Recent papers by CeLMR members
Marco Mello . "A kick for the GDP: the effect of winning the FIFA World Cup". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Advance online publication.
Erazo, M., Garcia Diaz, P., Langdon, B., Mustin, K., Cava, M., Gabriella, D., Huerta, M. F., Linardaki, E., Moyano, J., Montti, L., Powell, P. A., Bodey, T., Burslem, D., Fasola, L., Fidelis, A., Lambin, X., Marinaro, S., Pauchard, A., Euan Phimister., Pizarro, J. C. (Accepted/In press). Stakeholder mapping to support invasive non-native species management in South America. NeoBiota.
Adam, R., Lotankar, Y., Sas, C., Powell, D., Martinez, V., Green, S., Cooper, J. M., Bradbury, K., Sive, J., & Hill, D. L. "Understanding patterns of fatigue in health and disease: protocol for an ecological momentary assessment study using digital technologies". BMJ Open, 14(5), Article e081416.
G. Moscelli, C. Nicodemo, M. Sayli, & Marco Mello. "Trends and determinants of clinical staff retention in the English NHS: A double retrospective cohort study". BMJ Open.
F. Bransch, S. Malik, & Benedikt Mihm. "The cyclicality of on-the-job search". Labour Economics.
Eppinger Ruiz de Zarate, A., Daniel Powell, Kühnhausen, J., Allan, J., Johnstone, A., Crabtree, D. R., Buosi, W., Fyfe, C., McMinn, D., McCavour, B., Gawrilow, C., & Stadler, G. "Free-living Physical Activity and Executive Function: A Multi-Study Analysis of Age Groups and Times of Day". Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 24(1), Article 100425.
N. Andelic, J. Allan, Keith A. Bender, Daniel Powell & Ioannis Theodossiou. "Performance-related pay, mental and physiological health". Industrial Relations, 63(1), 3-25.
N. Andelic, J. Allan, Keith A. Bender, Daniel Powell, & Ioannis Theodossiou. "Stress in performance-related pay: the effect of payment contracts and social-evaluative threat". Stress, 26(1), [2283435].
B. Abdullah, Alexandros Zangelidis, & Ioannis Theodossiou. "Demand and supply effects on native-immigrant wage differentials: the case of Malaysia". Journal for Labour Market Research, 57, [22].
Catia Montagna, & Alexandros Zangelidis. "Labour Market Implications of Thyroid Dysfunctions". Economics and Human Biology, 50, [101247].
H. Görg, C. Hornok, Catia Montagna , & G. E. Onwordi. "Employment to Output Elasticities & Reforms towards Flexicurity: Evidence from OECD Countries". Bulletin of Economic Research, 75(3), 641-670.
Varuni Wimalasiri "Displacement-plurality (D-P) in women refugees, its influence on work seeking, engagement and implications for workplace diversity practice: a reflective and critical review" Personnel Review. Vol. 51 No. 9: 2061-2080
S. Malik, Benedikt Mihm and A. von Suchodoletz, "COVID-19 lockdowns and children's health and well-being". Journal of Economic Psychology, 93.
N. Andelic, J. Allan, Keith A. Bender, Daniel Powell and Ioannis Theodossiou, “Salivary Cortisol in University Students after the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 12, 100160.
S. Malik and Benedikt Mihm, "Parental religiosity and human capital development: A field study in Pakistan". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 197: 519-560,
Keith A. Bender and John Skåtun, “Performance-Related Pay: The Expected and Unexpected,” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population, ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann, Springer, Cham. 316-1
T. R. S. de Aguiar, S. Haque, Keith A. Bender, “Athena SWAN Gender Equality Plans and the Gendered Impact of COVID-19,” Gender, Work & Organisation, 29(2): 591-608.
R. Gloster, Varuni Wimalasiri, "Supporting refugees into work: what can we do better?", Institute of Employment Studies (Brighton).
Likun Mao and C. Normand, "The effect of volunteering on employment: Evidence from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)," The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 21:
H. Molana, Catia Montagna and G. E. Onwordi, "De-Globalization, Welfare State Reforms and Labor Market Outcomes," IMF Economic Review, 69: 624-655.
T. Acheampong, Euan Phimister, A. Kemp, "An optimisation model for incentivising the development of marginal oil and gas fields amidst increasingly complex ownership patterns: UKCS case study," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 207.
