A' tabhainn eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig do ghrunn bhuidhnean mòra, leithid Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, Alba Aosmhor agus Ùghdarras Theisteanas na h-Alba.
Provides Gaelic translations to many high profile organisations, including the Scottish Parliament, Historic Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority.
Seirbheisean eadar-theangachaidh a' libhrigeadh eadar-theangachadh air feadh an t-saoghail.
Professional Translation Services agency delivering translations throughout the world.
Seirbheis eadar-theangachaidh an Gàidhlig na h-Alba air a dhèanamh le eadar-theangairean le teisteanasan aig a bheil farsaingeachd eòlais agus spèisealachaidhean.
Professional Scottish Gaelic translation services and fully qualified Scottish Gaelic translators with a huge breadth of experience and specialisms.
Seirbheis eadar-theangachaidh Ghàidhlig choitcheann.
Comprehensive Gaelic translation service.