The institution of the Christian religion: in four books. Treating, I. Of the knowlege [sic] of God the Creator. II. Of the knowlege of God the Redeemer. III. Of the manner how to receive the grace of Christ. IV. Of the outward means of salvation. / By Mr. John Calvin.

The institution of the Christian religion: in four books. Treating, I. Of the knowlege [sic] of God the Creator. II. Of the knowlege of God the Redeemer. III. Of the manner how to receive the grace of Christ. IV. Of the outward means of salvation. / By Mr. John Calvin.
Dickson, Robert
Calvin, J.
Publication Place
Publication Year
"Robert Dickson his book Glasgow 14 Aug. 1767" on titlepage.
"Robert Dickson merchant in Glasgow in August 1767" on upper pastedown.
"This copy of Calvin's Institutions, is given a present from Robert Dickson, late Iron-monger in Glasgow, to the Reverend Peter McMaster. minister of New Luce, in token of esteem and regard. 20th May 1805." on paper pasted onto upper pastedown.
Date of Provenance
1767; 1805
Type of Provenance
Inscription and signature
pi 239 Cal N 5 - Search the Library Catalogue

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