Ms Regina Jaschke

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Ms Regina Jaschke
Ms Regina Jaschke
Ms Regina Jaschke

Senior Careers Adviser

Email Address
Office Address

Careers Service
University of Aberdeen
Students' Union Building
Elphinstone Road
Aberdeen AB24 3TU

Directorate of People


As a Careers Adviser at the University of Aberdeen, I provide individual and group careers information, advice and guidance to a multidisciplinary case load of students and recent graduates, and am the lead Careers Adviser contact for the Business School and School of Engineering.

Having been part of the Careers Service team since 2001, I am also highly experienced in developing employability opportunities, working closely with academic schools to employer networking opportunities and employer presentations for students.

From 2018 to 2022, I was responsible for the University of Aberdeen's flasgship co-curricular initiative, the STAR (Students Taking Active Roles) Award and was on the team to re-develop this into our new joint co-curricular programme, Pathway to Success.

I represent the Careers Service on the Business School Advisory Board.

For many years, I was responsible for the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey and still maintain an interest in the destination statistics through the new Graduate Outcomes survey.

I also have a specialist interest in supporting the career aspirations of our international students and work closely with our International Student Advisers to deliver information and guidance on visa options and graduate opportunities.

In the Careers and Employability Service, I manage our graduate trainees and I lead on any operational areas as well as our services which help studens be successful in the recruitment process, from applications to assessment centres.

External Memberships

I am a member of:

  • Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)
  • Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Scotland
  • AGCAS Scotland Engineering Advisers' Group

I am also the Convener of the AGCAS Scotland Finance Group.


Teaching Responsibilities

I contribute to the following courses:

  • ED2550 - Career Development: Find Your Direction
  • ED251A Engineering Work Experience
  • ED3535 - Working Together: Employability for Arts and Social Sciences
  • GG3573/4 - Research Design
  • PD1001, 2001 and 3001

I can deliver course-specific work experience and careers information and advice to students on request.