Prospects Profile: Solicitor
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Prospects Profile: Solicitor (Scotland)
Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.
Law Society for Scotland
Website includes database of all member law firms in Scotland which you can search by location and area of law. Also check out the New Lawyers resources and career-related articles in the News section.
Jobs section of the Law Society of Scotland website set up to create a central resource of available legal traineeships and summer placements in Scotland.
TARGETjobs Law: Solicitors
Information on training contracts, work experience and practice areas. There are also useful Employer Insights (also available as a free app).
Law Society for England and Wales
The Law Society represents solicitors in England and Wales. From negotiating with and lobbying the profession's regulators, government and others, to offering training and advice, we're here to help, protect and promote solicitors across England and Wales. Website includes searchable database of member firms with an advanced search for those approved to offer training contracts.
Chambers Student
Useful articles for exploring careers in Legal Services.
Filling the Gap - advice for Law Graduates
If you've had your traineeship deferred or have completed your DPLP but not found a traineeship yet, this document contains advice from law firm recruiters on how to maximise your chances and make the most of your time in-between.
Trainee Solicitor Surgery
Details of traineeships and vacation schemes as well as advice on applications.
Search for Training Contracts and Work Placements (
Search for traineeships or work placements by practice area, region, size of firm and year of start. Primarily for England and Wales.
Commercial Awareness (AllAboutGroup)
Representatives of law firms explain what commercial awareness is and how you can demonstrate on your applications that you have developed this skill.
City Career Series
Articles with advice on career options in the City (including Commercial Law, Actuarial Work and Management Consultancy) and how to find work experience and graduate opportunities.
Researching law firms and areas of practice
The link below will take you to a list of recommended resources for researching law firms.
Job application and interview advice (Law)
Click on the link below to see our list of recommended resources for making successful legal job applications.
Legal Training and Education
Click on the link below to see our list of recommended resources for Legal Training and Education.
Legal Business
Keep up-to-date with the latest legal business news.
Law school 2.0
A community of legal professionals and legal students organising events and initiatives to promote technology-focused practices in the legal profession.
Aspiring Solicitors
Aspiring Solicitors aims to increase diversity in the legal profession. They offer students and graduates a range of services, including mentoring, coaching, events, work experience and competitions.
"From Aberdeen to..." alumni story - Adaku Ufere (Energy Lawyer and Business Consultant)
The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of alumni working in diverse industries across the globe. In this article you can read about the career path of LLM graduate, Adaku Ufere.
Solicitors Pro Bono Group -
Information for students interested in pro bono work.
SEO London - Corporate Law
This programme offers a comprehensive range of career support to maximise your chances of meaningful employment. Support offered includes tailored education and employment advice, technical and soft skills training and seminars delivered by experienced industry professionals.
Grow Mentoring
Programme for aspiring lawyers to receive 1:1 mentoring from a legal professional.
Legable seeks to make the legal profession accessible for everyone no matter your background. Their website has details of work experience opportunities, funding and mentoring schemes. There is also an events listing and blog articles.
Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG)
A directory of legal aid firms and details of current vacancies.
LegalJobs board
Search for current legal jobs in the UK by keyword, speciality and location.
Next City Lawyer
This website publishes a range of articles on legal careers, particularly relating to commercial law.
The Legists
The Legists is an A.I. algorithmic data mining platform providing law jobs, law graduate jobs, entry level law jobs, paralegal jobs, training contracts and solicitor jobs.
University of Law (for legal study in England and Wales)
Careers information and details of courses offered by the College of Law (PgDL/CPE and LPC)in England & Wales
Scottish Young Lawyers' Association (SYLA)
Membership organisation comprising of law students, solicitors of up to 10 years' post-qualification-experience or advocates up to 10 years called. Their website has details of forthcoming events as well as links to podcasts and blogs.
This website was founded by students and consists of short legal reports that will develop your business awareness.