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Page 72 of 92 (Results 3551 to 3600 of 4564) Results ordered by Year, earliest to latest

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Thomson, A. A declaration and warning to all the members of this kirk, from the Commission of the General Assembly, 11th May,... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Edinburgh 1649
Fraser, Jac Eikonoklastis, in answer to a book intitl'd, Eikon Basilike, the portracture of his Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. Milton, John London 1649
Fraser, James Le journal de monsieur le cardinal de Richelieu quil a fait durant le grand orage de la cour Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis 1649
Innes, Alex. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Bryan, Jacob. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Fraser, Jac The history of the Bohemian persecution from 894 to 1632. Comenius, Johann Amos London 1650
Fraser, Jac Les origines de la langue francoise. Menage, Gilles Paris 1650
Fraser, James Oeuvres postumes, excellens et curieux ... Ensemble trois autres petits ouvrages de divers autheurs Coquille, Guy Paris 1650
Fraser, James The court and character of King James Weldon, Anthony London 1650
Fraser, James Gerardi Joannis Vossii de quatuor artibus popularibusm de philologia, et scientiis mathematicis, cui operi subjungitur chronologia mathematicorum Vossius, Gerardus Joannes Amsterdam 1650
Primatt, Humphrey Critica sacra in two parts : the first containing observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the... Leigh, Edward London 1650
Bruges, Societe Medice-Chirurgicale Les elemens de la philosophie de l'art du feu ou chemie. Davidson, W. Paris 1651
Sutherland, G. Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member... Hobbes, T. London 1651
Sudderland, James Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member... Hobbes, T. London 1651
Fraser, Jac Tou en hagiois Patroc hemon Theophulactou archiepiskopou Boulgarias Paidera Basilike. S. Patris nostri Theophylacti archiepiscopi Bulgariae Institutio regia. Theophylactus, Ochrida Paris 1651
Fraser, Jac A treatise concerning the right use of the Fathers in the decision of the controversies that are at this day... Daille, Jean London 1651
Fraser, James Sir Lucius Cary, late lord viscount of Falkland, his discourse of infallibility, with an answer to it : ... Falkland, Lucius Cary London 1651
Fraser, James The none-such Charles his character : extracted, out of divers originall transactions, dispatches and the notes of severall... Gerbier, Balthazar London 1651
Phelypeaux, Jerome Aphorismi politici et militares, collecti per Lambertum Danaeum, variisque exemplis illustrati. Daneau, L. Utrecht 1652
Fraser, Jac Belgicarum historiarum epitome, qua initium, progressus et exitus motuum atque discordiarum lucide demonstrantur, ab anno 1566 ad 1648. Sande, Johan van den Utrecht 1652
Fraser, James Eikonoklastes ou Reponse au livre intitule Eikon Basilike ou Le pourtrait de Sa Sacree Majeste durant sa solitude et ses... Milton, John 1652
Forbes, Sir John The anatomical exercise of Dr William Harvey professor of physick, and Physician to the Kings Majesty, concerning the motion of... Harvey, W. London 1653
Fraser, Jac Physiognomie and chiromancie, metoposcopie, the symmetrical proportions and signal moles of the body, fully handled. Saunders, Richard London 1653
Fraser, Jac Logopandecteision, or an introduction to the universal language. Urquhart, Thomas London 1653
Fraser, Jac The first book of the works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick : containing five books of the lives,... Rabelais, Francois London 1653
Fraser, James Loukianou Peri tes Peregrinou teleutes logos. = Lvciani De morte Peregrini libellvs Lucian Paris 1653
Fraser, James Gerardi Joannis Vossii Ars historica Sive, De historiae, & histoices natura, historiaeque scribendae praeceptis, commentatio Vossius, Gerardus Joannes Leiden 1653
Fraser, James Notable revolutions beeing a true relation of what hap'ned in the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the years MDCL... Aitzema, Lieuwe van London 1653
Matt. Mackaile Triboetetos e trisereistos Severino, Marco Aurelio Frankfurt 1653
Huet, P.D. Emendacio temporum compendio facta ab initio mundi ad anno MDCVIII. Lydiat, T. Hague 1654
Gordon, Robert Scotia, quae est Europae liber XII. (Theatrum orbis terrarum, vol.5) Blaeu, Jan Amsterdam 1654
Fraser, James Claudij Sarrauij, senatoris Parisiensis, epistolae Sarrau, Claude Orange 1654
Fraser, James Les entretiens de Monsieur de Voiture et de Monsieur Costar Voiture, (Vincent) Paris 1654
Fraser, James Stephani Dechamps Biturici e Societate Jesu De haeresi Janseniana, ab apostolica sede merito proscripta, libri tres: opus ante annos novem... Dechamps, Etienne Paris 1654
Fraser, James Response dv Sr. de Girac, a la Defense des oevvres de M. do Voitvre, faite par M. Costar Avec qvelqves... Girac, Paul Thomas, sieur de Paris 1655
Fraser, James Chronologia sacra a condito mvndo ad evndem reconditum per Dominum N.I. Christum, atque inde ad ultimam Iudaeorum per Romanos Captivitatem... Cappel, Louis Paris 1655
Johnstone, J.F.Kellas The shepheards kalendar: newly augmented and collected. London 1656
Perth Cathedral Library Elements of philosophy, the first section concerning body. Hobbes, T. London 1656
Fraser, Jac Confessio Fiadei in Conventu theologorum authoritate Parliamenti Anglicani indicto elaborata. Westminster Assembly Cambridge 1656
Fraser, Jac The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those... Fowler, J. London 1656
Fraser, James Le jardinier francois, qui enseigne a cultiver les arbres, & herbes potageres, avec la maniere de conserver les fruicts, &... Bonnefons, de, Nicolas Paris 1656
Fraser, James Paraenesis ad aedificatores imperii in imperio : in qua defenduntur jura magistratus adversus mosem Amyraldum Dumoulin, Louis London 1656
Fraser, James Enthusiasmus triumphatus More, Henry London 1656
Fraser, Jac The history of philosophy in eight parts. Stanley, Thomas London 1656-60
Fraser, Jac A dialogue of polygamy. Ochino, Bernardino London 1657
Fraser, Jac The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh ... 1, of the extent of Christs death and satisfaction ... 2,... Ussher, James London 1657
Fraser, James Cl. Salmasii De re militari romanorum liber Opus posthumum Saumaise, Claude 1657
Fraser, James Il perfetto dittionario, overa tesoro della lingua volgarlatina ... Galesino, Pietro Venice 1657
Fraser, James Ludovici Molinaei Corotharium ad Paraenesim guam ad aedificatores imperii in imperio Du Moulin, Lewis London 1657
Fraser, James Joh. Gerardi Vossii de philosophia et philosophorum sectis libri II Vossius, Gerardus Joannes Hague 1657-58