BMJ Speciality Guides
BMJ Careers is the number one site for hospital, GP and international doctor jobs. This link takes you to speciality guides containing detailed information about a range of specific roles.
Prospects job profiles: Medicine
The link below will take you to a list of job profiles on the Prospects website. The profiles contain information about specific roles in Medicine and advice on entry requirements, work experience and career prospects.
TARGETjobs: Healthcare
Essential information for medical students in planning your career with advice on making applications and detailed analysis of different specialties.
Resources for Applying to Study Medicine
The link below will take you to a list of recommended resources for applying to study Medicine. Please note, there is a separate resource list for getting advice with test preparation.
Resources for Preparing to take Tests for Medical and Dental School Applications
The link below will take you to a list of recommended resources for getting advice on taking tests for medical and dental school applications. Please note, there is a separate list of resources for finding out about the application process and help with interview preparation.
Studying Medicine (BMA)
Information on how to become a doctor and what to expect at medical school.
General Medical Council
Ensures that all registered doctors maintain the standards the public and the medical profession expect. Also sets the standards for basic undergraduate medical education and first year training.
British Medical Association
Doctors' professional organisation established to look after the professional and personal needs of our members. The BMA represents doctors in all branches of medicine all over the UK.
BMJ Careers - jobs
Search for current opportunities in the healthcare sector, including hospital jobs, GP vacancies and university/ research positions.
BMJ Careers - mental health
Search for current opportunities for careers in mental health.
Foundation Programme
A two-year generic training programme which forms the bridge between medical school and specialist/general practice training. This website contains information about the programme and how to apply. There is also advice on different career options and links to foundation schools.
Scottish Medical Training (NHS Scotland)
Webpage containing links to lots of organisations providing advice and information on careers in Medicine in Scotland.
Royal College of Surgeons: Surgical Careers
Find out what being a Surgeon involves and how to enter the profession. This website also contains video case studies where Surgeons speak about how their career has developed and what they think of their job.
Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
Bringing together physical science, engineering and clinical professionals in academia, healthcare services and industry the institution provides accredited training and advertises job opportunities in medical physics and bioengineering on the website.
Medical Consultant Interview Questions (ISC Medical)
Excellent selection of questions for Consultant interviews as well as some questions for specific specialities.
Medical Student Finance (BMA)
Information and advice on funding your studies as a Medical student. There are individual guides for studying in different parts of the UK.
Royal College of Physicians
A career as a Physician Associate video (HealthCareers)
Hear what three physician associates have to say about their career and the difference they make to people's lives.
Graduate Entry Medicine (The Medic Portal)
Comprehensive website for applying for Graduate Entry Medicine courses, including information on universities, entry requirements and application procedures.
Medic Footprints
Medic Footprints is a doctor-led organisation focused on supporting the career and lifestyle needs of medics. The website has a good selection of Career Guides about different specialities.
Clinical careers in Endocrinology and Diabetes (Society for Endocrinology)
Useful guide to careers in Endocrinology, explaining what the work involves and how to pursue a career in this area.
STEM Women
This website allows female students and graduates to search for jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine, advertised by organisations who are committed to receiving an equal number of male and female applications.
Stapley Trust - Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science
Awards grants for first degrees in medicine, dentistry and veterinary science and for PhDs in any subject.
Royal College of Emergency Medicine
The College aims to advance education and research in Emergency Medicine. Select the Careers in EM option from the About menu heading to access detailed information on career opportunities in this area. You can also get advice on training required and there is information on forthcoming events.
Royal College of Pathologists
The Careers section of this website allows you to download careers leaflets which explain what career opportunities are available in Pathology. There is also information on training and funding.
North of Scotland GP Training
A locally run blog focused on the GP training programmes in the North of Scotland which also contains a lot of lifestyle articles recognising the importance of getting the right work/life balance. There are also case studies of real GPs.
CATCH - Clinical Academic Training and Careers Hub
Information on what is involved in being a Clinical Academic. You can read case studies of people working in this area and find out about training opportunities.
Disabled Doctors Network
Information and support for chronically ill/ disabled doctors and medical students. There is information on issues you may face while applying to study Medicine, during your studies and during your training.
The Ultimate Career Guide for medical students and foundation doctors
This book aims to enhance the employability of prospective and current doctors. The content in the guide has been created with help from doctors who have tasted both success and failure. It outlines the recruitment system and how to find and make the most of opportunities.
Author: Samuel Latham and Amelle Ra
Published: 2021
You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.
"From Aberdeen to..." alumni story - Dr Tharaka Gunarathne (Motivational Speaker and Psychiatrist)
The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of alumni working in diverse industries across the globe. In this article Medicine graduate, Tharaka Gunarathne, talks about his experience studying at Aberdeen and career path to date.