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Page 1 of 1 (Results 1 to 10 of 10) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Abercromby, Walter A vindication of His Majestie's government, & judicatures in Scotland; from some aspersions thrown on them by scandalous pamphlets, and... Mackenzie, Sir G. Edinburgh 1683
Aird, Bethnal The course of conformitie, as it hath proceeded, is concluded, should be refused. Scott, W. Amsterdam 1622
Arbuthnot, Alexander Andreae Alciati Mediolanensis, Iudicarii processus compendium, atque adeo Iuris utriusque praxis, in gratiam studiosorum nunc primum typis excusa. Alciati, A. Lyon 1536
Ettonis, Monasterium Modus legendi abbreviaturas in utroque iure sive processus iuris. Strassburg 1494
Hollis, Thomas Tryals for high-treason, and other crimes : with proceedings on bills of attainder, and impeachments, for three hundred years past. Salmon, Thomas London 1720
Liddel, Duncan De catharsi. Themata medica breviter, et dilucida methodo proposita, quae universameius vim, & naturam, cumq[ue] hac circumstantiarum observationem generaliter docent... Turnetus, Jacobus Frankfurt an der Oder 1583
M'Conechy, James A vindication of His Majestie's government, & judicatures in Scotland; from some aspersions thrown on them by scandalous pamphlets, and... Mackenzie, Sir G. Edinburgh 1683
Robertson, Gul. Perth Assembly. Containing 1 The proceedings thereof. 2 The proofe of the nullitie thereof. 3 Reasons presented thereto against the... Calderwood, D. Leiden 1619
Sandilands, Thomas Pratica aurea .d. Abbatis panormitani in utroque J. monarce de modo procedendi in iudiciis que in omnibus fere curiis observari... Niccolo, de Tudeschi. Milan 1501
Steinstoun, J. Pratica aurea .d. Abbatis panormitani in utroque J. monarce de modo procedendi in iudiciis que in omnibus fere curiis observari... Niccolo, de Tudeschi. Milan 1501