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Page 22 of 26Items 1051-1100 of 1278
B4 110 - The Jacobite's Journal
satirical frontispiece for Henry Fielding's satirical periodical which first appeared 5 December 1747 and ran until 5 November 1748, the plate designed by Hogarth was used for the first twelve numbers; (a) W Hogarth; (e) R Livesay; (p) R Livesay; 1781; 12.5 x 19.4 cms.
B4 111 - James II (1633-1701)
the abdication, 1688; 10.4 x 7.8 cms.
B4 112 - James II (1633-1701)
embarking for the flight to France, December 1688; (a) R Smirke; (e) A Smith; (p) J Stratford; 1810; 24.5 x 13.9 cms.
B4 113 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
Crown jewels used at their Coronation, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; (e) W Sherwin; 16 x 20 cms.
B4 114 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
part of the procession preceding them to their Coronation, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 8 x 20.3 cms.
B4 115 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
Queen Mary's procession to the Coronation, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 13 x 22.5 cms.
B4 116 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
part of the procession following the Queen and preceding the King to the Coronation, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 8 x 22.5 cms.
B4 117 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
King James' procession to the Coronation, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 9 x 22 cms.
B4 118 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
the crowning of the King in Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; (e) W Sherwin; 15.4 x 20.6 cms.
B4 119 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
the enthronement of James and Mary, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 15.5 x 20.6 cms.
B4 120 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
the crowning of Queen Mary, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 12.2 x 19 cms.
B4 121 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
the crowning of James II, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 11.5 x 16.2 cms.
B4 122 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
Coronation banquet at Westminster Hall, 23 April 1685; (e) S Moore; 14.8 x 20.5 cms.
B4 123 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
the Ceremony of the Challenge, featuring the King's Champion; (e) N Yeates; 15 x 18.4 cms.
B4 124 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
trumpeters preceding the royal Coronation procession, Coronation medals, group of Yeomen of the Guard, Coronation, 23 April 1685; 14.8 x 22 cms.
B4 125 - James II (1633-1701) and Queen Mary (1658-1718)
Coronation chair of James II, Westminster Abbey, 23 April 1685; 17.5 x 9 cms.
B4 126 - James II (1633-1701)
taking leave of Louis XIV before embarking for Ireland, 1689; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol IV [p 13], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20 x 15 cms.
B4 127 - James II (1633-1701)
entreating Louis XIV to acknowledge his son Prince of Wales, 1701; (a) M Archer; (e) W Bromley; (p) T Cadell; 1794; 10.8 x 6.5 cms.
B4 128 - James II (1633-1701)
embarking for flight to France and throwing the Great Seal of England into the Thames, December 1688; (a) Le Jeune; (e) L David; 15 x 9.2 cms.
B4 129 - James II (1633-1701)
the flight to France, December 1688; (a) T Stothard; (e) I Perker; 10.1 x 16.1 cms.
B4 130 - James II (1633-1701)
the flight to France, December 1688; 7.5 x 10.5 cms.
B4 131 - Mary of Modena (1658-1718)
queen of James II; flight to France, 10 December 1688; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol III [p 559], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20 x 15.2 cms.
B4 132 - James II (1633-1701)
embarking for the flight to France and throwing the Great Seal of England into the Thames, December 1688; (a) D Dodd; (e) White; 21.4 x 15 cms.
B4 133 - James II (1633-1701)
with the brethren of La Trappe, France; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol IV [p 157], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20 x 14.9 cms.
B4 134 - James II (1633-1701)
attack on James at the Isle of Sheppey, 12 December 1688; (a) T H Nicholson; (e) C W Sheeres; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol III [p 565], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20 x 15.1 cms.
B4 135 - James II (1633-1701)
reception in Dublin, 24 March 1689; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol IV [p 19], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20 x 15 cms.
B4 136 - James II (1633-1701)
receiving the French bribe to ensure his loyalty to Louis XIV and the interests of France, 1685; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol III [p 511], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20.2 x 15.2 cms.
