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Page 86 of 92 (Results 4251 to 4300 of 4564) Results ordered by Year, earliest to latest

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Anderson, James Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry, chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and... Anderson, J. Edinburgh 1777
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett) The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe, D. London 1778
Alexander, Mrs. Present state of husbandry in Scotland. Wight, A. Edinburgh 1778-84
Boisdale, Colin MacDonald Present state of husbandry in Scotland. Wight, A. Edinburgh 1778-84
Grant, Archibald Present state of husbandry in Scotland : extracted from reports made to the commissioners of the annexed estates, and published... Wight, A. Edinburgh 1778-84
Grant, Archibald The planter's guide : or, Pleasure gardener's companion. Meader, James London 1779
Beattie, James Sympathy. Pratt, S.J. London 1781
Beattie, James Anna and Edgar. Inglis, Richmond [Mrs]. Edinburgh 1781
Beattie, James Historical account of the grand tragic ballet, called Medaea and Jason, as it is performed with uncommon applause at the... London 1781
Beattie, James Tales in verse. Pinkerton, J. London 1782
Bentley, Prof. (James) Grammaticae Hebraeae, priore in quibusdam partibus brevior, Accedit appendix, quae quasdam animadversiones in Grammaticam Hebraeam. Robertson, J. Edinburgh 1783
Beattie, James Hero and Leander: a poem. Musaeus, G. Glasgow 1783
Grant, Archibald Observations on live stock, containing hints for choosing and improving the best breeds of the most useful kinds of domestic... Culley, George London 1786
Beattie, James The fane of the druids: a poem. Ogilvie, J. London 1789
Grant, Archibald The gentleman's stable directory : or, Modern system of farriery. Taplin, William London 1793
Beattie, James The Minstrel Beattie, J. London 1797
Valentine, Margaret The ministrel. Beattie, J. London 1797
Abercairny The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Tolmie-Masson, Donald The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Erskine, Elizabeth? The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Robertson, Christian The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. Macpherson, James Glasgow 1799
Grant, Archibald A systematic arrangement of British plants : with an easy introduction to the study of botany. Withering, William London 1801
Fort William College, Calcutta Dharmma Pustaka taha Isvarera samasta bakya, yaha prakasa kariyachena manushyera trana o karyya sodhanarthe : tahara prathama bhaga yahate cari... Serampore 1801
Fort William College, Calcutta Dialogues intended to facilitate the acquiring of the Bengalee language. Carey, William Serampore 1801
Fort William College, Calcutta A grammar of the Bengalee language Carey, William Serampore 1801
Fort William College, Calcutta Mangala-samacara. New testament in Bengali Serampore 1801
Fort William College, Calcutta A dictionary of the Persian and Arabic languages Barretto, Joseph Calcutta 1801-1806
Fort William College, Calcutta Buttrish Singhasun, or, The Thirty-two imaged throne Mrtyunjaya Bidyalankara Serampore 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta Heetopadeshu, or, beneficial instructions Sharma, Golaknath Serampore 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta The history of Raja Pritapadityu Basu, Ramarama Serampore 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta Lippi Mala, or, The bracelet of writing; being a series of letters on different subjects. By Ram Ram Boshoo, one... Basu, Ramarama Serampore 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta The Mahabharut, a poem, book the first, in four volumes. Translated from the original Sangskrit, by Kashee Ram Dass Serampore 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta Murseeu, or, Elegy on the death of Mooslim and his two sons, By Miskeen, published under the patronage of... Miskin Calcutta 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta The Ramayunu, a poem: in five volumes, Translated from the original Sangskrit, by Kirtee Bass. Krttibasa Serampore 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta The rose garden of Hindoostan ; translated from Shykh Sadee's original nursery or Persian Goolistan, of Sheeraz, by Meer... Sadi Calcutta 1802
Fort William College, Calcutta [Hadhihi majmuat al-kutub al-mutadawalah li-dars al-nahw]= An entire and correct edition of the five books upon Arabic grammar, which, together... Baillie, John Calcutta 1802-1803
Fort William College, Calcutta The Hindee story teller, or, Entertaining expositor of the Roman, Persian, and Nagree characters, simple and compound in their application... Gilchrist, John Calcutta 1802-1803
Fort William College, Calcutta Daoodyer geet ebong Yoshoohar Bhavisishyat Bakya [Psalms of David. Bengalee] Serampore 1803
Fort William College, Calcutta The Hindee moral preceptor: and Persian scholar's shortest road to the Hindoostanee language, or vice versa Gilchrist, John Calcutta 1803
Fort William College, Calcutta Hitopadesa, or, Salutary instruction. In the original Sanscrit. Serampore 1803
Fort William College, Calcutta Nusri Benuzeer, or, A prose version, by Meer Buhadoor Ulee, of the Sihr ool Buyan, an enchanting fairy tale in... Hasan, Mir Calcutta 1803
Fort William College, Calcutta The Oriental fabulist, or, Polyglot translations of Esop's and other ancient fables from the English language, into Hindoostanee, Persian, Arabic,... Aesop Calcutta 1803
Fort William College, Calcutta Ukhlaqi Hindee, or, Indian ethics, translated from a Persian version of the celebrated Hitoopudes, or Salutary Counsel, by Meer... Calcutta 1803
Fort William College, Calcutta Primitiae orientales vol. 11[-III]. Containing the theses in the Oriental languages; pronounced at the public disputations on the 29th March,... College of Fort William (Calcutta, India) Calcutta 1803-1804
Fort William College, Calcutta The Anvari Soheily, being an elegant paraphrase of the fables of Pilpay, in classical Persian; / By Husseyn Vaez Kashefy,... Kashifi, Husain Va'iz Calcutta 1804
Fort William College, Calcutta Bagh o Buchar : A translation into the Hindoostanee tongue, of the celebrated Persian tale, entitled Qissui Chuhar Durwesh Amir Khusraw Dihlavi Calcutta 1804
Fort William College, Calcutta Gooli Bukawulee, a tale translated from the Persian Izzatullah Calcutta 1804
Fort William College, Calcutta Hidayut ool Islam in Arabic and Hindoostanee, translated under the superintendence of, and by John Gilchrist, in two volumes. Vol.... Amanat Allah, Maulavi Calcutta 1804
Fort William College, Calcutta The Hindee-Roman orthoepigraphical ultimatum, or, A systematic, discriminative view of oriental and occidental visible sounds, on fixed and practical principles... Gilchrist, John Calcutta 1804
Grant, Archibald Practical agriculture : or, A complete system of modern husbandry. Dickson, R. W. London 1805