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Page 67 of 92 (Results 3301 to 3350 of 4564) Results ordered by Year, earliest to latest

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Blackhall, Alex A Christian dictionary. Opening the signification of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New... Wilson, T. London 1622
Leslaeus, G. Analecta ecclesiasticarum exercitationum: collectore Richardo Montacutio. Montagu, R. London 1622
Kennedy, Jacobus Edmundi Campiani opuscula omnia Campion, Edmund, Saint 1622
Ramirez de Guzman, Felipe Venetia libera : poema heroico Pancetti, Camillo Venice 1622
Read, Alexander The workes of John Boys Doctor in Divinitie and Deane of Canterburie Boys, John, 1571-1625 London 1622
Primatt, Humphrey M. Accius Plautus. Plautus, Titus Maccius. Geneuae 1622
Collie, William The rogue: or The life of Guzman de Alfarache. Aleman, M. London 1623
Drummond, William, of Hawthornden Flowres of Sion. Drummond, W. Edinburgh 1623
Erskine, Marie The rogue: or The life of Guzman de Alfarache. Aleman, M. London 1623
Gregory, David Isaias expositus a P. Gabriele Alvarez Oropesano e Societate Jesu interprete S. Scripturae in Aragonia provincia. Nunc primum prodit, trigemino... Alvarez, G. Lyon 1623
Henderson, J. The rogue: or The life of Guzman de Alfarache. Alem London 1623
Strachan, Andrew The office and use of the morall law of God in the dayes of the Gospell, justified, and explained at... Hinde, W. London 1623
Read, Alexander Manuale controversiarum huius temporis Becanus, Martinus, 1563-1624 Wurzburg 1623
Fraser, James Jugement et censure du livre de la doctrine curieuse de Francois Garasse Ogier, Francois Paris 1623
Fraser, James The Bishop of London his legacy. Or Certaine motives of D. King, late bishop of London, for his change of... Musket, George 1623
Straqn, And. A replie to Jesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propou[n]ded by his most gratious Ma[jes]tie King James. By Francis White.... White, F. London 1624
Fraser, James Germanicarum rerum scriptores aliquot insignes hactenus incogniti ... Freher, Marquard France 1624
Fraser, James Florilegium insulae sanctorum seu vitae et acta sanctum Hiberniae Messingham, Thomas Paris 1624
Fraser, James Luthers fore-runners: or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith. Gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses:... Perrin, Jean Paul London 1624
Jonston, W.D. Geography delineated forth in two bookes: Containing the sphaericall and topicall parts thereof. Carpenter, N. Oxford 1625
Jonston, D.G.J. Geography delineated forth in two bookes: Containing the sphaericall and topicall parts thereof. Carpenter, N. Oxford 1625
Read, Alex. Sacrae heptades, or Seaven problems concerning Antichrist. 1. Of his place. 2. Of his state. 3. Of his names. 4.... Salteren, G. London 1625
Fraser, Jac The living librarie, or Meditations and observations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Camerarius, Philipp London 1625
Read, Alexander Tyrocinium chymicum e naturae fonte et manuali experientia depromptum ... Béguin, Jean n.p. 1625
Fraser, James Historia saracenica qva res gestae Mvslimorvm, inde a Mvhammede primo imperij & religionis muslimicae auctore, usque ad initium imperij Atabacaei,... Jirjis ibn al-'Amid called al-Makin Leiden 1625
Fraser, James De conjectandis cujusque moribus et latitantibus animi affectibus ... moralis, seu de signis Scipionis Claramontii Chiaramonti, Scipione Venice 1625
Rolsone, William Moses and Jethro. Reading, J. London 1626
Read, Alexander A discourse upon chirurgery. Fioravanti, L. London 1626
Trotter. Architecture de Philibert de l'Orme ... : Oeuure entiere contenant onze liures, augmentee de deux: & autres figures non encores... L'Orme, P de. Paris 1626
Herrssell, Nicholas Lectiones decem. Prideaux, J. Oxford 1626
Wressell, Nicholas Lectiones decem. Prideaux, J. Oxford 1626
Fraser, James Ubbonis Emmii veteris graeciae tomus tertius repraesentaus graecorum respublicas Emmius, Ubbo Leiden 1626
Fraser, J.M. Horologiographia. The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials upon any plaine... Fale, T. London 1627
Leith, Patricius Historia ecclesiastica gentis scotorum lib. XIX. Qua viri sanctitate, literis, dignitatib[us] toto orbe illustres & familiae, et Scoticae in varias... Dempster, T. Bologna 1627
Petau, Paul Historia ecclesiastica gentis scotorum lib. XIX. Qua viri sanctitate, literis, dignitatib[us] toto orbe illustres & familiae, et Scoticae in varias... Dempster, Thomas Bologna 1627
Rule, Gilbert The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate. Prynne, W. London 1627
Fraser, Jac Aristarchus sacer, sive ad Nonni in Iohannem metaphrasin exercitationes ... Heinsius, Daniel Leiden 1627
Fraser, Jac Respublica sive status regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae etc... diversorum autorum. Kromer, Marcin Leiden 1627
Fraser, Jac Espeio general de la gramatica en dialogos. Salazar, Ambrosio de Rouen 1627
Fraser, Jac Minshaei emendatio, vel a mendis expurgatio, seu augmentatio sui Ductoris in linguas. Minsheu, John London 1627
Read, Alexander Annotations upon the five Bookes of Moses, the Booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs or Canticles Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? London 1627
Read, Alexander The practice of pietie Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631. London 1627
Fraser, James Ritratto di Roma antica : nel qvale sono figvrati i principali tempij, teatri, anfiteatri, cerchi, naumachie, archi trionfali, curie, basiliche,... Totti, Pompilio Rome 1627
Fraser, James Le secretaire de la cour; ou, La maniere d'escrire selon le temps La Serre, (Jean-Puget) Paris 1627
Brabner, A. Musae Hebraeorum Hafniae Danorum familiarius inter se colloquentes, seu colloquia Hebraea. Pederson, Niels. Copenhagen 1628
Ellis, John An appeal to the Parliament: or, Sions plea against the prelacie. The summe whereoff is delivered in a decade of... Leighton, A. 1628
Fetherstone, Henry Catalogus librorum in diversis locis Italia emptorum, anno 1628, qui Londini in officina Fetherstoniana prostant venales. Fetherstone, H. London 1628
H., G. V. Cl. D. Joannis Rainoldi... Orationes duodecem; cum aliis quibusdam opusculis. Rainolds, J. London 1628
Nicholls, James An appeal to the Parliament: or Sions plea against the prelacie. The summe whereoff is delivered in a decade of... Leighton, A. n.p. 1628
Rawlinson, Thomas Apologia criticae in qua breviter huius facultatis utilitates ostenduntur, quaeque contra eam objici solent diluuntur. Campbell, N. Saumur 1628