Working abroad - continent/ country profiles from
Detailed guides to specific continents and countries with advice on skills shortages, sources of vacancies and visas.
Register for this free online platform to search for job opportunities and access virtual careers events.
Country profiles (
Detailed country profiles with advice and information on culture, working practices and business etiquette.
GradConnection - search and apply for international job vacancies
GradConnection has details of current vacancies in a range of countries across South East Asia, Australasia, North America and South Africa.
Working Abroad video (AGCAS Scotland)
Three students from Scottish universities relate their feelings about their placements abroad and offer advice and encouragement to others contemplating taking up the challenge.
Working in Africa
Resources for finding jobs in Africa, both for African students and those of other nationalities.
Working in Asia
Resources for finding jobs in Asia, both for Asian students and those of other nationalities. Click on other "Working in..." titles to find resources for specific countries in Asia.
Working in Australia and New Zealand
Resources for finding jobs in Australia & New Zealand, both for home students and those of other nationalities.
Working in Europe
Resources for finding jobs in Europe, both for European students and those of other nationalities. Click on other "Working in..." titles to find resources for specific countries in Europe.
Working in the USA and Canada
Resources for finding jobs in the USA & Canada, both for US/Canadian students and those of other nationalities.
Working in Brazil (TargetJobs)
This article has detailed information on finding work in Brazil, including advice on application requirements, sources of vacancies and work experience programmes.
Work in Brazil (
This article has detailed information on finding work in Brazil, including advice on skills shortages, sources of vacancies and visas.
Working in Mexico (TargetJobs)
This article has detailed information on finding work in Mexico, including advice on application requirements, sources of vacancies and work experience programmes.
Working in the Middle East
Resources for finding jobs in the Middle East.
Foreign Commonwealth Office
The Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) website.
Teaching overseas (TES)
Articles about what life is like teaching in specific areas of the world.
Global Health Corps
Year-long paid fellowships (placements) working on projects to improve access to healthcare in poor communities. Opportunities are available in Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and the United States. Check the website below for details about applicant eligibility.
Student-led organisation which sources placements in other countries. Check with the local AIESEC branch to find out more about opportunities for University of Aberdeen students.
IAESTE: A Global Work Experience Program
Summer Exchange Placement organisation providing students of science, engineering, technology and the applied arts with paid, course-related, technical training abroad.
Web-portal with information and learning resources on global business activities. The site includes: Global Resources - more than 5,000 online resources; Country Insights - information on countries; Knowledge Room - latest issues in international business.
Transitions Abroad
Advice and articles on working abroad.
Recruitment agency with job opportunities worldwide.