XCVI Sermons.

XCVI Sermons.
Scott, John (1585-1670, or 1614-1658)
Andrewes, L.
Publication Place
Publication Year
On flyleaf:
"God be at the beginig of moy neu writen book
and bring meoy soul to yon godd end
that mon hes perfet plisednes who walket not ostray
boit plesed his delight oupon godlenes day on night
for he shel be lik a trei that groues nar plesed bay orset"

On end flyleaf:
"God be at the beginig of moy neu uriten book

In moy defens god me defend
and bring moy sowel to yon goded end
O lord thou doust us keen forsek and scetterdest us obrob
Such gret displeesuer thou didst tek
returon to us ogod
thy might did moue the lond so for
that in sunder brek
the kours ther of o lord restour
for it doth bend ond quek
o god moy god I moth be sem."
Type of Provenance
Inscription and signature
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