ABVentures is the University of Aberdeen's dedicated advice and support service for starting a business or social enterprise. It is available to students, recent graduates and staff.
Self-employment (Prospects)
Advice on the skills required to be a successful entrepreneur and tips on how to start your own business. There is also practical guidelines on writing a business plan.
Aberdeen Business Enterprise Society
Society that helps students to discover and develop their skills and entrepreneurial potential.
Scottish Enterprise
Scotland's main economic, enterprise, innovation and investment agency. Website includes sector specific information for Scotland with links to company details. Covers tourism, energy, textiles, life sciences and aerospace, defence and marine.
Business Gateway
Practical help, advice and support for new and growing businesses in Scotland
Starting a Business (TechRound)
An online magazine that provides news and guides on startups, business and technology. The site has useful articles on a range of topics, including business ideas, business plans, funding and tax.
Contractor UK
This website contains information on graduates working as contractors. There is an online guide which you can download from this site which explains the advantages and disadvantages of working as a contractor. The guide also includes advice on how to become a contactor and find contracting work.
A graduate's guide to becoming a Contractor (Contractor Umbrella)
Advice on what being a Contractor involves, the benefits of it compared to being an employee and how to find work.
British Franchise Association
Self regulating governing body for franchising with information and help for current and prospective franchisees. Also includes a list of members and training events.
Prince's Trust
Charity which provides financial and professional support to young people who want to set up their own business. Their website allows you to read success stories of how the trust has helped people with their entrepreneurial ideas.
Are you ready to be your own boss? (Sage)
Short interactive quiz about how prepared you feel to run your own business. Based on your responses you will be taken to tailored resources to help you move forwards.
iworkforme - self-employment support for autistic people in Scotland
Charity offering support to autistic people who are considering starting their own business.
Co-operatives UK
National trade body that promotes co-operative enterprises.
Businesses and Self Employed (gov.uk)
Contains information & advice on setting up your own business, including how to prepare a business plan and how to avoid common mistakes.
Enterprise Ireland
Enterprise Ireland is the Government agency in Ireland responsible for supporting Irish businesses in the manufacturing and internationally traded service sectors. Specifically, Enterprise Ireland helps businesses to start-up, innovate and ultimately, to achieve global success.
Shell LiveWIRE
Free information and advice for young people starting a business in the UK.
Federation of Small Businesses
Lobbying organisation for SMEs.
Top small business grants in the UK (nerdwallet)
This articles provides details of grants available to small businesses by region and work sector.
HMRC email updates, videos and webinars for VAT
Advice on VAT, including accounting schemes, VAT returns and keeping records.
RSE Research Awards - The Royal Society of Edinburgh
RSE Research Awards promote innovation and entrepreneurship and support leading research that benefits Scotland's cultural, economic and social wellbeing. Funding awards are available across all disciplines for people at all stages of their career.
Go to guide to starting a business (Wright Hassall)
Useful guide for entrepreneurs on starting a business, with information on company structures, people, premises, funding and legal advice.
Entrepreneur Handbook
This website contains lots of useful guides for starting your own business, including lists of possible business ventures, advice on managing finances and information on relevant legislation.
How to start a business in 20 days (Informi)
A useful action plan for setting up a new business, from the fundamentals of exploring the potential of your idea and creating a business plan to tips on getting your business ready for launch.
"From Aberdeen to..." alumni story - Joakim Fong
The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of alumni working in diverse industries across the globe. In this article Joakim Fong, talks about his experience studying at Aberdeen and career path to date.
"From Aberdeen to..." alumni story - Sandy McKinnon (Entrepreneur)
The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of alumni working in diverse industries across the globe. In this article Management graduate, Sandy McKinnon, talks about his experience studying at Aberdeen and how he co-founded and developed a new business.