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Page 11 of 14 (Results 501 to 550 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, James A conference about the next succession to the crown of England : divided into two parts. The first containeth the... London 1681
Fraser, James The knowledge of medals Jobert, Louis London 1697
Fraser, James Certamen epistolare Heylyn, Peter London 1659
Fraser, James The rights of the people concerning impositions, stated in a learned argument, with a remonstrance presented to the King's Majesty,... Yelverton, Henry London 1658
Fraser, James Angliae notitia, or, The present state of England : the first and second part. Together with divers reflections... Chamberlayne, Edward London 1672
Fraser, James Pupilla oculi omnibus presbyteris precipue Anglicanis summe necessaria ... Burgo, de, Joannes London 15--?
Fraser, James The whole art of the stage Aubignac, François-Hédelin London 1684
Fraser, James A confutation of the reason and philosophy of atheism Wise, Thomas London 1706
Fraser, James Systema agriculturae: the mystery of husbandry discovered Worlidge, John London 1681
Fraser, James A breviate of the prelates intollerable usurpations, both upon the Kings prerogative royall, and the subjects liberties Prynne, William London 1637
Fraser, James Luthers fore-runners: or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith. Gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses:... Perrin, Jean Paul London 1624
Fraser, James The true history of councils enlarged and defended, against the deceits of a pretended vindicator of the Primitive Church Baxter, Richard London 1682
Fraser, James A peaceable and temperate plea for Pauls Presbyterie in Scotland Rutherford, Samuel London 1642
Fraser, James Chartophylax ecclesiasticus, quo prope 1500 scriptores ecclesiastici eorumque patria, ordo, secta, munera, aetas et obitus : editiones operum... Cave, William London 1685
Fraser, James An apologetical vindication of the Church of England, in answer to her adversaries who reproach her with the English heresies... Hickes, George London 1706
Fraser, James A short vindication of The relapse and The provok'd wife from immorality and prophaneness, by the author Vanbrugh, John London 1698
Fraser, James Pleas of the crown: or, a methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject Hale, Matthew London 1694
Fraser, James A philippick oration to incite the English against the French but especially to prevent the treating of a peace with... Schinner, Mathaus cardinal London 1707
Fraser, James Of that heart and its right soveraign and Rome no mother-church to England Jones, Thomas London 1678
Fraser, James An essay proving we shall know our friends in Heaven Philaret London 1698
Fraser, James A third defence of the cause of peace Baxter, Richard London 1681
Fraser, James The Nonconformist's plea for peace, or an account of their judgment Baxter, Richard London 1679
Fraser, James La politique des Jesuites Monpersan, de, L London 1688
Fraser, James Euclidis Elementa geometrica Euclid London 1666
Fraser, James A remembrancer of excellent men Barksdale, Clement London 1670
Fraser, James Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters, addressed by way of letter to a friend Boyle, Robert London 1684
Fraser, James The morals of Confucius London 1691
Fraser, James Culpeper's School of physick Culpeper, Nicholas London 1659
Fraser, James The none-such Charles his character : extracted, out of divers originall transactions, dispatches and the notes of severall... Gerbier, Balthazar London 1651
Fraser, James A discourse of ecclesiastical politie wherein the authority of the civil magistrate over the consciences of subjects in matters of... Parker, Samuel London 1670
Fraser, James The historie of Scotland, during the minority of King James Johnston, Robert London 1646
Fraser, James The court and character of King James Weldon, Anthony London 1650
Fraser, James Markou Antoninou tou autokratoros ton eis heauton biblia XII = Marci Antonini Imperatoris De rebus suis, sive de eis quae... Marcus Aurelius London 1697
Fraser, James Oeuvres diverses de Mr. Rousseau Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste London 1723
Fraser, James Paraenesis ad aedificatores imperii in imperio : in qua defenduntur jura magistratus adversus mosem Amyraldum Dumoulin, Louis London 1656
Fraser, James Uxor Ebraica Selden, John London 1646
Fraser, James Lusitania liberata ab injusto Castellanorum dominio, restituta legitimo Principi Serenissimo Joanni IV Sousa de Macedo, Antonio de London 1645
Fraser, James Notable revolutions beeing a true relation of what hap'ned in the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the years MDCL... Aitzema, Lieuwe van London 1653
Fraser, James The independency of England endeavored to be maintained by Henry Marten, a member of the Parliament there against the claim... Marten, Henry London 1648
Fraser, James Scholae Wintoniensis phrases Latinae Robinson, H. London 1676
Fraser, James French grammar, enriched with severall choise dialogues Mauger, Claude London 1658
Fraser, James Ludovici Molinaei Corotharium ad Paraenesim guam ad aedificatores imperii in imperio Du Moulin, Lewis London 1657
Fraser, James The treatise of the figures at the end of the rules of construction in the Latin grammar construed Stockwood, John London 1696
Fraser, James An alarm to Protestants A short method with a Papist Battersby, John London 1714
Fraser, James The school of the Eucharist established Bridoul, Toussain London 1687
Fraser, James A treatise of English particles Walker, William London 1673
Fraser, James Advices from Parnassus : in two centuries. With the political touchstone, and an appendix to it Boccalini, Traiano London 1705
Fraser, James Gerardi Joan. Vossii et clarorum virorum ad eum Epistolae Vossius, Gerardus Joannes London 1690
Fraser, James English examples of the Latine syntaxis Walker, William London 1686
Fraser, James The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers Hoole, Charles London 1704-05