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Page 1 of 1 (Results 1 to 25 of 25) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Cooper, Professor James, D.D. A true copy of the whole printed Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, beginning at the... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. n.p. 1682
Davidson, Andrew The lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597-99
Dey, Wm. The laws and acts of Parliament made by King James the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Queen Mary, King James... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1681
Drummond, John The Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Gimson, Sheriff Principal G.S. The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successours Kinges of Scotland. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Gordon, Arthur The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successours Kinges of Scotland. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Gordon, Robert, of Straloch The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successours Kinges of Scotland. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Grant, Francis [Sir, Lord Cullen] The actis and constitutionis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be Kingis James the First, Second, Third,... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1566
Grant, Sir A., of Monymusk The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successours Kinges of Scotland. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Grant, Wm., Lord Prestongrange The actis and constitutionis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be Kingis James the First, Second, Third,... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1566
Jhonstoun, George The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Lundie, Alex The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh
Lundie, Jo. The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh
Macdonald, Jas. Miscellaneous observations on planting and training timber-trees: particularly calculated for the climate of Scotland. In a series of letters. Agricola Edinburgh 1777
Mackenzie, George, Sir. The Laws and Acts of the second Parliament of Charles the Second, begun at Edinburgh, 1669. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1669
Macleod, Hugh The Laws and Acts made in the first Parliament of James VII holden at Edinburgh, April 23, 1685. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1731
Macleod, Hugh The Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James the First, and his royal successors, Kings and Queen of... Scotland. Edinburgh 1682-83
Mortimer, George A solemn acknowledgment of publick sins and breaches of the Covenant ... With two Acts of the Commission of the... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Edinburgh 1648
Newcastle, Duke of The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Robertson, Will A true copy of the whole printed Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, beginning at the... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. n.p. 1682
Row, John The actis and constitutionis of the Realme of Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be Kingis James the First, Second, Third,... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1566
Thomson, A. A declaration and warning to all the members of this kirk, from the Commission of the General Assembly, 11th May,... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Edinburgh 1649
Wigtown, Wm. Fleming, 5th Earl of. The lawes and actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First, and his successors kinges of Scotland: visied, collected... Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1597
Wright, James A true copy of the whole printed Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, beginning at the... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. n.p. 1682
Wright, Reverend Maxwell A true copy of the whole printed Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, beginning at the... Church of Scotland. General Assembly. n.p. 1682