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Page 81 of 92 (Results 4001 to 4050 of 4564) Results ordered by Year, earliest to latest

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, James A sermon preach'd at the funeral of the right noble William duke of Devonshire in the church of All-Hallows in... Kennet, White. London 1708
Fraser, James Bibliotheque critique, ou, Recüeil de diverses pieces critiques : dont la plûpart ne sont point imprimées, ou ne se trouvent... Simon, Richard Paris 1708
Primatt, Humphrey Synopsis canonum S.S. apostolorum, et conciliorum oecumenicorum & provincialium, ab ecclesia Graeca receptorum : nec non conciliorum, decretorum & legum... Howel, Laurence London 1708
Fraser, Jac Sulpicii Severi quae exstant opera omnia in duos tomos distributa. Severus, Sulpicius. Leipzig 1709
Blackwell, Thomas Ratio sacra. Blackwell, Thomas Edinburgh 1710
Blackwell, Thomas Schema sacrum Blackwell, Thomas Edinburgh 1710
Gillan, John Aeneid Scots. Virgil. Edinburgh 1710
Laing, B. A summary view of the feudal law, with the differences of the Scots law from it; together with a dictionary... Dundas, J. Edinburgh 1710
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) De sublimitate libellus cum proifatione de vita and scriptis Longini notis, indicibus and variis lectionibus. Longinus. Oxford 1710
Fraser, Jac An address to the Jews by John Xeres : containing his reasons for leaving the Jewish and embracing the Christian... Xeres, John London 1710
Fraser, James Dictionaire italien et francois Veneroni, Giovanni Amsterdam 1710
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) The works of Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti. Conti, Armand de Bourbon. London 1711
Fraser, Jac An historical preface to primitive Christianity reviv'd. Whiston, William London 1711
Fraser, Jac Mr. James Pierce's remarks on Dr. Wells's letters to Mr. Peter Dowley, and to a dissenting parishioner, with his several... Pierce, James London 1711
Fraser, Jac Georgii Buchanani Scoti ad viros sui seculi clarissimos, eorumque ad eundem, Epistolae. Buchanan, George London 1711
Grant, Archibald The whole art of husbandry : or, The way of managing and improving the land. Mortimer, John London 1712
Fraser, Jac Dissertations sur diverses matieres de religion et de philologie, contenues en plusieurs lettres ecrites par des personnes savantes de ce... Tilladet, de, Jean Paris 1712
Fraser, Jac Histoire critique de la republique des lettres, tant ancienne que moderne. Masson, Pierre Utrecht 1712-15
Copinger, W.A. Catalogus librorum bibliothecae publicae, quae est in ... Academia Franequerana. Franeker Univ. Franeker 1713
Franeker, Univ. of. Catalogus librorum bibliothecae publicae, quae est in ... Academia Franequerana. Franeker Univ. Franeker 1713
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) Les oeuvres. Molière. Amsterdam 1713
Fraser, Jac Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jesus-Christ, Contrain-les d'entrer. Bayle, Pierre 1713
Fraser, James The history of England; or, Memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this island, to... Whitelocke, Bulstrode London 1713
P., A. The rudiments of the Latin tongue. Ruddiman, T. Edinburgh 1714
Ruddiman, Thomas The rudiments of the Latin tongue. Ruddiman, T. Edinburgh 1714
Plummer, of Middlestead The rudiments of the Latin tongue. Ruddiman, T. Edinburgh 1714
Fraser, James Lettres choisies de Mr. Bayle : [publiees par Des Maizeaux] Marchand, Prosper Rotterdam 1714
Fraser, James An alarm to Protestants A short method with a Papist Battersby, John London 1714
Morrison, Hew Cashbook and ledger. Unidentified company. Edinburgh 1714-5
Home, Henry, of Kames Dirleton's doubts and questions in the law of Scotland, resolved and answered. Stewart, Sir J. Edinburgh 1715
Bannerman, Charles Dirleton's doubts and questions in the law of Scotland, resolved and answered Stewart, J. Edinburgh 1715
Forbes, James Dirleton's doubts and questions in the law of Scotland, resolved and answered. Stewart, J. Edinburgh 1715
Fraser, Jac Regiae Societatis utriusque socii Geta Britannicus : accedit domus Severianae synopsis chronologica, et de icuncula quondam M. Regis Aelfredi dissertatio. Musgrave, William Exeter 1715
Fraser, James L'Inquisition francoise. Renneville, de, Rene Augustin Constantin Amsterdam 1715
Fraser, James The fatal effects of arbitrary power and the dangerous condition of court-favorites, demonstrated by the wicked intrigues of the court... Pérez, Antonio London 1715
Fraser, Jac Works. Hickeringill, Edmund London 1716
Fraser, Jac Novus thesaurus antiquitatum romanarum. Sallengre, Albert Henri de Hague 1716
Fraser, James The Protestant family-piece, or, a picture of popery : drawn from their own principles, exprest in the words of their... Lowe, Solomon London 1716
Fraser, James Historia ecclesiastica duorum primorum a Christo nato saeculorum, e veteribus monumentis Le Clerc, Jean Amsterdam 1716
Fraser, Jac Erucarum ortus, alimentum et paradoxa metamorphosis, in qua origo, pabulum, transformatio, nec non tempus, locus & proprietates erucarum. Merian, Maria Sibylla Amsterdam 1717
Orleans, Mademoiselle de. (?) Commentarii universam complectens historian ab orbe condito ad Carolum Magnum, quibus accedunt series religionis & imperiorum vices. Bossuet, J.B. Paris 1718
Grant, Archibald Ichnographia rustica : or, The nobleman, gentleman, and gardener's recreation. Switzer, Stephen London 1718
Grant, Sir Arch. A complete history of the most remarkable transactions at sea, from the earliest accounts of time to the conclusion of... Burchett, J. London 1720
Rose, James A collection of the principal liturgies, used by the Christian Church in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist / translated... Brett, T. London 1720
Hollis, Thomas Tryals for high-treason, and other crimes : with proceedings on bills of attainder, and impeachments, for three hundred years past. Salmon, Thomas London 1720
Fraser, James Erasmi Colloquia selecta; or, The select colloquies of Erasmus Erasmus, Desiderius Nottingham 1720
Primatt, Humphrey Eusebii Pamphili, Socratis Scholastici, Hermiae Sozomeni, Theodoriti et Evagrii ... quae extant Historiae ecclesiasticae, graece & latine, in tres tomos. Eusebius,of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea Canterbury 1720
Hester, Rogers The iliad of Homer Homer London 1720-1721
Boswell, Alexander (Lord Auchinleck) An essay concerning human understanding. Locke, J. London 1721
Anderson, James The Scots gard'ner Reid, J. Edinburgh 1721