C. Bansak, Keith A. Bender, M. Coon, “The Political Economy of Skilled Workers and Innovation,” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population, ed by Klaus F. Zimmermann, Springer, Cham. 225-1
Keith A. Bender, N. Andelic, J. Allan, Daniel Powell, & Ioannis Theodossiou. "How does the type of payment you receive impact your health?" Futurum.
C. P. Green, Likun Mao and Vincent O'Sullivan, "Internet usage and the cognitive function of retirees," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 190: 747-767.
S. Malik., Benedikt Mihm, M. Mihm and F. Timme, "Gender differences in bargaining with asymmetric information". Journal of Economic Psychology, 86.
Keith A. Bender, C. P. Green and J. S. Heywood, “Performance Related Pay and Assortative Matching,” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 68 (4): 485-93.
S. Malik, Benedikt Mihm, & M Reichelt. "The impact of face masks on interpersonal trust in times of COVID-19". Scientific Reports, 11, [17369].
S. Sahan and Euan Phimister , "Worker Incentives in the Banking Industry," Journal of Financial Services Research, 61: 259-284.
Euan Phimister et al. "Identifying Priorities, Targets, and Actions for the Long-term Social and Ecological Management of Invasive Non-Native Species," Environmental Management, 69 (1): 140-153.
T. Acheampong, Euan Phimister, A. Kemp, "What difference has the Cullen Report made? Empirical analysis of offshore safety regulations in the United Kingdom's oil and gas industry," Energy Policy, 155.
J. Allan, N. Andelic, Keith A. Bender, Daniel Powell, S. Stoffel and Ioannis Theodossiou, “Employment Contracts and Stress: Experimental Evidence,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 187: 360-73.
Shainaz Firfiray, L. R. Gomez-Mejia, "When is Ambivalence Good for Family Firms? Understanding the Impact of Family Managers' Emotional Ambivalence on Decision Making," Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 11 (3): 177-189.
Shainaz Firfiray, L. R. Gomez-Mejia, "Can family firms nurture socioemotional wealth in the aftermath of Covid-19? Implications for research and practice," BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24 (3): 249-257.
T. L. Argaw, Euan Phimister, D. Roberts, "From Farm to Kitchen: How Gender Affects Production Diversity and the Dietary Intake of Farm Households in Ethiopia," Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 (1): 268-292.
B. Abdullah, Ioannis Theodossiou and Alexandros Zangelidis, “Native-immigrant wage differentials in Malaysia,” Journal of Population and Social Studies, 28: 232-49.
J. Allan, Keith A. Bender and Ioannis Theodossiou, “Performance pay and low-grade stress: An experimental study,” WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 67: 449-57.
Harminder Battu and Keith A. Bender, “Educational mismatch in developing countries,” Economics of Education: A Comprehensive Overview, 2nd Edition, ed by S. Bradley and C. Green, Elsevier: 269-89.
W. David McCausland, F. Summerfield and Ioannis Theodossiou, “The effect of industry-level aggregate demand on earnings: evidence from the US,” Journal of Labor Research, 41: 102-27.
Catia Montagna, A. Pinto and N. Vlassis, “Welfare and trade effects of international environmental agreements,” Environmental and Resource Economics,76: 331-45.
Ioannis Theodossiou, & Alexandros Zangelidis. "Inequality and Participative Democracy: A Self‐Reinforcing Mechanism". Review of Income and Wealth, 66(1), 74-93.
A. Irvine, M. Van der Pol and Euan Phimister, “A comparison of professional and private time preferences of general practitioners,” Social Science & Medicine, 222: 256-64.
J. Sessions and John Skåtun, “A bonus given: Noise, effort and efficiency in a flat hierarchy,” Economics Bulletin, 39: 2527-32.
Yu Aoki and L. Santiago, “Speak better, do better? Education and health of migrants in the UK,” Labour Economics, 52: 1-17.
Keith A. Bender and K. Roche, “Educational mismatch and the earnings distribution” Southern Economic Journal, 85: 441-56.
Keith A. Bender and Ioannis Theodossiou, “The unintended consequences of flexicurity: The health consequences of flexible employment,” Review of Income and Wealth, 64: 777-99.
S. Heidenreich, V. Watson, M. Ryan and Euan Phimister, “Decision heuristic or preference? Attribute non-attendance in discrete choice problems,” Health Economics, 27: 157-171.
D. Kopasker, Catia Montagna and Keith A. Bender, “Economic insecurity: A socioeconomic determinant of mental health,” SSM - Population Health, 6: 184-94.
