London 1633
Wood, John The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body ... Vicary, T. London 1633
Macleod, Hugh The Epigoniad: a poem in nine books. Wilkie, W. Edinburgh 1757
Fraser, Jac The epistle of Gildas. Abingdon, Thomas London 1638
Beattie, James The execution of Sir Charles Bawdin. Chatterton, T. London 1772
Gunn, Neil The exiled heart Lindsay, Maurice London 1957
Gunn, Neil The expectant silence Soutar, William London 1944
Grant, Archibald The experimental husbandman and gardener : containing a new method of improving estates and gardens. Agricola, Georg Andreas London 1726
Whitelocke, Samuel The famous and memorable workes of Josephus ... Josephus, F. London 1632
Whitelocke, John The famous and memorable workes of Josephus ... Josephus, F. London 1632
Beattie, James The fane of the druids: a poem. Ogilvie, J. London 1789
Abercromby of Birkenbog The farmer's compleat guide through all the articles of his profession. Ball, J. London 1760
Grant, Archibald The farmer's instructor : or, The husbandman and gardener's useful and necessary companion. Trowell, Samuel London 1747
Grant, Archibald The farmer's letters to the people of England : containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman. Young, Arthur London 1768
Fraser, James The fatal effects of arbitrary power and the dangerous condition of court-favorites, demonstrated by the wicked intrigues of the court... Pérez, Antonio London 1715
Fraser, James The first book of the art of mettals, in which is declared the manner of their generation and the concomitants... Barba, Alvaro Alonso London 1674
Fraser, Jac The first book of the works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick : containing five books of the lives,... Rabelais, Francois London 1653
Fraser, Jac The first book. The discovery of a new world. Or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may... Wilkins, John London 1640
Gunn, Neil The five voyages of Arnor Brown, George Mackay Duval 1966
Grant, Archibald The flax-husbandman and flax-dresser instructed : or, The best methods of flax-husbandry and flax-dressing explained, in several letters, / by... Dublin Society Glasgow 1756
Carlisle, William The fower chiefyst offices belingyng to horsemanshippe, that is to saye the office of the breeder, of the rider, of... Blundeville, T. London 1565-66
Bute, Earl of [Stuart] The fower chiefyst offices belingyng to horsemanshippe, that is to saye the office of the breeder, of the rider, of... Blundeville, T. London 1565-66
Grant, Archibald The gardener's and planter's calendar : containing the method of raising timber-trees, fruit-trees, and quick, for hedges. Weston, Richard London 1773
Grant, Archibald The gardener's new kalendar : divided according to the twelve months of the year. Hill, John London 1758
Grant, Archibald The gardener's pocket-calendar, containing the most approved methods of cultivating the useful and ornamental plants for the kitchen-garden, flower-garden, and... Ellis, Thomas London 1776
Grant, Archibald The gardeners dictionary : containing the methods of cultivating and improving all sorts of trees, plants, and flowers. Miller, Philip London 1754
Grant, Archibald The gardeners kalendar : directing what works are necessary to be done every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens,... Miller, Philip London 1757
Merser, Thomas The general practise of physicke. Conteyning all inward and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities... Wirsung, C. London 1617
Knowler, Robert The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie,... Knolles, R. London 1638
George, James The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie,... Knolles, R. London 1638
Grant, Archibald The gentleman's stable directory : or, Modern system of farriery. Taplin, William London 1793
Macleod, Hugh The genuine works of Josephus translated ... According to Havercamp's ... Edition: containing twenty books of the Jewish antiquities; with... Josephus, F. Glasgow 1777
Fraserus, Lachlanus The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan gentleman. Cattan, C. London 1591
Fraserus, Lilias Elizabeth The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan gentleman. Cattan, C. London 1591