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Page 1 of 14 (Results 1 to 50 of 653) Results ordered by Publication Place, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, James The Bishop of London his legacy. Or Certaine motives of D. King, late bishop of London, for his change of... Musket, George 1623
Anderson, Alexander A tragoedie or dialoge of the unjuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the just abolishyng... Ochino, Bernardino. London 1549
Aberdeen, Common Library of New A tragoedie or dialoge of the unjuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the just abolishyng... Ochino, Bernardino. London 1549
Arundel, 12th Earl of (Henry Fitzalan) Gildae ... De excidio & conquestu Britanniae, ac flebili castigatione ... Epistola ... Non solum a mendis plurimis vindicata, sed... Gildas. London 1568
Aberdeen, Common Library of New The institution of Christian religion... Calvin, J. London 1561
Arbuthnot, Alexander A geometrical practise named Pantometria containing rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines, superficies and solids. Digges, L. London 1571
Anderson, Rev. Dr. The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the original tongues: and with the... London 1640
Adams, Francis The Royal Pharmacopoea, galenical and chymical. Charas, M. London 1678
Adamsones Diversi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Saravia editi. Saravia, H. London 1611
Anderson, Alex The survay of London: containing, the originall, antiquitie, encrease and more modern estate of the sayd famous citie. As also,... Stow, J. London 1618
Bagg, James Three Bookes of Colloquies concerning the arte of shooting in great and small peeces of artillerie. Tartaglia, N. London 1588
Brunus, Henricus Analysis logica in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Galatas. Rollock, R. London 1602
Billingsley, James The hystory. Thucydides. London 1550
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The Byrth of Mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Rosslin, E. London 1560
Boyne, J. A Dictionarie in Spanish and English / first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale, gent. Now enl. And... Perceval, R London 1599
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The countrey farrier: teaching divers and sundry approved medicines, to cure all sorts of cattell, as horse, kine, sheepe, hogs... Poole, W. London 1648
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The English farrier. London 1639
Bartlet, Benj., jun. Saducismus Triumphatus Glanvil, J. London 1681
Brown, Littleton Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. Moufet, T. London 1634
Bathurst, Benjamin Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. Moufet, T. London 1634
Balfour, Andreas The Christian warfare: wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall enemies of our... Downame, J. London 1604
Blackburn, Peter Ioannis Iuelli aduersus Thomam Hardingum, volumen alterum, in quo viginti septem quaestiones & scripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis... Jewel, J. London 1578
Bute, John Stuart, Third Earl Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse leech. Markham, Gervase. London 1631
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse leech. Markham, Gervase. London 1631
Burnet, Jas. Nova et methodica, institvtio lingvae Hebraeae & Chaldaeae. Bythner, V. London 1635
Blakhall, Alexr. De arte supputandi libri quattuor. Tunstall, C. London 1522
Beattie, James The Minstrel Beattie, J. London 1797
Boyle, Robt. Fred. Euphues the anatomie of wit. Lyly, J. London 1636
Calvertus, Georgius G. Haddoni Iucubrationes passim collectae, & editae. Haddon, W. London 1567
Charles I De potestate papae in rebus temporalibus, sive in regibus deponendis usurpata, adversus Robertum Cardinalem Bellarminum, libri duo. In quibus respondetur... Buckeridge, J. London 1614
Crichton, James (Viscount Frendraught) Theatrum imperii Magnae Britanniae; exactam regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae et insularum adjacentium geographia[m] ob oculos ponens: una cum comitatibus, centuriis,... Speed, J. London 1616
Calendar, Alexander Deus & Rex. Sive Dialogus, quo demonstratur, Serenissimum D. Nostrum Jacobum Regem, immediate sub Deo constitutum in regnis suis, justissime... James I, King of Great Britain London 1616
Cox, Rebekah The Byrth of Mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Rosslin, E. London 1560
Challis, Edward The Byrth of Mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Rosslin, E. London 1560
Coe, Mathew Pleasant and delightfull dialogues in Spanish and English, profitable to the learner, and not unpleasant to any other reader. Minsheu, J. London 1599
Chalmers, Jo. Artis analytical praxis, an ad aequationes algebraicas nova methodo resolvendas. Harriot, T. London 1631
Cole, John De antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academiae libri duo, in quorum secundo de Oxoniensis quoque gymnasii antiquitate disseritur. Caius, J. London 1568
Cumming, Wm, of Inverallochy A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare. Jewel, J. London 1566
Carlisle, William The fower chiefyst offices belingyng to horsemanshippe, that is to saye the office of the breeder, of the rider, of... Blundeville, T. London 1565-66
Collie, William The rogue: or The life of Guzman de Alfarache. Aleman, M. London 1623
Clerk, Jacobus The booke of the common prayer ... After the use of the Churche of England Church of England London 1549
Cumming, Wm, of Inverallochy Ioannis Iuelli aduersus Thomam Hardingum, volumen alterum, in quo viginti septem quaestiones & scripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis... Jewel, J. London 1578
Clerk, George Ioannis Iuelli aduersus Thomam Hardingum, volumen alterum, in quo viginti septem quaestiones & scripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis... Jewel, J. London 1578
Coke, Thomas The treatise on English law formerly attributed to John Breton, Bishop of Hereford, based on H. De Bracton's "De legibus... London 1540?
Cordel, Mr. Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus institutio. Oughtred, W. London 1631
Crawhall, Hugh The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the original tongues: and with the... London 1640
Cranstonne, W.(illiam, 1st), Lord The perpetuall government of Christs church: wherein are handled, the fatherly superioritie which God first established in the Patriarkes for... Bilson, T. London 1610
Clark, James A relation of a journey begun An: Dom: 1619. Foure bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Aegypt,... Sandys, G. London 1615
Caldecott, G. A discourse upon the meanes of wel governing and maintaining in good peace a kingdom: against Nicholas Machiavell. Gentillet, I. London 1602
Constable, family of. (of Edinburgh?) Ioannis Barclaii icon animorum. Barclay, J. London 1614