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Page 70 of 92 (Results 3451 to 3500 of 4564) Results ordered by Year, earliest to latest

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Burton, Edward Ecclesiasticus Iesu Siracidis expositus accurato commentario Lapide, Cornelius Cornelii a, Lyon 1634
Fraser, James The collection of the history of England Daniel, Samuel 1634
Bindly, James Funerals of a right reverend father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene: Tou en hagiois Reverendissimi In... Forbes, P. Aberdeen 1635
Burnet, Jas. Nova et methodica, institvtio lingvae Hebraeae & Chaldaeae. Bythner, V. London 1635
Dawes, Thomas Amorum Troile et Creseidai libri duo priores Anglico-Latini. Chaucer, G. Oxford 1635
Guild, James Wylie Funerals of a right reverend father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene: Tou en hagiois Reverendissimi In... Forbes, P. Aberdeen 1635
Garden, Georg XCVI sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1635
Hay, Alex. XCVI sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1635
Jolley, Thomas Funerals of a right reverend father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene: Tou en hagiois Reverendissimi In... Forbes, P. Aberdeen 1635
Newham, John XCVI sermons. Andrewes, L. London 1635
Fraser, Jac An apologie or declaration of the power and providence of God in the government of the world. Hakewill, George Oxford 1635
Fraser, Jac Commentaires historiqves : contenants en abrege les vies, eloges et censvres des emperevurs, imperatrices, caesars et tyrans de l'Empire Romain,... Saint Amant, Jean Tristan de Paris 1635
Fraser, James Gerardi Joannis Vossii de arte grammatica libri septem Vossius, Gerardus Joannes Amsterdam 1635
Boyle, Robt. Fred. Euphues the anatomie of wit. Lyly, J. London 1636
Miller, W.G. Joannis Seldeni mare clausum seu dominio maris libri duo. Selden, J. London 1636
Blackhall, Alex. Christianographie. Pagitt, E. London 1636
Pollock, Robert Thomae Erpenii Grammatica arabica. Erpenius, Thomas Amsterdam 1636
Gregorie, James The herball or Generall historie of plantes Gerard, John. London 1636
Fraser, James Dell arte historica d Agostino Mascardi, trattati cinque Mascardi, Agostino Rome 1636
Montrose, Marquis of Certaine sermons, first preached, and after published at several times ... And now gathered together. Gataker, T. London 1637
Morisone, H. Sermons. Clerke. R. London 1637
Thicknesse, Philip A relation of a journey begun An. Dom. 1610. Sandys, G. London 1637
Urquhart, Patrick The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Gervase Babington, late Bishop of Worcester, containing comfortable notes upon the... Babington, G. London 1637
Fraser, Jac Delitiae poetarvm scotorvm hujus aevi illvstrivm. Johnstoun, Arthur Amsterdam 1637
Read, Alexander Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lords Prayer. 2nd ed. Baker, Richard London 1637
Fraser, James A breviate of the prelates intollerable usurpations, both upon the Kings prerogative royall, and the subjects liberties Prynne, William London 1637
Cottingham, John The anatomy of melancholy: what it is. With all the kindes, causes, symptomes, prognosticks, and seversall causes of it. In... Burton, R. Oxford 1638
Gordon, Robert The anatomy of melancholy. Burton, R. Oxford 1638
Knowler, Robert The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie,... Knolles, R. London 1638
George, James The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie,... Knolles, R. London 1638
Read, Alex. A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie ... which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Read, A. London 1638
Fraser, Jac Vindiciae Gallicae adversus Alexandrum Patricium Armacanum theologum. Prezac, Daniel de Paris 1638
Fraser, Jac De pace inter evangelicos procuranda sententiae quatuor : quarum tres a reverendis dominis episcopis Tho. Dunelmensi, Io. Sarisburiensi, Ios. Exoniensi. Morton, Thomas London 1638
Fraser, Jac The epistle of Gildas. Abingdon, Thomas London 1638
Fraser, Jac Le cabinet du roy de France, dans lequel il y a trovs perles precieuses par le moyen des quelles sa... Arnaud, Nicolas 1638
Fraser, James Flora Ferrari, Giovanni Battista Rome 1638
Bute, 3rd Earl of (John Stuart) The English farrier. London 1639
Dugué, Francois Philippus Prudens Caroli V. Imp. Filius Lustianiae Algarbiae, Indiae, Brasiliae legitimus rex demonstratus Ad. Ioanne Caramuel Lobkowitz. Caramuel Lobkowitz, J. Antwerp 1639
Eccles, F.C. A relation of the conference betweene William Laud... And Mr Fisher the Jesuite, with an answer to such exceptions as... Laud, W. London 1639
Mettayer, Joannes Gravissimae quaestionis, de Christianarum ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usq[ue] aetatem, continua successione & statu,... Ussher, J. Dublin 1639
Fraser, Jac Apologia pro sanctissima virgine Maria ... adversus ... Antidicomarianitas, Collyridianos, et Christianocategoros. Rivet, Andre Leiden 1639
Fraser, Jac Commentaria de Germania sacra restaurata sub summis PP. Gregorio XV & S.D.N. Urbano VIII, regnante Ferdinando Secundo. Carafa, Carlo Cologne 1639
Fraser, Jac Marcelli Palingenii Stellati ... Zodiacus vitae, hoc est de hominis vita, studio ac moribus optime instituendis libri XII. Manzolli, Pietro Angelo London 1639
Fraser, James Philippus Prudens Caroli V. Imp. filius Lusitaniae Algarbiae, Indiae, Brasiliae legitimus rex demonstratus Ad. Ioanne Caramuel Lobkowitz ... Caramuel Lobkowitz, Juan 1639
Fraser, James Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates Ussher, James Dublin 1639
Primatt, Humphrey Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum. Scapula, Johann London 1639
Primatt, Humphrey Opera omnia quotquot in Sacrae Scripturae expositionem reperiuntur. Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio Lyon 1639
Anderson, Rev. Dr. The Holy Bible: containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the original tongues: and with the... London 1640
Chillingworth, William On the advancement and proficience of learning or the partitions of sciences. Bacon, F. Oxford 1640
Stewkley, L. On the advancement and proficience of learning or the partitions of sciences. Bacon, F. Oxford 1640