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Page 10 of 14 (Results 451 to 500 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, Jac An essay upon ways and means of supplying the war. Davenant, Charles London 1695
Fraser, Jac The history of the reign of Lewis XIII, King of France and Navarre . Le Vassor, Michel London 1700
Fraser, Jac The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those... Fowler, J. London 1656
Fraser, Jac The History of the late revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol. Bernier, Francois London 1672-76
Fraser, Jac A late voyage to St. Kilda : the remotest of all the Hebrides, or western isles of Scotland. Martin, Martin London 1698
Fraser, Jac El Testamento Nuevo de nuestro Senor Iesu Christo. London 1596
Fraser, Jac De pace inter evangelicos procuranda sententiae quatuor : quarum tres a reverendis dominis episcopis Tho. Dunelmensi, Io. Sarisburiensi, Ios. Exoniensi. Morton, Thomas London 1638
Fraser, Jac The first book. The discovery of a new world. Or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may... Wilkins, John London 1640
Fraser, Jac A rich cabinet, with variety of inventions, unlock'd and open'd : for the recreation of ingenious spirits at their vacant... White, John London 1668
Fraser, Jac Marcelli Palingenii Stellati ... Zodiacus vitae, hoc est de hominis vita, studio ac moribus optime instituendis libri XII. Manzolli, Pietro Angelo London 1639
Fraser, Jac The epistle of Gildas. Abingdon, Thomas London 1638
Fraser, Jac Ad regem e Scotia reducem Henrici Wottonij plausus et vota. Wotton, Henry London 1633
Fraser, Jac Minshaei emendatio, vel a mendis expurgatio, seu augmentatio sui Ductoris in linguas. Minsheu, John London 1627
Fraser, Jac Mikrokosmographia. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies thereto belonging. Crooke, Helkiah London 1631
Fraser, Jac Brabantia illustrata, sive Castella & praetoria nobilium Brabantiae, coenobiaque celebriora ad vivum delineata. London 17??
Fraser, Jac The living librarie, or Meditations and observations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Camerarius, Philipp London 1625
Hollis, Thomas Letters concerning toleration. Locke, John London 1765
Hollis, Thomas A collection of several tracts of the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Clarendon, E. H. London 1727
Fraser, Jac A new historical relation of the kingdom of Siam. La Loubere, Simon de London 1693
Fraser, Jac An essay towards a real character, and a philosophical language. Wilkins, John London 1668
Fraser, Jac A new and easy method of book-keeping, or Instructions for a methodical keeping of merchants accompts, by way of debitor... Brodie, Alexander London 1722
Fraser, Jac M.T. Ciceronis opera quae extant omnia. Cicero, Marcus Tullius London 1681
Fraser, Jac The two first books, of Philostratus, concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus, written originally in Greek, and now published in... Philostratus London 1680
Fraser, Jac Historical discourses, upon several occasions. Walker, Edward London 1705
Fraser, Jac The royal commentaries of Peru, in two parts. Vega, Garcilaso de la London 1688
Read, Alexander Annotations upon the five Bookes of Moses, the Booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs or Canticles Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? London 1627
Read, Alexander Opuscula quaedam posthuma Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626 London 1629
Read, Alexander Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lords Prayer. 2nd ed. Baker, Richard London 1637
Read, Alexander The practice of pietie Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631. London 1627
Read, Alexander The workes of John Boys Doctor in Divinitie and Deane of Canterburie Boys, John, 1571-1625 London 1622
Read, Alexander Master Broughtons letters to and against the Archbishop of Canterbury Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612 London 1600
Gregorie, James The herball or Generall historie of plantes Gerard, John. London 1636
Bute, Earl of [Stuart] The fower chiefyst offices belingyng to horsemanshippe, that is to saye the office of the breeder, of the rider, of... Blundeville, T. London 1565-66
Fraser, James The Protestant family-piece, or, a picture of popery : drawn from their own principles, exprest in the words of their... Lowe, Solomon London 1716
Henderson, Alexander The castel of health. Elyot, Thomas London 1561
Fraser, James Portrait-royal : a poem upon Her Majesty's picture ... drawn by Mr. Closterman. Tate, Nahum London 1703
Fraser, James The first book of the art of mettals, in which is declared the manner of their generation and the concomitants... Barba, Alvaro Alonso London 1674
Fraser, James An enquiry into the right use and abuses of the hot, cold, and temperate baths in England. Floyer, John London 1697
Fraser, James A sermon preach'd at the funeral of the right noble William duke of Devonshire in the church of All-Hallows in... Kennet, White. London 1708
Fraser, James Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Roman emperour, his meditations concerning himself : treating of a natural man's happiness; wherein it consisteth,... Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome London 1673
Fraser, James Mysterion tes Hanomias. That is, Another part of The Mystery of Jesuitism; or The new heresie of the Jesuites, publickly... Arnauld, Antoine London 1664
Fraser, James The arguments of Monsieur Herard for ... the Duke of Mazarin, against ... the Dutchess of Mazarin . Erard, Claude London 1699
Fraser, James Eusebia triumphans, carmen Hannonianis Imperiali coronae Angliae successoribus dictatum Settle, Elkanah London 1702
Fraser, James A new dictionary French and English, with another English and French, according to the present use and modern orthography of... Miege, Guy London 1677
Fraser, James A decacordon of ten quodlibeticall questions concerning religion and state : wherein the authour framing himfelfe [sic] a quilibet to... Watson, William London 1602
Fraser, James Johannis Pearsonii ... Opera posthuma chronologica, &c., viz. De serie et successione primorum Romae episcoporum dissertationes duae; quibus praefiguntur Annales... Pearson, John London 1688
Fraser, James The reasons presented by the dissenting brethern against certain propositions concerning presbyteriall government Westminster Assembly(1643-1652) London 1648
Fraser, James Sir Lucius Cary, late lord viscount of Falkland, his discourse of infallibility, with an answer to it : ... Falkland, Lucius Cary London 1651
Fraser, James Telluris theoria sacra : orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales quas aut jam subiit aut olim subiturus est complectens. Burnet, Thomas London 1689
Fraser, James The antiquities of Palmyra. : Containing the history of the city, and its emperors, from its foundation to the present... Seller, Abednego. London 1696