BMJ Speciality Guides
BMJ Careers is the number one site for hospital, GP and international doctor jobs. This link takes you to speciality guides containing detailed information about a range of specific roles.
What can I do with my degree? - Medicine (Prospects)
This article provides an overview of the skills gained throughout your degree, job options, career areas, further study, case studies, contacts and resources.
Medicine and Dentistry UG destination information (2021-22)
Data on what Medicine and Dentistry undergraduates were doing 15 months after they finished their studies.
Resources for Applying to Study Medicine
The link below will take you to a list of recommended resources for applying to study Medicine. Please note, there is a separate resource list for getting advice with test preparation.
Scottish Medical Training (NHS Scotland)
Webpage containing links to lots of organisations providing advice and information on careers in Medicine in Scotland.
Studying Medicine (BMA)
Information on how to become a doctor and what to expect at medical school.
Writing your medical CV (BMA)
Tips and advice for creating an effective medical CV.
Preparing your medical CV (NHS)
Advice on how to prepare a medical CV with tips for sections to include, format and structure.
Applying for foundation training (NHS)
Information on the application procedure for Foundation training and how to choose a Foundation school.
First year of the Foundation programme - F1 (General Medical Council)
Information on what Foundation Year 1 involves.
Alternative careers for doctors: the ultimate list (Medic Footprints)
Information and advice on the vast range of alternative careers for doctors.
Alternative roles for doctors (NHS)
Information about jobs where a medical degree and clinical training or experience would be valuable.
Graduate Entry Medicine (The Medic Portal)
Comprehensive website for applying for Graduate Entry Medicine courses, including information on universities, entry requirements and application procedures.
What Do Graduates Do? - Scotland
Find out what graduates from Scottish institutions went on to do after their first degree, Masters or PhD.
What Do Graduates Do? (UK)
Find out what graduates in your subject went on to do after graduation. This survey is carried out nationally every year.
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test used by a consortium of UK Universities for their medical and dental degree programmes. Comprehensive information on what the test involves, application dates and how to prepare.
UCAT free practice questions (JobTestPrep)
14 selected questions from four main sections of the UCAT.
The Medic Portal
Advice and information on all stages of the medical school application process.
Guide to Medical CVs and portfolios (University of Nottingham)
Advice on what to include in your CV and how to create a professional layout. There is also guidance on creating portfolios for speciality training interviews.
Author: University of Nottingham
Published: 2014
Download PDF
117.9 KB
Medical Portfolios (Careers Group London)
Advice on preparing a professional development portfolio, with tips on structure and content.
Guidance for producing a medical CV (Health Education South West)
Advice on layout and content of a Medical CV.
Author: Health Education South West
Published: 2014
Download PDF
190.7 KB
Equate Scotland - support for women finding jobs in STEM sectors
Organisation supporting the recruitment of women into STEM sectors. They offer training opportunities and a network for connecting with fellow students. There is also a listing of jobs and placements.
BMJ Careers - jobs
Search for current opportunities in the healthcare sector, including hospital jobs, GP vacancies and university/ research positions.
BMJ Careers - mental health
Search for current opportunities for careers in mental health.
The Ultimate Career Guide for medical students and foundation doctors
This book aims to enhance the employability of prospective and current doctors. The content in the guide has been created with help from doctors who have tasted both success and failure. It outlines the recruitment system and how to find and make the most of opportunities.
Author: Samuel Latham and Amelle Ra
Published: 2021
You will find this book in the Careers Service library on the second floor of the Hub.
Case studies of Life Sciences graduates (Opportunity North East)
The link below will take you to a series of video case studies featuring Life Sciences graduates talking about their jobs and career paths.
"From Aberdeen to..." alumni story - Dr Tharaka Gunarathne (Motivational Speaker and Psychiatrist)
The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of alumni working in diverse industries across the globe. In this article Medicine graduate, Tharaka Gunarathne, talks about his experience studying at Aberdeen and career path to date.