Recent and Current CEMS Projects

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Recent and Current CEMS Projects

The Materiality of Texts

Studying the material history of printed and manuscript texts, their circulation and readership. This research theme embraces a number of individual research projects, the first two of which were funded by the AHF/Hunter Caldwell award scheme:

  • Sir Robert Beale Correspondence Project: Opening the Diplomatic Letter in Early Modern Europe (2013-) Contact: Andrew Gordon
  • Spalding's Practicks and the Aberdeen Commissary Court in the Seventeenth Century (2013-) Contact: Adelyn Wilson
  • The Bannatyne Project, with Leverhulme Funding since 2012, contact Elizabeth Elliott

Medical Knowledge between Polymathy and Disciplinarity

Duncan Liddel (1561-1613) (project 2011-2014), funded by the Aberdeen Humanities Fund/Hunter Caldwell Scheme and the Wellcome Trust, with publication imminent (Leiden: Brill 2015)

Cultures of Exchange

Production, collection, and use of manuscripts, printed works, music and art work across Europe

Religious culture and communities

Early modern toleration and dissent (co-operation with the Palacky-University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, with EU funding, 2012-2015)