

The Economics Department has a well-established tradition of research in applied economics, particularly in the areas of labour economics and energy economics. There are also research interests in macroeconomics, the economics of health and wellbeing, environmental economics and experimental economics.

There are especially strong links between the Economics Department and Health Economics Research Unit, one of the leading centres in health economics in Europe.

The Department of Economics is also home to the Scottish Experimental Economics Laboratory (SEEL), the Centre for Labour Market Research (CeLMR), and the Aberdeen Centre for Research in Energy Economics and Finance (ACREEF).

Browse our Working Papers in Economics and Finance

In February 2014, the department established EPAKE: the Economics Policy and Knowledge Exchange Steering Committee. The aim of this committee is to facilitate inter- and multi- disciplinary research collaborations with other parts of the university, increase impact and generate grant income. Its primary function is as a point of contact for other parts of the university when they seek economics input, and to build research capacity. Please feel free to contact us if you are seeking Economics input to your project.

The committee at present comprises:


  • Labour Economics
  • Energy Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • The Economics of Health and Wellbeing
  • Environmental Economics
  • Experimental Economics

Please check out the profiles of our Economics academics for more details.

Economics Research Seminar Series