Prospects Profile: Chemical Engineer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Control and Instrumentation Engineer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Maintenance Engineer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Manufacturing Engineer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Manufacturing Systems Engineer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Production Manager
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Quality Manager
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Technical Brewer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Food Technologist
Resources on Food Technology, including detailed information on being a Food Technologist.
IChemE - Institution of Chemical Engineers
Professional body for those working in the field of chemical engineering. Their website has information on where a degree in chemical engineering can take you, resources for current students and details of student membership of IChemE.
Institute of Brewing and Distilling
Information on careers in Distilling with case studies and latest vacancies.
EqualEngineers Student Hub
Online platform for collaborating and networking with Engineering and Technology students from around the world.
E&TJ - Engineering and Technology Jobs
Search for current opportunities in Engineering and Technology (site maintained by IET).
EE Times Europe
Online magazine with latest news from the electrical engineering industry
Green Jobs
Search for the latest environmental and renewable energy opportunities in a range of sectors, including agriculture, conservation, forestry, engineering, renewables and sustainability.
Enginuity (formerly Semta)
Organisation providing practical solutions for individuals, educators, and manufacturing and engineering employers, using unmatched industry expertise and data.
Engineering Jobs
Keep up-to-date with the latest opportunities in the Engineering sector.
How to become an Engineering Contractor (Contractor Umbrella)
Advice on the benefits of being a Contractor and how to find work.