Prospects Profile: Arbitrator
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Barristers Clerk
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Chartered Legal Executive (England and Wales)
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Costs Lawyer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Licensed Conveyancer
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Paralegal
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Scottish Paralegal Association
Includes information about becoming a paralegal, details about training courses and paralegal vacancies in Scotland.
Government Legal Service for Scotland
A professional community of lawyers in Scotland. This webpage provides information on the work involved and details of the GLSS legal trainee programme.
Government Legal Service
Contains details of their legal trainee scheme and vacation placements. There are also useful case studies for finding out what life is like as a GLS lawyer.
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
Professional body for Trust and Estate Practitioners. Their website has a Careers section which allows you to read case studies to find out more about this job field. There is also a useful FAQs section and details about professional qualifications.
Paralegal Net - vacancies in England
Search for paralegal opportunities in England.
Association of Costs Lawyers (ACL)
ACL is the representative body of Costs Lawyers. Their website has details of training requirements for entering the profession and details of forthcoming events.
Scottish Young Lawyers' Association (SYLA)
Membership organisation comprising of law students, solicitors of up to 10 years' post-qualification-experience or advocates up to 10 years called. Their website has details of forthcoming events as well as links to podcasts and blogs.
The Legists
The Legists is an A.I. algorithmic data mining platform providing law jobs, law graduate jobs, entry level law jobs, paralegal jobs, training contracts and solicitor jobs.
Law school 2.0
A community of legal professionals and legal students organising events and initiatives to promote technology-focused practices in the legal profession.
Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
Professional association and governing body for chartered legal executive lawyers.
Institute of Paralegals
Information about becoming a Paralegal and the career prospects. There are also details of current opportunities.
Grow Mentoring
Programme for aspiring lawyers to receive 1:1 mentoring from a legal professional.
LegalJobs board
Search for current legal jobs in the UK by keyword, speciality and location.
National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP)
Articles about the paralegal profession and information on training.
Society of Licensed Conveyancers
News, events and job opportunities.