CEMS Research Seminar: Municipal Play and the Home Fans (A Leisure Complex in Congleton)

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CEMS Research Seminar: Municipal Play and the Home Fans (A Leisure Complex in Congleton)

This is a past event

What can a council leisure centre from the 16th and 17th centuries tell us about the early modern English playhouse?  And what connections does it reveal between recreation and community identity? I address these questions by sharing a draft case study from the forthcoming book, What is a Playhouse? England at Play, 1520-1620 (Routledge 2022), and research emerging from the AHRC Box Office Bears and Middling Culture projects (www.boxofficebears.com | www.middlingculture.com). We will take a visit back in time to a sports complex run by the Corporation of Congleton in Cheshire, comprised of a cockpit, archery butts, bearbaiting sites, and bull-rings, with spaces for music and drama. 

Dr Callan Davies
Hosted by
Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen

All seminars are running online via Teams. 

We will be sending out Teams invites for students and staff with University of Aberdeen registration. External visitors will be able to register via Eventbrite.

To find out more about CEMS events and become involved, please email a.gordon@abdn.ac.uk