Careers Resources

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Careers Resources

Publishing and Printing

Publishers Association

Trade association for book, journal and online publishers in the UK. The site contains a wide range of information on career options in Publishing. There are case studies, details of training courses and work experience opportunities, as well as a full list of members.

Prospects Profile: Commissioning Editor

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Editorial Assistant

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Lexicographer

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Magazine Features Editor

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Print Production Planner

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Publishing Copy-Editor/Proofreader

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Publishing Rights Manager

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Publishing Scotland

Offers training courses in various areas of publishing and editing. Site also includes careers information and a full members' listing.

Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP)

Membership organisation for professional editors and proofreaders. Site includes a directory of members and information on training, events and news items.

Periodical Publishers Association (PPA)

Professional body for the magazine publishing industry. The site contains a careers section with tips on how to get into the industry, work experience and case studies from various career areas.

Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

Information on events, training and news about mainly academic publishing. Also contains a full listing of members.

Music Publishers Association

Contains information on career roles within Music Publishing as well as contact details for music publishers and latest vacancies.

Careers in the Music Industry (UK Music)

Career profiles, sources of job opportunities and top tips from industry professionals.


Representative organisation for the recorded music industry which organises both the BRIT and Classical BRIT Awards. The site contains industry information and statistics as well as a full membership listing.

News Media Association

Representative organisation for national, regional and local media organisations in the UK.


Online magazine and job site for media jobs, mainly in sales roles.

The Bookseller

Online version of the weekly magazine with news and in-depth stories about the publishing and book retailing industry. Also contains jobs pages.


Vast online directory listing contact details for radio & TV stations, newspapers and magazines. Also contains newsfeeds, discussions and links to live streaming for many radio stations and TV channels.

Booksellers Association

Trade association representing a large proportion of Britain's booksellers. The site contains industry information, a list of full and associate members and information on events and book fairs.

Publishing Training Centre

Provider of training courses to the publishing industry.

Society of Young Publishers

Contains information on different jobs within the sector, details of postgraduate courses and latest vacancies.

Working with Words: Alumni stories

This booklet has been created to showcase a range of careers built on words and writing. It features case studies of Aberdeen graduates.

Creative Access

Social enterprise providing access to internships in creative industries. Register on their website to apply for opportunities.

Discover! Creative Careers

Links to information on a wide range of careers in the creative industries.

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