Countryside Jobs Service
A great resource for keeping up-to-date with opportunities in conservation and ecology. CJS advertises a wide range of opportunities, including graduate jobs, volunteering and internships. There are also details of courses and events.
School of Geosciences UG destination information (2021-22)
Data on what School of Geosciences undergraduates were doing 15 months after they finished their studies.
What Do Graduates Do? - Scotland
Find out what graduates from Scottish institutions went on to do after their first degree, Masters or PhD.
What Do Graduates Do? (UK)
Find out what graduates in your subject went on to do after graduation. This survey is carried out nationally every year.
Lantra - Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based sector. Website has careers sections for a range of industries, including routes into various careers in them.
Environmental Work Experience
The link below will take you to a list of recommended websites and downloads for finding environmental work experience, paid and voluntary.
Nature-based jobs resource pack (AGCAS)
A collection of resources for finding nature-focused jobs and work experience.
Nature Jobs
Science career information, tools and job search facility produced by Nature.
Royal Society of Biology jobs listing
Search for the latest Biology-related opportunities.
What can I do with my degree? - Environmental Science (Prospects)
This article provides an overview of the skills gained throughout your degree, job options, career areas, further study, case studies, contacts and resources.
CJS Focus on... (Articles about Environmental careers)
This resource comprises articles and case studies of people working in the environmental sector and top tips for interviews and applications.
"From Aberdeen to..." alumni story - Dr Laura Phillips (Government Partnerships Officer)
The University of Aberdeen boasts a fantastic array of alumni working in diverse industries across the globe. In this article Ecology graduate, Laura Phillips, talks about her experience studying at Aberdeen and career path to date.
Search for current academic positions in Schools of Physical and Earth Sciences at universities across the world.
Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
The leading professional body for waste and resource management. Their website has information on courses as well as latest vacancies.
Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)
Professional body established to promote best practice standards in environmental management, auditing and assessment. Also advertises environmental jobs.
Institution of Environmental Sciences
Charitable organisation which promotes and raises public awareness of environmental science. Their website has details of vacancies in the environmental sector and information about their volunteering scheme.
CIEEM - Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
The CIEEM website contains information on what a career as an Ecologist or Environment Manager involves. There is also advice on how to follow a career in these areas with tips on courses and work experience. You can also find details of current opportunities.
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)
Professional body for scientists, engineers, other environmental professionals, students and those committed to the sustainable management and development of water and the environment. Includes a job search section and a directory of CIWEM member organisations which you can search by location and specialism.
Prospects - Environment and Agriculture
Links to information on types of job and courses for careers in this sector.