Partner Institutions
CEMS has close working relationships with a number of key institutions in the field of modern studies. These include the following:
United Kingdom and Ireland
- Reformation Studies Institute, University of St Andrews
- School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
- Society for Renaissance Studies
- Trinity College Dublin institutionally linked with Aberdeen through the Irish-Scottish Academic Initiative and the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies
- The British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
United States and Canada
- Newberry Library, Chicago. Aberdeen is one of only two British universities within the Newberry Consortium, membership of which facilitates participation in the important seminars and research projects, notably those hosted by the Newberry's Centre for Renaissance Studies. Our postgraduates and staff benefit from regular travel to, and participation in, the Newberry Center's conferences and meetings.
- Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC
- Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, University of Toronto.
- The Renaissance Society of America
Continental Europe
- Herzog August Bibliothek , Wolfenbüttel, in particular the Committee for Baroque Research (Arbeitskreis für Barockforschung), and the project Wissensproduktion an der Universität Helmstedt: Die Entwicklung der philosophischen Fakultät 1576-1810. In Helmstedt, Aberdeen's Duncan Liddell was professor for many years, before his death in 1613.
- Erasmus Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Rotterdam
- Erfurt Centre for the Study of Natural Law
- Refo500 -- 'Universal Reformation' at the interdisciplinary Studies Programme Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, exchange of PhD students: see the Warsaw website.
- European University Institute Florence
- Forschungsschwerpunkt Historische Kulturwissenschaften University of Mainz
- Scientiae: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World