Faculty Development

Faculty Development

Faculty Development and Recognition of Trainers (RoT) for Medical Educators on Turas

You can now find out more information and access resources for faculty development offered by CHERI and other University of Aberdeen partners on our Turas page.

Materials on our pages on Turas are mapped to the 7 competencies required for RoT.

ASME Annual Scholarship Meeting (ASM): Developing a Diverse Workforce

12-14 July 2023
Eastside Rooms, Birmingham, UK

You are invited to submit proposals concerned with research, new concepts in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical and healthcare education, and evaluated educational development for ASME's 2023 Annual Scholarship Meeting (ASM). One of ASME's goals is to foster and promote high quality education research and scholarship and the ASM is an important part of this objective.

The theme for 2023 is Developing a Diverse Workforce ”.

This year, apart from abstracts, workshops and Pop-Up events, we are also welcoming submissions for symposia and the new "What's your point?" session.

More information is available on the ASME webpage for each of the sections below.