B4 137 - James II (1633-1701)
notified of his daughter Anne's flight to join William of Orange, 1688; (a) Le Jeune; (e) L David; 15 x 9.3 cms.
B4 138 - James II (1633-1701)
escaping from the sinking Gloucester frigate en route from England to Scotland, 6 May 1682; 10.3 x 14.9 cms.
B4 139 - James II (1633-1701)
landing at Kinsale, Ireland, 12 March 1689; (e) C R; 14.3 x 21.7 cms.
B4 140 - James II (1633-1701)
medal commemorating the Flight of James from England, 1688; 4.8 x 11.5 cms.
B4 141 - James II (1633-1701)
embarking for the flight to France, December 1688; (a) R Smirke; 8.3 x 5.7 cms.
B4 142 - James II (1633-1701)
medal struck in commemoration of the appointment of James, Duke of York, as Lord High Admiral, 1660; DNB; 7.8 x 7.8 cms.
B4 143 - James II (1633-1701)
medal commemorating James' reception in France, 1688; (e) I Mavger; 15.3 x 7.5 cms.
B4 144 - Anne (1665-1714)
when Princess of Denmark, departing in her carriage; 8.1 x 13.3 cms. James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766); the birth of James, 10 June 1688; 8.1 x 13.3 cms.
B4 145 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766)
the birth of James, 10 June 1688; 10.5 x 15.1 cms.
B4 146 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766)
the birth of James, 10 June 1688; 16.7 x 12.4 cms.
B4 147 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766)
wounded in the arm at Malplaquet, 1709; (a) R C W; 19.4 x 13.2 cms.
B4 148 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766)
landing in Peterhead, Scotland, 22 December 1715; (e) T W; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol IV [p 331], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20.2 x 14.9 cms.
B4 149 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766)
with his Council, 1716; (e) T Beech; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol IV [p 355], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 20.1 x 14.9 cms.
B4 150 - James II (1633-1701)
taking leave of his Queen and infant son, James Francis Edward, on their departure for France, December 1688; (p) J Parsons; 1794; 11.1 x 6.2 cms.
B4 151 - James II (1633-1701)
taking leave of his Queen and infant son, James Francis Edward, on their departure for France, December 1688; (p) J Parsons; 1794; 11.1 x 6.2 cms.
B4 152 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766)
entering Dundee, 6 January 1716; (a) T H Nicholson; (e) C W Sheeres; (p) Cassell's Illustrated History of England Vol IV [p 343], Cassell, Petter & Galpin; [1865-74]; 19.9 x 15.1 cms.
B4 153 - James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales, the Chevalier de St George, the Old Pretender (1688-1766), OR Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender (1720-88)
'a game at skittles', ready to roll the ball across the Tiber at nine pins set up on the other side, each pin surmounted by crown except one, which has the Prince of Wales' feathers, in the background the Vatican, with accompanying verse; 12.3 x 16.4 cms.
B4 154 - Battle of Killiecrankie, 27 July 1689
the Charge of the Macdonalds; (a) H Mann; 46.5 x 31.8 cms.
B4 155 - Battle of Killiecrankie, 27 July 1689
shield carried by Iain A' Chragain; 9.5 x 8.6 cms.
B4 156 - Battle of Killiecrankie, 27 July 1689
Cameron of Lochiel's charge; 14.3 x 21.5 cms.
B4 157 - William Boyd, 4th Earl of Kilmarnock (1704-46)
Jacobite; gloves worn by him at his execution on Tower Hill; 8.6 x 10 cms.
B4 158 - Kilmuir, Skye
monument erected to Flora Macdonald; (p) Collier & Park; 9.4 x 5.9 cms.
B4 159 - 'The King over the Water'
company standing to drink the toast of 'the King' while passing their glasses over the water; (e) G Cruickshank; 12.4 x 10.1 cms.