Careers Resources

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Careers Resources

There are many tools you can access to help you make career choices. Here are a selection of them, but you can also discuss this with the Careers Adviser for your subject by making an appointment.

Career Choice

Prospects Planner Online Career Planning Tool

Online tool, designed specifically for HE, which can help you to explore what careers are suitable for you.

Mini Career Course: Developing Career Plans

This mini career course introduces you to a wide range of tools that can be helpful at every stage of the career planning journey, enabling you to explore your options, developing and building on ideas you already have and perhaps widening your scope and introducing new ideas to consider. This mini career course is relevant to students who haven't started to think about their career plan yet. It is also relevant to students with a set career path in mind to ensure you know of the steps needed to make it a reality. The course should take about 15 minutes to complete

Comparing Career Ideas (Decision making tool)

If you are considering a range of job types and would like to assess them against your personal career aims and priorities, this tool can give you a great starting point. The tool will take you through the process step-by-step. Note: you do not need to sign in to complete this activity.

Skills Health Check Tool - Directgov Careers Advice

Use the Skills Health Check to find out about the skills and abilities you have, and how they can help you get the job you want. Follow the step by step instructions below to learn more about yourself.

Mind Tools

Online resources and exercises to help you with career choice and planning, as well as skills assessment and development.

Holland Code Career Test

This free test asks you a series of questions to identify your strongest career interest among six occupational themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (a.k.a. RIASEC). At the end you will be presented with a list of suggested careers based on your interest profile. The Careers and Employability Service recommends that in addition to using this test you also complete the Personality Max personality test which is a more comprehensive test with greater analysis of your results.

Personality Max - free personality tests

Free online tests - personality types, multi intelligences, learning styles and left/right brain.

Factors influencing your Career choice

When you are considering your career options there are a number of factors that may influence your decision. This activity will explore some of the main factors that might affect your motivation and satisfaction within a role. Note: you do not need to sign in to complete this activity.

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