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Page 82 of 92 (Results 4051 to 4100 of 4564) Results ordered by Year, earliest to latest

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Keith, George The Scots Gard'ner Reid, J. Edinburgh 1721
Keith, James The Scots Gard'ner Reid, J. Edinburgh 1721
Strachan, Rev. J. The Scots Gard'ner Reid, J. Edinburgh 1721
Thomson, James The Scots Gard'ner Reid, J. Edinburgh 1721
Fraser, Jac Journal d'un voyage fait aux Indes orientales. Challe, Robert Rouen 1721
Fraser, Jac A new and easy method of book-keeping, or Instructions for a methodical keeping of merchants accompts, by way of debitor... Brodie, Alexander London 1722
Monboddo, Lord (James Burnett) The lives and amours of the empresses, consorts to the first twelve Caesars of Rome. Serviez, Jacques Roergas London 1723
Rogers, Hester An exposition of the creed. Pearson, John London 1723
Fraser, James Oeuvres diverses de Mr. Rousseau Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste London 1723
Lawson, Charles A treatise concerning the manner of fallowing ground, raising of grass-seeds, and training of lint and hemp, for the increase... Macintosh, William Edinburgh 1724
Primatt, Humphrey SS. Patrum, qui temporibus apostolicis floruerunt, Barnabae, Clementis, Hermae, Ignatii, Polycarpi opera, vera, et suppositicia; una cum Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi... Hermas Amsterdam 1724
Grant, Archibald A compleat body of distilling. Smith, George London 1725
Grant, Archibald The experimental husbandman and gardener : containing a new method of improving estates and gardens. Agricola, Georg Andreas London 1726
Primatt, Humphrey (Collections 1726) Terence Cantabrigiae 1726
Forbes-Leith, of Whitehaugh, family. The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to... Church of England London 1727
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh... Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Edinburgh 1727
Grant, Archibald A complete body of husbandry : collected from the practice and experience of the most considerable farmers in Britain. Bradley, R. London 1727
Hollis, Thomas A collection of several tracts of the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Clarendon, E. H. London 1727
Abercromby of Birkenbog Dictionarium botanicum. Bradley, R. London 1728
Grant, Archibald Husbandry and trade improv'd : being a collection of many valuable materials relating to corn, cattle, coals, hops, wool, &c. Houghton, John London 1728
Mure, Wm. The petticoat: an heroi-comical poem. Chute, F. London 1729
Mure, Wm. The Dunciad, variorum, with the prolegomena of Scriblerus. Pope, A. London 1729
Grant, Archibald An essay on ways and means for inclosing, fallowing, planting, &c. Scotland. Macintosh, William Edinburgh 1729
Cheyne, Rev T A supplement to View of the elections of bishops in the primitive church. Dundass, J. Edinburgh 1730
Grub, George A supplement to the View of the elections of bishops in the primitive church. Dundass, J. Edinburgh 1730
Macleod, Hugh The Laws and Acts made in the first Parliament of James VII holden at Edinburgh, April 23, 1685. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1731
Rogers, Hester Miscellanies Swift, Jonathan London 1731
Davidson, C.B. Ius feudale, tribus libris comprehensum. Craig, Sir T. Edinburgh 1732
Gordon, J.T. Ius feudale, tribus libris comprehensum. Craig, Sir T. Edinburgh 1732
Macleod, Hugh The historie of the Reformatioun of religioun within the realm of Scotland. Knox, J. Edinburgh 1732
Primatt, Humphrey Sexti Aurelii Victoris Historia romana cum notis integris Dominici Machanei, Eliae Vineti, Andreae Schotti, Jani Gruteri, nec non exerptis Frid.... Victor, Sextus Aurelius. Amsterdam 1733
Bradford, Thomas Dictata in aphorismus Boerhaave, H. 1734
Fordyce, Sir Wm. Dictata in aphorismos Boerhaave, H. 1734
Sutherland, John, of Forse A new French grammar. Freebairn, J. Edinburgh 1734
Primatt, Humphrey Scriptores rei rusticae veteres latini : Cato, Varro, Colvmella, Palladivs Cato, Marcus Porcius Lipsae 1735
Cooper, James, D.D. An essay on separation: or, A vindication of the Church of Scotland. Currie, J. Edinburgh 1738
Beattie, James Poetarum Scotorum musae sacrae. Lauder, W. Edinburgh 1739
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) Specimen medicum inaugurale, de urina: quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, Gulielmi Wisheart, S.T.D., Universitatis Edinburgenae Praefecti;... Drummond, A. Edinburgh 1740
Grant, Archibald Ichnographia rustica : or, The nobleman, gentleman, and gardener's recreation. Switzer, Stephen London 1742
Grant, Archibald The modern husbandman, for the month of June. Ellis, William London 1742
Rattray, Will. Select transactions. Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland Edinburgh 1743
Campbell, John, 4th Earl of Loudoun Select transactions. Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland. Edinburgh 1743
Grant, Archibald Farriery improv'd : or, A compleat treatise upon the art of farriery [vol. 2] Bracken, Henry London 1743
Grant, Archibald Select transactions of the Honourable Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland : directing the husbandry of... Honourable Society of Improvers Edinburgh 1743
Duff, Robertus Markou Antoninou autokratoros ton eis eauton bibilia ib. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome. Glasgow 1744
Davidson, A Markou Antoninou autokratoros ton eis eauton bibilia ib. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome. Glasgow 1744
Reid, Tho. Meditations. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome. Glasgow 1744
Leslie, I. Synopsis metaphysicae, ontologiam et pneumatologiam complectens. Hutcheson, F. Glasgow 1744
Beattie, James Poetics. [Greek and Latin] Aristotle. Glasgow 1745
Beattie, James Hay De mundo. [Greek and Latin] Aristotle. Glasgow 1745