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Page 9 of 14 (Results 401 to 450 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Hollis, Thomas Grammatica linguae anglicanae, cui praefigitur de loquela, sive de sanorum omnium loquilarium formatione : tractatus grammatico-physicus. Wallis, John London 1765
Fraser, Jac Indiculus universalis Pomey, Francois Antoine London 1679
Fraser, Jac Essays on divers weighty and curious subjects. Parker, Samuel London 1702
Fraser, Jac The history of philosophy in eight parts. Stanley, Thomas London 1656-60
Fraser, Jac A discourse wherein is examined what is particularly lawfull during the confusions and revolutions of government. Ascham, Anthony London 1648
Fraser, Jac A dialogue of polygamy. Ochino, Bernardino London 1657
Fraser, Jac The history of the Chaldaick philosophy. Stanley, Thomas London 1662
Fraser, Jac A second vindication of the reasonableness of Christianity, &c. / By the author of the Reasonableness of Christianity, &c. Locke, John London 1697
Fraser, Jac An answer to Mr. Cressy's Epistle apologetical to a person of honour touching his vindication of Dr. Stillingfleet. Stillingfleet, Edward London 1675
Fraser, Jac The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh ... 1, of the extent of Christs death and satisfaction ... 2,... Ussher, James London 1657
Fraser, Jac Works. Hickeringill, Edmund London 1716
Fraser, Jac Critica sacra in two parts : the first containing observations on all the radices of primitive Hebrew words of the... Leigh, Edward London 1662
Fraser, Jac Christianity not mysterious. Toland, John London 1696
Fraser, Jac Reflections on some assertions and opinions of Mr. Dodwell, contain'd in a book entituled An epistolary discourse proving that the... Whitby, Daniel London 1707
Fraser, Jac Precious faith considered in its nature, working and growth. Polhill, Edward London 1675
Fraser, Jac An address to the Jews by John Xeres : containing his reasons for leaving the Jewish and embracing the Christian... Xeres, John London 1710
Fraser, Jac Politica sacra & civilis. Lawson, George London 1689
Fraser, Jac Some observations upon the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the kings of England. Washington, Robert London 1689
Fraser, Jac Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated : including the chief part of the government of Christian... Baxter, Richard London 1680
Fraser, Jac A treatise of episcopacy, confuting by Scripture reason and the churches testimony that sort of diocesan churches, prelacy, and government,... Baxter, Richard London 1681
Fraser, Jac The antipathie of the English lordly prelacie both to regall monarchy and civill unity. Prynne, William London 1641
Fraser, Jac A second admonition to Mr. Edward Bagshaw, written to call him to repentance for many false doctrines with a confutation... Baxter, Richard London 1671
Fraser, Jac La tyrannie des prejugez. Du Moulin, Lewis London 1678
Fraser, Jac Discours d'un bourgeois de Paris sur les pouvoirs de Cardinal Chigi. London 1665
Fraser, Jac La Liturgie, cest a dire le formulaire des prieres publiques de l'administration des sacremens et des autres ceremonies ... selon... Church of England London 1702
Fraser, Jac An historical preface to primitive Christianity reviv'd. Whiston, William London 1711
Fraser, Jac The history of the Church of Malabar from the tine of its being first discover'd by the Portuguezes in the... Geddes, Michael London 1694
Fraser, Jac The church-history of Ethiopia. Geddes, Michael London 1696
Fraser, Jac The history of the Bohemian persecution from 894 to 1632. Comenius, Johann Amos London 1650
Fraser, Jac A twofold vindication of the late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and of 'The author of The history of religion'. Howard, Robert, Sir London 1696
Fraser, Jac A treatise concerning the right use of the Fathers in the decision of the controversies that are at this day... Daille, Jean London 1651
Fraser, Jac Bishop Bramhall's vindication of himself and the Episcopal clergy from the Presbyterian charge of popery, as it is managed by... Bramhall, John London 1672
Fraser, Jac Patronus bonae fidei in causa Puritanorum contra hierarchicos Anglos, ut disceptatur in specimine confutationis Johannis Durelli, cujus periculum fit, cum... Du Moulin, Lewis London 1672
Fraser, Jac Mr. James Pierce's remarks on Dr. Wells's letters to Mr. Peter Dowley, and to a dissenting parishioner, with his several... Pierce, James London 1711
Fraser, Jac Plato redivivus. Neville, Henry London 1681
Fraser, Jac The true interest and political maxims of the Republick of Holland and West-Friesland. Court, Pieter de la London 1702
Fraser, Jac Lex, rex. Rutherford, Samuel London 1644
Fraser, Jac The laws of Jamaica passed by the Assembly and confirmed by his majesty in Council, Feb. 23, 1683. London 1683
Fraser, Jac Memoires relating to the state of the Royal Navy of England. Pepys, Samuel London 1690
Fraser, Jac The anatomy of a pygmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man Tyson, Edward London 1699
Fraser, Jac Mr. Worlidge's two treatises : the first, of improvement of husbandry ... the second, a treatise of cyder and of... Worlidge, John London 1694
Fraser, Jac The city and countrey purchaser, and builder's dictionary. Neve, Richard London 1703
Fraser, Jac Poems, &c. written upon several occasions, and to several persons. Waller, Edmund London 1694
Fraser, Jac Eikonoklastis, in answer to a book intitl'd, Eikon Basilike, the portracture of his Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. Milton, John London 1649
Fraser, Jac Logopandecteision, or an introduction to the universal language. Urquhart, Thomas London 1653
Fraser, Jac The first book of the works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick : containing five books of the lives,... Rabelais, Francois London 1653
Fraser, Jac Georgii Buchanani Scoti ad viros sui seculi clarissimos, eorumque ad eundem, Epistolae. Buchanan, George London 1711
Fraser, Jac C. Julius Caesar nomismaticus, sive Dissertatio historica. Fabricius, J. Seobald London 1678
Fraser, Jac The connexion : being choice collections of some principal matters in King James his reign : which may serve to... London 1681
Fraser, Jac Eikon basilike. : The pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Gauden, John London 1648