Careers Resources

In this section
Careers Resources

Chemical Scientific Services

Analytical Chemist

Resources on Analytical Chemistry, including detailed information on being an Analytical Chemist.

Colour Technologist

Resources on Colour Technology, including detailed information on being a Colour Technologist.

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Information and resources about careers in the pharmaceutical industry, including medical writing, drug discovery, animal technology, engineering, sales & marketing, IT, etc.

BIA (BioIndustry Association)

The trade association for innovative enterprises in the UK's bioscience sector. Their website has a list of BIA member companies as well as details of events and jobs.

Leverhulme Trust

Makes awards for the support of research and education, emphasising individuals and encompassing all subject areas. Grants & awards, including Early Career Fellowships.

Scottish Industry Directories: Life and Chemical Sciences

Contact details of Scottish based organisations in this sector.