Careers Resources

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Careers Resources

Sustainability and green careers

Green Careers Guide (British Council)

Explore environmental careers via case studies and webinars.

EAUC Green Careers Guide

How to find a job that's good for you and the planet, created by the EAUC Scotland, takes an inclusive approach to 'green jobs' and explains how these go much beyond windfarms and wellies. Electricians, Finance Mangers, Administrative Assistants, Environmental Lawyers, Sustainability Consultants, Engineers and Educators - all of these jobs are, or can be, green jobs!

Jobs in Sustainability resources guide

This guide contains details of resources for finding jobs in sustainability as well as information on courses and professional organisations.

pwc's Green Jobs Barometer

A report detailing information about UK green jobs and skills demand.

LinkedIn global green skills report

A report demonstrating the global shift to a green economy that discusses in demand skills and emerging jobs.

What are green skills? (The Skills Network)

Article analysing the green skills in demand by employers.

Green Jobs

Search for the latest environmental and renewable energy opportunities in a range of sectors, including agriculture, conservation, forestry, engineering, renewables and sustainability.

Sustainability jobs

Search for current energy and environmental jobs across the world.

Career opportunities across Scotland in offshore wind

This website provides information on the wide range of career opportunities available in Offshore Wind in Scotland.

Green jobs workforce academy (MyWorldOfWork)

Information about the key job sectors where green career opportunities exist and analysis of the skills in demand. There is also details of current job opportunities.

UN SDG: Learn

Short, free online courses on a range of sustainable development topics.

Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)

Professional body established to promote best practice standards in environmental management, auditing and assessment. Also advertises environmental jobs.

Green Jobs for Nature

Information on types of green jobs.

A jobs vacancy website that links opportunities to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There are also resources and articles.

Careers in Environmental Management and Conservation

The link below will take you to a list of resources for exploring careers in Environmental Management and Conservation.

Change Agents (formerly Student Force for Sustainability)

Recruitment advice and support for careers in sustainability.

Scottish Water careers map

Explore the variety of roles available at Scottish Water and how they help take care of animals and our environment.

Nature-based jobs resource pack (AGCAS)

A collection of resources for finding nature-focused jobs and work experience.

Career guide for having a positive impact on the world (80,000 Hours)

Access a career guide with advice on finding a fulfilling career that does good.

CV Tips for Sustainability Professionals (Change Agents UK)

Advice on how to prepare a CV. The article is particularly relevant for applying for green careers but the advice is applicable to all work sectors.
Please note, the article mentions that you should not include a skills graph on your CV. However, we would recommend that you do include a skills section and provide evidence of your skills development. Have a look at the sample CVs on our CVs webpage for guidance on how to present a skills section.

Guide to Jobs in Energy (Energy UK: Young Energy Professionals Forum)

This guide highlights the diversity of careers available within energy. It takes a deep dive into the industry, emphasising the extensive variety of roles with comprehensive career perspectives from energy professionals. It covers job opportunities in engineering and STEM fields, service provision to or within industry, as well as innovation and policy influencing through the work of public affairs and regulation.

Career Callings - identify careers and employers matched to your values

Select the global challenges that matter most to you and find related employers, occupations and training opportunities.

Career Fair Sustainability Initiative - advice on talking to employers about sustainability

Useful advice on how to have conversations with employers about their sustainability initiatives.