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Page 4 of 14 (Results 151 to 200 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Maddocke, Cha. The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Brevaries of L. Florus, with a chronologie to the... Livy. London 1600
Mas, James The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Mason, David The Bible in Englishe, that is to saye, the contentes of al the holy Scripture, both of the Olde and... London 1562
Meldrum, Wm. The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett) The lives and amours of the empresses, consorts to the first twelve Caesars of Rome. Serviez, Jacques Roergas London 1723
Mure, Wm. The petticoat: an heroi-comical poem. Chute, F. London 1729
Mure, Wm. The Dunciad, variorum, with the prolegomena of Scriblerus. Pope, A. London 1729
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett) The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe, D. London 1778
Manwaring, Henry Historia ecclesiastica 1577-76. Eusebius, Bsihop of Caesarea. London 1585
McB, Y. Analysis logica in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas. / Authore Roberto Rolloco. Rollock, R. London 1602
Newham, John XCVI sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1635
Ogilvy, Walter The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch. London 1603
Osborn, D. The collection of the history of England. Daniel, S. London 1634
Perth Cathedral Library Elements of philosophy, the first section concerning body. Hobbes, T. London 1656
Pollard, Graham Workes. Marston, J. London 1633
Page, Gresham Institutio. Calvin, J. London 1576
Patirson, M.G. Commentarii Ioannis Calvini in quinque libros Mosis. Genesis seorsum: reliqui quatuor in forman harmoniae digesti. Calvin, J. London 1573
Patton, John The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Pattersone, Robert The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Pigott, Baptista Sermons of Master John Calvin, upon the booke of Job. Calvin, J. London 1574
Paterson, John Reformation legum ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate primum regis Henrici 8. inchoata, deine per regium Edovardum 6. provecta. Church of England. London 1661
Ramsay, William Suffragium collegiale theologorum Magnae Britanniae de quinque controversis remonstrantium articulis, iudicio synodico praevium. Carleton, G. London 1633
Rolsone, William Moses and Jethro. Reading, J. London 1626
Rule, G. The second part of the Christian warfare; or the contempt of the world: tending to arme and confirme the weake... Downame, J. London 1619
Rait, D. Lexicon Graecolatinum. Crespin, J. London 1581
Rait, Gull. Lexicon Graecolatinum. Crespin, J. London 1581
Read, Alexr. Somatographia anthropine or A description of the body of man. By artificiall figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing... Crooke, H. London 1616
Read, Alexander Medulla s.s. Theologiae, ex sacris literis earumque interpretibus extracta ... In fine adjuncta est disputatio de fidei divinae veritate. Ames, W. London 1629
Rule, Gilbert The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate. Prynne, W. London 1627
Rose, James A collection of the principal liturgies, used by the Christian Church in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist / translated... Brett, T. London 1720
Read, Alexander Iter plantarum investigationis ergo susceptum a decem sociis, in agrum Cantianum. Anno Dom. 1629. Iulii. 13. ericetum Hamstedianum sive plantarum... Johnson, T. London 1629
Read, Alexander A short discoverie of the unobserved dangers of severall sorts of ignorant and unconsiderate practisers of physicke in England: profitable... Cotta, J. London 1612
Read, Alexander Iacobi Primirosii exercitationes, et animadversiones in librum, De motu cordis, et circulatione sanguinis. Primerosius, J. London 1630
Read, Alexander A discourse upon chirurgery. Fioravanti, L. London 1626
Read, Alexander Papatus Romanus: liber de origine, progressu, atque extinctione ipsius. De Dominis, M.A. London 1617
Read, Alexander A discourse of the preservation of the sight, of melancholike disease: of rheumes, and of old age. Du Laurens, A. London 1599
Read, Alexander The three bookes written in the Spanishe tonge. Monardes, N. London 1577
Rhed, Alex. Marmora Arundelliana; sive Saxa Graece incisa ex venerandis priscae orientis gloriae ruderibus, auspiciis & impensis herois illustriss. thomae Comitis Arundelliae... Selden, J. London 1628
Robertson, Jacobus The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan gentleman. Cattan, C. London 1591
Read, Alex. The summe of the conference betweene John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and the faith of the Church.... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Read, Alex. Sacrae heptades, or Seaven problems concerning Antichrist. 1. Of his place. 2. Of his state. 3. Of his names. 4.... Salteren, G. London 1625
Read, Alex. Gravissimae quaestionis, de Christianarum ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usq[ue] aetatem, continua successione & statu,... Ussher, J. London 1613
Robertsone, William A discourse of the abuses now in question in the churches of Christ, of their creeping in, growing up, and... Whetenhall, T. London 1606
Robertsone, William Synopsis Papismi: that is, a generall view of Papistrie: wherein the whole mysterie of iniguitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine... Willet, A. London 1600
R(h)ait, David Analysis logica evangelii secundum Lucam: Una cum scholiis et observationibus locorum doctrinae. / Authore M. Johanne Piscatore, sacrarum literarum in... Piscator, J. London 1596
R(h)ait, Wm. Analysis logica evangelii secundum Lucam: Una cum scholiis et observationibus locorum doctrinae. / Authore M. Johanne Piscatore, sacrarum literarum in... Piscator, J. London 1596
Read, Alex. Paradisi in sole, paradisus terrestris. Parkinson, J. London 1629
Read, Alex. A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie ... which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Read, A. London 1638
Strachan, Andrew The office and use of the morall law of God in the dayes of the Gospell, justified, and explained at... Hinde, W. London 1623
Scharp, Alexander Analysis logica in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas. Rollock, R. London 1602