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Page 5 of 14 (Results 201 to 250 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Straquhan, Andreas The argument of Mr. Peter de la Marteliere advocate in the Court of Parliament of Paris, made in Parliament,... La Marteli London 1612
Scott, Joannes A worlde of wordes. Florio, J. London 1598
Sandilands, James, Sr. A worlde of wordes. Florio, J. London 1598
Sotheby, C.W.H. De anitquitate Cantabrigiensis Academiae libri duo, in quorum secundo de Oxoniensis quoque gymnasii antiquitate disseritur. Caius, J. London 1568
Shepherd, Mary Saducismus triumphatus. Glanvil, J. London 1681
Simson, I. (J.) Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. Moufet, T. London 1634
Sinclair, Wm. De bello Gallico. Caesar, J. London 1600
Sinclair, D. De bello Gallico. Caesar, J. London 1600
Strachan, Andrew The survey of Christs sufferings for mans redemption: and of His descent to Hades or Hel [sic] for our deliverance. Bilson, T. London 1604
Seafort, Countess of An exposition or commentarie upon the catechisme of Christian religion, which is taught in the schooles and churches both of... Bastingius, J. London 1614
Stragn, And. Analecta ecclesiasticarum exercitationum: collectore Richardo Montacutio. Montagu, R. London 1622
Scougall, Henry The summe of the conference between Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Rainolds, J. London 1584
Strother, Gulielmus XV choice sermons, preached upon selected occasions. Stoughton, J. London 1640
Sandilands, Thomas The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Sandilands, James The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Skene, Joannes Tes kaines diathekes apanta. Estienne, R. London 1633
Sinclair, Robert Petri Suavis Polani historiae Concilii Tridentini libri octo, ex Italicis summa fide & accuratiione Latini facti. Sarpi, P. London 1620
Scalan The history of the most renowned and victorious Princess Elizabeth, late queen of England containing all the most important and... Camden, W. London 1688
Signet Library A newyeares gifte, dedicated to the Popes Holinesse, and all Catholikes addicted to the Sea of Rome. Garter, B. London 1579
Straqn, And. A replie to Jesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propou[n]ded by his most gratious Ma[jes]tie King James. By Francis White.... White, F. London 1624
Twisden, Dos. Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus institutio. Oughtred, W. London 1631?
Thimble, Wm. The most excellent worckes of chirurgery, made and set forth by maister John Vigon. Vigo, de, J. London 1550
Tredenyck, Cha. Spiritus est Vicarius Christi in terra: a breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith, made in fourme of a... Northbrooke, J. London 1571
Turke, Thomas The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Thicknesse, Philip A relation of a journey begun An. Dom. 1610. Sandys, G. London 1637
Urquhart, Patrick The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Gervase Babington, late Bishop of Worcester, containing comfortable notes upon the... Babington, G. London 1637
Vincent, Matthew Elements. Euclid. London 1570
V., T, c. The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan gentleman. Cattan, C. London 1591
Valentine, Margaret The ministrel. Beattie, J. London 1797
Watkins, Tho. The collection of the history of England, Daniel, S. London 1634
Wood, John The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body ... Vicary, T. London 1633
Wylie of Carswell Saducismus triumphatus. Glanvil, J. London 1681
W., M. A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parva Lanfranci now first published in the English prynte. Lanfranco, of Milan. London 1565
Whitelocke, Samuel The famous and memorable workes of Josephus ... Josephus, F. London 1632
Whitelocke, John The famous and memorable workes of Josephus ... Josephus, F. London 1632
Wressell, Nicholas XV choice sermons, preached upon selected occasions. Stoughton, J. London 1640
White, Patrick The Bible in Englishe, that is to saye, the contentes of al the holy Scripture, both of the Olde and... London 1562
Williams, Robt. Sermons Deuteronomy. Calvin, J. London 1583
Wedderburn, David Ioannis Barcalii icon animorum. Barclay, J. London 1614
Burnett, Jac. XV choice sermons, preached upon selected occasions. Stoughton, J. London 1640
B., W. The historie of the Church, since the dayes of our Saviour Iesus Christ, untill this present age. Symson, P. London 1640
Bacon, Francis An answer to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland. Wherein, the iudgment of antiquity in the points questioned... Ussher, J. London 1631
Baird, George, of Auchmedden The works of John Weemse, of Lathocker. Weemes, J. London 1633
Burnet, Ja. Hexapla in Exodum, that is, a sixfold commentary upon the second booke of Moses called Exodus... Willet, A. London 1633
Burnet, Ja. Hexapla in Leviticum, that is, a six-fold commentarie upon the third Booke of Moses, called Leviticus. Willet, A. London 1631
Blackhall, Alex A Christian dictionary. Opening the signification of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New... Wilson, T. London 1622
Burnet, Jacobus, I.U.D. Sermons Deuteronomy. Calvin, J. London 1583
Burnet, Jacobus, I.U.D. Tes kaines diathekes apanta. Estienne, R. London 1633
Burnet, Jacobus Iesu Christi D.N. Novum Testamentum e lingua Syriaca latino sermone redditum. Tremellius, I. London 1580
Burnet, Jacobus An exposition of the first and second chapters of the later Episte [sic] of the Apostle Paul to Timothie... Barlow, J. London 1632