H. Molana and Catia Montagna, “Competitive selection, trade and employment: The strategic use of subsidies,” Review of International Economics, 26: 1154-77.
G. Pierce and Ioannis Theodossiou, “Open access publishing: A service or a detriment to science?” Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 18: 37-48.
J. Sessions J. and John Skåtun, “Shirking standards and the probability of detection,” Bulletin of Economic Research. 70: 103-18.
Ioannis Theodossiou and Alexandros Zangelidis, “Inequality and participative democracy: A self‐reinforcing mechanism,” Review of Income and Wealth, 66: 74-93.
Shainaz Firfiray, C. Cruz, I. Neacsu and L. Gomez-Mejia. "Is nepotism so bad for family firms? A socioemotional wealth approach," Human Resource Management Review, 28: 83-97.
Keith A. Bender, J. Heywood and M. Kidd, “Claims of employment discrimination and worker voice,” Industrial Relations Journal, 48: 133-53.
H. Görg, P. Henze, V. Jienwatcharamongkhol, D. Kopasker, H. Molana, Catia Montagna and F. Sjöholm, “Firm size distribution and employment fluctuations: Theory and evidence,” Research in Economics, 71: 690-703.
D. Leahy and Catia Montagna, “Economising, strategising and the vertical boundaries of the firm,” B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 17.
J. Sessions and John Skåtun, “Performance related pay, efficiency wages and the shape of the tenure-earnings profile,” Manchester School, 85: 295-319.
John Skåtun, “Taxation, risk aversion and the wage gap in tournaments,” Oxford Economic Papers, 69: 834-845.
John Skåtun, “Bargaining on your spouse: Coasean and non-Coasean behaviour within marriage,” Journal of Family Economic Issues, 38: 263-78.
F. Summerfield and Ioannis Theodossiou, “The effects of macroeconomic conditions at graduation on overeducation,” Economic Inquiry, 55: 1370-87.
Yu Aoki, “Donating time to charity: Working for nothing?” Oxford Economic Papers, 69: 97-117.
Keith A. Bender and J. Heywood, “Educational mismatch and retirement,” Education Economics, 25: 347-65.
Shainaz Firfiray and M. Mayo, “The lure of work‐life benefits: Perceived person‐organization fit as a mechanism explaining job seeker attraction to organizations,” Human Resource Management, 56, 629-49.
H. Dickey, D. Ikenwilo, P. Norwood, V. Watson, & Alexandros Zangelidis. "“Doctor my eyes”: A natural experiment on the demand for eye care services". Social Science & Medicine, 150, 117-127.
T. Barmby, J. Sessions and Alexandros Zangelidis, “Looking after number two? Competition, cooperation and workplace interaction,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 131: 166-82.
Keith A. Bender and K. Roche, “Self-employment and the paradox of the contented female worker,” Small Business Economics, 47: 421-35.
Keith A. Bender and Ioannis Theodossiou, “Economic fluctuations and crime: Temporary and persistent effects,” Journal of Economic Studies, 43: 609-23.
W. David McCausland and Ioannis Theodossiou, “The consequences of fiscal stimulus on public debt: A historical perspective,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40: 1103-16.
M. Mayo, D. van Knippenberg, L. Guillen and Shainaz Firfiray, “Team diversity and categorization salience: Capturing diversity-blind, intergroup-biased, and multicultural perceptions,” Organizational Research Methods, 19: 433-74.
K. Daniels, A. Cheyne, N. Beesely, and Varuni Wimalasiri, "Safety Climate and increased risk: The role of deadlines in design work", Human Relations, 69(5): 1185-1207.
Keith A. Bender and Ioannis Theodossiou, "A reappraisal of the unemployment-mortality relationship: Transitory and permanent effects," Journal of Public Health Policy, 36: 81-94.
D. Cooper, W. David McCausland and Ioannis Theodossiou, “Is unemployment and low income harmful to health? Evidence from Britain,” Review of Social Economy, 73: 34-60.
A. Nocco and Catia Montagna, “(De)Unionisation, trade liberalisation and selection,” Metroeconomica, 66: 91-122.
Euan Phimister, E. Vera-Toscano, D.J. Roberts, “The dynamics of energy poverty: Evidence from Spain,” Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 4: 153-66.
D. Roberts, E. Vera-Toscano and Euan Phimister, “Fuel Poverty in the UK: Is there a difference between rural and urban areas?” Energy Policy, 87: 216-23.
A list of all publications by CeLMR members can be found here:
Recent publications from the Department of Economics (from Pure)